Infestations and Bites

travel, known endemic areas, schools, animals/pets, local wildlife, pools/lakes/oceans, other geological areas (desert, mountains, etc), exposure to others

what to pay close attention to during the work-up

-Severe pruritus & rash
-Excoriations, small vesicles, pustules, burrows
-Interdigital spaces of hands & feet
-Proximal palms, wrists, elbows
-Umbilicus, axillae, areolae (?), penile shaft & scrotum (?)
-Usually spares the head & neck

scabies presentation/location

-Close physical contact x15-20 min w/ infested person
-Can transmit through infected bedding
*Facility-associated scabies is common
-Mostly in long-term care facilities
-Elderly & immunosuppressed
-Misdiagnosis common

transmission of scabies

Sarcoptes scabiei

scabies etiology

scalp, palms, soles

where can scabies be found in infants

-Confirm by microscopy to visualize organism, ova, or feces
-Microscopic specimen is examined with tap water, mineral oil, or KOH

scabies diagnosis

-Kill mites
-Wash bedding & clothing at high temps
-Permethrin 5% cream
-PO Ivermectin (immunocompromised or crusted scabies)
-to control dermatitis (that can last for months): Triamcinolone 0.1% cream

treatment of scabies

Ivermectin single oral dose (200 micrograms/kg)
**In endemic areas, mass intervention with ivermectin is effective in controlling both scabies and associated bacterial infections

what is effective for resistant cases of scabies?

-Presents as thick flaking scale
-Areas contain millions of mites
-Very infectious
-Pruritus often absent
-Risk of superinfection w/ S. aureus (sepsis if untreated)
-Look for underlying cause: HIV, HLTV-1 &Iatrogenic immunosuppression

Hyperkeratotic "Crusted" Scabies

-flea bites
-bed bugs

differential dx for scabies

No, it can last months. Topical corticosteroids can used --> triamcinolone 0.1% cream

does successful scabies treatment completely cure pruritis?

Parasitic infestation of skin due to Pediculus humanus

pediculosis (lice)

Pediculosis capitis (head lice)
Pediculosis corporis (body lice)
Pediculosis pubis (pubic lice) "crabs

3 types of lice that parasitize humans

-Pediculosis capitis (head lice): Shared hats or combs, contact
-Pediculosis corporis (body lice): Overcrowded dwellings w/ poor hygiene facilities
-Pediculosis pubis (pubic lice) "crabs": May be sexually transmitted

lice transmission

-trench fever, relapsing fever, typhus in endemic areas
-Bartonella quintana: associated w/ trench fever in U.S. homeless population

what can lice cause?

crawling sensation, itching. hair crusting

clinical manifestation of lice

-Intense pruritus, scratching, deep excoriations
-Visible lice or nits
-Pyoderma (overlying skin infection) may be presenting sign

lice presentation

back of the head and neck and behind ears. sometimes eyelashes. itchy bumps on nape of neck

PE for head lice (P. capitis)

adult lice and nits in clothing seams.
uninfected bites are red papules 2-4 mm in diameter with red base

PE for body lice (P. corporis)

lice in pubic hair and may spread to hair around anus, axillae, chest

PE for pubic lice (P. pubis)

-Clinical diagnosis made by visual inspection
-Nits are easiest to see above ears & at nape of neck
-Check seams of clothing

dianosis of lice

-Head lice: Seborrheic dermatitis
-Body lice: Scabies, bedbugs
-Pubic lice: Anogenital pruritus, eczema

differential dx of lice

-OTC 1% Permethrin cream rinse (Nix) preferred
-1% Malathion lotion (effective, but highly volatile & flammable)
-0.5% Ivermectin lotion
-Treat everyone infested at same time (family, school)
-Eyelid involvement - Apply thick petrolatum, pluck off remaini

treatment of pediculosis capitis (head lice)

