Chapter 6.5 Network Addressing

What is the difference between a MAC address and an IP address? Which address can you assign to a computer?

MAC address is physical (cannot change). IP address is logical address

How does the IP address indicate both the network and the node address? What is used to identify each part of the address?

Subnet mask. Octet with numbers between 1-255

What is the address class of IP address

Class B

What is the default subnet mask for the IP address What is the network address? What is the host address?, The network address is 255.255, the host address is 1.45

What happens to the MAC address when you move a computer to another network?

Physical address remains the same


Media Access Control, physical address

What has a MAC address?

Every computer(even network printers)


Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

MAC numbers

48-bit, 12 hex, numbers range from 0-9, A-F


Base 16 counting system, the first 6 numbers are unique to the manufacturer. The last six characters are unique to that particular network board.


Octet(binary), 3#.3#.1#.2#.Maximum number is 255.

Subnet mask

Helps you figure out how much of an IP address is the network address.

IP Address that ends in 0

Network address, look at the first octet value. If between 1-126 Class A IP address. First octet is network and the rest is host

Class A IP Address 128-191(first octet).

Class B IP Address, if between 192-223 in first octet. Host # can only be 0-254

Class C IP Address

What is 255 in a host used for?


Multicast address, first octet value is between 224-239.

Class D Address


Class E IP Address

What is an IP address class?

Defines the default network address portion of the IP address

Class A default subnet mask

Class B default subnet mask

Class C default subnet mask