Med emergencies- triage

to sort

triage means what?

life, limb, or vision

Rapid assessment to determine treatment priorities.
�Priority to those with threats to what?

�Require immediate, life-saving intervention?
�Is this a patient who shouldn't wait?
�How many resources will this patient need?
�What are the patient's vital signs?

what is the Emergency severity Index?

Primary: airway, breathing,
circulation, disability
Secondary: Systematic exam to identify all other injuries. (E-I) Expose, full set of vitals, give comfort measures, history and head to toe, inspect. ongoing monitoring

Primary & Secondary Surveys?

�Check central pulses; periphery may be compromised
�Check skin for color, temperature, capillary refill, note mental status
�Observe for bleeding

what do you check for to see if patient has good circulation?

� Stop bleeding
� Venous access
� Two large-bore IVs
� Intraosseous access
� Central line may be needed

treatment of hypovolemia

10 units and patients total blood volume

Massive fluid resucition is administration greater than ..... units of packed RBC in 24 hrs or replacemnt of ......... in 24 hrs?

� Restores oxygen transport to tissues
� Stops progress of shock
� Prevents complications
� Monitor for electrolyte imbalances

massive fluid resuscitation does what?


Measured by patient's level of consciousness

A= alert
v = response to VOICE
p= response to PAIN
U = unresponsive
Pupils: size, shape, responsive to light, equality

how do you determine someone's Disability by LOC?

Glasgow Coma Scale

Assess arousal aspect of patient's consciousness (3-15) 3 being the worst

poisoning and submersion

more common injuries in children?

� Fatigue
� Lightheadedness
� GI-N/V/D
� > pulse and > resp
� Mild confusion, <executive function
� Profuse diaphoresis � IF LEFT UNTREATED
� Hypothalmic thermoregulatory failure
� Dehydration
� Cerebral edema or hemorrhage
� Temp > 99.6-104 F

heat injury symptoms?

� Cool down with fluids, remove clothing
� Fluid/electolytes replacement
� More aggressive cooling methods
� ABCs
� Chlorpromazine to < shivering

heat injury treatment?

elderly, certain drugs, alcohol; diabetes

Cold Issues/Injuries: those at risk?

� Shivering
� Lethargy
� Confusion/irrational

mild hypothermia? symptoms?

86-93.2 F
� Symptoms as in mild, plus bradycardia, slow shallow respirations
� Severe Metabolic/respiratory acidosis

mod hypothermia and symptoms?


hypothermia that can cause coma and death?

Dependent on degree: Warm patient- warm fluids, warming blanket, warm lavage�gastric or colonic
-Correct dehydration/acidosis/cardiac arrhythmias
they arent dead until they are warm and dead.. warm to atleast 86F

Management of hypothermia

� "Dry"- life threatening bronchospasm/airway obstruction
� Aspiration�pulmonary edema, respiratory distress syndrome. Type of fluid aspirated is significant.
� Immersion syndrome�hypothermia�potential fatal arrhythmias, death.

3 types of submersion injuries?

� Mechanical ventilation, PEEP to improve gas exchange
� Lasix and mannitol to decrease free water and cerebral edema.

Treatment of submersion injuries?


(bees, wasps)local reaction or anaphylaxis?
� The more stings, the more severe the reaction
� Remove stinger if present
� Treat allergic response�Epi pens-ED
� Comfort measures.

flu like symptoms typically in 3 days, may have a rash and can progress to arthritic and neurologic symptoms

lime disease symptoms?

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

most serious rickettsial disease with possible fatal outcome

� Symptoms may appear 2-14days, rash on palms, soles, wrists, fever, chills, headache
� Remove tick and clean wound, give antibiotics

symptoms of RMSF? tx?

Clean with copious irrigation, debridement, tetanus prophylaxis, and analgesics as needed
� Prophylactic antibiotics for bites at risk for infection: Wounds over joints, Wounds less than 6-12 hours old, Puncture wounds, Bites on hand or foot

animal and human bite tx? human bite is high risk for infection and hepatitis

� Determine if poisonous
� Observe, measure, manage symptoms
� Rarely antivenom
� Tourniquet is not useful

snake bite tx?

Days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28

Series of five injections of human diploid cell vaccine:?

Gastric lavage
� Intubate before lavage if altered level of consciousness or diminished gag reflex.
� Perform lavage within _2_ hours of ingestion of most poisons
Activated charcoal
� Most effective intervention: Administer orally or via gastric tube with

poisoning treatment and decreasing absorption?

Cathartics (e.g., sorbitol)

Give with first dose of charcoal to stimulate intestinal motility/increase elimination


For dermal or eye poisoning what takes priority over all interventions except basic life support?

Black - deceased or cannot save
Red - in need of advanced care immediately to save life
Yellow - serious injury but can wait for treatment
Green - able to speak, walk and follow commands

Use color-coded labels or tags for mass casualty situations?