OTC 1% Permethrin cream rinse (Nix) preferred

________________ is the preferred treatment for lice HOWEVER resistance is common

-Dispose of infested clothing
-Address patient's social situation

treatment of pediculosis corporis (body lice)

-1% Permethrin rinse OR 5% Permethrin cream
-Tx sexual contacts
-Wash & dry clothes at high temp

treatment of pediculosis pubis (pubic lice)

Biting flies

arthropods that may cause allergic reaction

Clusters of bites
Papules may become vesicular
*may have secondary bacterial infection after scratching

arthropod bites presentation

*hx is important

arthropod bites diagnosis

Topical corticosteroid (itching)
Topical antibiotics if 2� infection suspected
+/- Intralesional corticosteroids for persistent localized lesions

treatment for symptomatic arthropod bites

treat home & pets

treatment for flea bites

-aggressive cleaning
-topical corticosteroids
-permethrin does NOT work for bed bugs (they can survive up to a year w/o feeding)

treatment of bed bugs

-Avoid contaminated areas
-Maintain personal cleanliness
-Disinfect clothing, bedclothes, furniture as needed
-Apply permethrin to head & clothing to repel chiggers & mites

prevention of arthropods

-Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)
-Common worldwide
-Most prevalent in school-aged children

etiology of pinworms

-Person-to-person transmission
-Ingest eggs after contact w/ hands or perianal region of infected patient
-Food or fomites contaminated by an infected individual
-Infected bedding or clothing

how are pinworms transmitted?

-Eggs hatch in the duodenum and larvae migrate to the cecum
-Females mature in about a month and remain viable for about another month
-During this time, they migrate through the anus to deposit large numbers of eggs on the perianal skin

explain autoinfection of pinworms

-Most are asymptomatic
-Most common symptom is perianal pruritus (especially especially at night) --> due to the presence of the female worms or deposited eggs-Perianal scratching may cause excoriation & impetigo
-Insomnia, restlessness, & enuresis common

pinworm presentation

-Diagnosis made by finding adult worms or eggs on perianal skin
-Tape test is common: Apply clear cellophane tape to perianal skin, ideally in early morning � microscopic exam for eggs
-Nocturnal exam of perianal area may reveal adult worms
-Gross exam of

pinworm diagnosis

-Single oral doses of albendazole, mebendazole, or pyrantel pamoate --> Dose repeated in 2 weeks due to frequent reinfection
-Treat other infected family members concurrently
-Discourage perianal scratching
-Standard hand washing & hygiene practices to li

pinworm treatment

in wooded areas and animals. attaches to the skin and injects saliva. reaction consists of redness, pain and a papule
Bite is usually painless

tick bites

lyme disease- deer tick, Borrelia burgdorferi.
Rocky mountain spotted fever- dog tick, Rickettsia rickettsi

2 diseases caused by ticks

-Most common tick-borne disease in U.S.
-Northeast, mid-Atlantic, north central U.S

lyme disease

Host: White-tailed deer
Tick: Ixodes scapularis
Bacteria: Borrelia burgdorferi
Most infections in spring & summer
Tick must feed for 24-36h to transmit disease
? Infection risk if tick brushed tick off skin or removed day of exposure
**The engorged tick w

lyme disease etiology/host/tick/bacteria


preventing tick bites

-usually 1 week after tick bite
-Flat or slightly raised red lesion appears , expands over several days
-Commonly seen in areas of tight clothing such as the groin, thigh, or axilla
*Although originally described as a lesion that progresses with central c

erythema migrans

-Early localized infection
-Erythema migrans ? 1 week after bite
-Viral-like illness (myalgia, arthralgia, headache, fatigue, +/- fever)-->will likely resolves in � weeks on its own

stage 1 of lyme disease

-Early disseminated infection
-Up to 50-60% w/ erythema migrans are bacteremic
-Wide variety of transient viral S/S (days to weeks of original infection)
-Cardiac manifestations: Myopericarditis, with atrial or ventricular arrhythmias and heart block

stage 2 of lyme disease

-Late persistent infection
-Months to years after initial infection
-Skin, neurologic, musculoskeletal manifestations (lyme arthritis)
**. The pathogenesis of chronic Lyme arthritis may be an immunologic phenomenon rather than persistence of infection.

stage 3 of lyme disease

fade within 3-4 weeks

how long do the lesions of lyme disease last?

Early disease = Clinical diagnosis
- Exposure in endemic area + erythema migrans
- Antibody titers if strong suspicion (may be negative if too early)
-Anti-Borrelia AB ELISA testing positive in 25% of pts
-use with Western Blot which is more

diagnosing lyme disease

-amoxicillin (if pregnant, lactating, allergy to doxycycline)

treating lyme disease

rocky mountain spotted fever. organism disseminates via bloodstream and multiplies in vascular epithelial cells
Vector: Wood tick (west coast), Dog tick (east coast)
Organism: Rickettsia rickettsii
*several hours of contact needed for transmission

RMSF etiology/epidemiology

typically Oklahoma and south Atlantic states

where do you see RMSF?

- Symptoms occur abruptly 2-14 days after tick bite
- High fever, chills, headache, N/V, myalgias, restlessness, insomnia, irritability
-Rash between days 2-6 of fever
*Faint macules --> maculopapules --> petechiae
*Wrists & ankles --> spreads centrally t

clinical manifestations of RMSF

Rash between days 2-6 of fever

when does the RMSF rash begin?

Severe multiorgan dysfunction & up to 73% mortality rate if untreated
U.S. mortality rate for treated patients is 3-5%
The usual cause of death is pneumonitis with respiratory or cardiac failure

Mortality of RMSF

discrete, macular, blanches with pressure. petechial in 2-4 days.

RMSF rash

-Rash between days 2-6 of fever
*Faint macules --> maculopapules --> petechiae
*Wrists & ankles --> spreads centrally to arms, legs, & trunk over next 2-3d
*Palm & sole involvement is characteristic

where is the RMSF rash found?

spotless and occurs in 10% of pts. more common in adults

rashless RMSF

spleen (palpable on abdominal exam)

what may enlargen in RMSF?

clinical bc serological labs cannot confirm until 7-14 days after illness.
*Alternative: PCR of blood or skin biopsy
lab abnormalities: Thrombocytopenia, hyponatremia, elevated aminotransferases, hyperbilirubinemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation

diagnosis of RMSF

- Doxycycline
- Chloramphenicol if pregnant
-Fever usually breaks within 48-72h
-Tx continued for at least 3d after fever resolves

treating RMSF

Possible sequelae:
-peripheral neuropathy
-bowel & bladder incontinence
-cerebellar & vestibular dysfunction
-hearing loss
-motor deficits

Possible sequela of RMSF

eggs can lay dormant for over a year. light pinching and short lived itching. clusters of itchy papules on the legs- usually grouped on ankles

fleas clinical manifestation

- Prophylactic Tx after a tick bite is not recommended
- No prophylaxis like in lyme disease

Is there a prophylactic treatment for RMSF?

red, raised urticarial lesions develop in hypersensitive patients, esp. children

papular urticaria

Honeybees/Bumblebees, Wasps, Yellow Jackets, Hornets and Ants (especially fire ants)


**If allergy to one Hymenoptera insect, may have cross-sensitization to others

More fatalities from ____________ stings than stings or bites by any other insect

Males do not have a stinger.
Usually docile until provoked

A________ honeybee is capable of stinging only once because its stinger has multiple barbs that cause the sting apparatus to detach from the bee's body, leading to evisceration and eventual death.

�Venom has same toxicity as honeybee but are more aggressive
�Attack in swarms w/ many stings
�Can --> multisystem damage & death from severe venom toxicity

Characteristics of africanized "killer" honeybees

Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets
*****Location of nests
Yellow jackets: Ground
Hornets: Trees & shrubs
Wasps: Walls

which hymenoptera are capable of multiple stings? location of their nests?

Wasps, Hornets, Yellow Jackets

Represents most allergic reactions among Hymenoptera order

-Inhabit loose dirt, breed 9-10 months out of a year
-Swarm when provoked & may attack in great numbers (alarm pheromone)
-Immobilized/elderly can become rapidly covered (severe stings or death)

Hymenoptera - Fire Ants Characteristics

- Immediate local reaction
- Wheal & pustule at sting site
- Followed by extension of edema, erythema, induration, intense pruritis
- Can rarely lead to urticaria, angioedema, anaphylaxis
- Rhabdomyolysis & renal failure possible after massive fire ant st

characteristics of fire ant stings

Organ System Effects
Renal and hepatic failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation can result from massive bee stings. Creatine phosphokinase concentrations can reach 100,000 IU/L or greater in cases in which rhabdomyolysis occurs from direct venom

Hymenoptera - Presentation

Admission or observation: Large numbers of stings, substantial comorbidities, & extremes of age

Hymenoptera treatment

minutes after sting. itching, hives, SOB, wheezing, abdominal cramps, shock, low BP, death

ANAPHYLAXIS in ant, bee, wasp stings

- small spider with violin markings on it and lives in dark and undisturbed areas
- Better identified by eye pattern (3 pairs instead of 4 pairs)
- Found in indoor & outdoor in dark dry areas
- Basements, closets, woodpiles

describe brown recluse spider aka Loxosceles reclusa

sphingomyelinase D. responsible for significant cutaneous injury with eventual tissue loss and necrosis (rare)

brown recluse toxin

SEVERE CASES: "Red, white, and blue" sign (erythema, blanching, ecchymosis)
Other s/s
�N/V, fever, chills, arthralgias
�Thrombocytopenia, rhabdomyolysis, hemoglobinuria, renal failure
�DIC & death are extremely rare

clinical manifestations of brown recluse bite

brown recluse bite

hemolysis is a major symptom of

children & occur 24-72h after bite

systemic effects of a brown recluse bite is seen more often in..

edema around bite produces a red halo around lesion. red margin gets bigger as gravity pushes venom through tissues. within 24-72 hours a single cyanotic or hemorrhagic vesicle develops at site and forms a dark eschar

brown recluse lesion for PE

�Treatment consists of mostly supportive care
-Many specific treatments studied show no benefit
- Most wounds are self limiting
- No commercially available antivenom in U.S.
- ABX if signs of infection (uncommon)
-Arrange f/u for serial wound evaluation

treating brown recluse bites

-Correct diagnosis without definitive spider I.D. is difficult
-If bite suspected & S/S of envenomation: Obtain CBC, BUN, creatinine, & coagulation profile

How is a brown recluse bite diagnosed?


what can prevent severe necrosis in brown recluse bites

- Orange-red hourglass shaped marking
- Worldwide distribution
- Highly potent venom (Mass release of acetylcholine --> neuromuscular manifestations & norepinephrine --> cardiovascular manifestations)
- Only females can penetrate human skin

Characteristics of black widow aka Latrodectus

- Most bites are felt immediately as a pin-prick
--> Increasing pain, may spread quickly & include entire extremity
--> Erythema appears ? 20-60 min later

black widow bite presentation

- Local, regional, or generalized pain
- May be associated w/ systemic symptoms & autonomic effects

clinical manifestation of black widow bite

Acetylcholine release accounts for neuromuscular manifestations, and norepinephrine release accounts for the cardiovascular manifestations
- Cramp-like spasms in large muscle groups are common
- Often ? progressively, becomes generalized: trunk, back, & a

systemic manifestations associated with a black widow bite

small red circle around bite site. surrounded by area of blanching and outer halo of redness. looks like a target.

black widow lesion


Clinical diagnosis of black widow bite

- Clean bite site & manage pain (opioids, benzodiazepines)
- Admission may be necessary

Black widow treatment

Typical Progression
1. Pruritus, flushing, urticaria
2. Throat fullness, anxiety, chest tightness, SOB, lightheadedness
3. Respiratory distress, decreased level of consciousness, CV collapse

Typical progression of anaphylaxis

- Involves ? 2 body systems w/ or without hypotension or airway compromise

Diagnosing anaphylaxis


- Serious allergic reaction w/ rapid onset (usually w/i 6h)
- Most common reasons: Foods, meds, stings, allergen immunotherapy


used in patients with anaphylaxis and shock resistant to initial treatment, including repeated doses of IM epinephrine, oxygen, and IV crystalloids


Anaphylaxis treatment


After anaphylaxis occurs healthy patients who remain symptom free for 1-6 hours may be discharged with a rx for what?

nematocytes (specialized cell in the tentacles of a jellyfish containing a barbed or venomous coiled thread that can be projected in self-defense or to capture prey).

how do jellyfish inject venom?

Main jellyfish of human concern
- Portuguese man-of-war
- Bluebottle jellyfish
- Box jellyfish
- Jellyfish that cause Irukandji syndrome

Main jellyfish of human concern


Jellyfish sting presentation

- Irrigate (w/ seawater or NS) to remove & deactivate undischarged nematocysts
- Do not use regular water (fresh water)
- Remove remaining tentacles (scape skin w/ credit card or use tape)
- Hot water immersion - (111�F [43.3�C] to 114�F [45.6�C])
- Topic

general treating jellyfish stings

Physalia species

Portuguese Man of War and blue bottle jellyfish are part of the _____________

- Immediate intense pain (fades over an hour, may persist for many hours)
- Characteristic linear erythematous eruption "string of pearls" pattern
- Respiratory distress & death have been reported- rare
- Delayed effects reported in rare instances

Characteristics of Physalia sting

Treat as a general jellyfish sting - No antidote for Physalia envenomation

How to treat a physalia sting?

�Common in Florida, parts of Asia, Africa, Australia, Western Europe
�Swarms in shallow water --> stings in surf or washed ashore

Where is the physalia species located?

- The box jellyfish
-Indo-Pacific, Australia, Philippines, Japan, U.S. Atlantic coast, Hawaii

The most dangerous jellyfish

Tx for severe envenomation:
- Standard resuscitative measures
- Sheep-derived antivenom
- May repeat dose if no clinical response
- Hot water ineffective at treating

What is the treatment for the box jellyfish

- Most stings are mild-moderate (wheal, immediate severe pain)
- Severe reactions or death can occur (especially in children)
** death could be in 1-2 minutes

indo-pacific box jellyfish stings

Rapid onset wheals, vesicles, reddish brown or purple whip-like flare pattern w/ stripes 8-10 mm wide
Blistering --> superficial necrosis after 12-18h if severe
Pathognomonic crosshatched "frosted ladder" pattern if severe
Followed by a delayed hypersensi

Clinical presentation of indo-pacific box jellyfish

Australian Box jellyfish

Causes irukandji symdrome

- Initial mild localized pain & erythema
- 20-30 min later --> severe generalized pain in abdomen, back, chest, head, & limbs
- Pain usually associated w/ systemic signs of catecholamine excess
-In severe cases, cardiogenic shock w/ pulmonary edema & ? se

Clinical presentation of australian box jellyfish sting

brackish water and bays. fresh water in South America

where do you find stingrays?

stepping on the ray. tails has barbs that cause a laceration and envenomation- barbs left in the wound

sting ray exposure

�Cause immediate intense local pain
�May radiate and last for hours
�Often significant bleeding, depends on site of injury
�Systemic effects are uncommon & usually 2� to pain

clinical manifestations of sting rays stings

abx for vibrio coverage

treating sting ray stings

swimmer's itch
- Following skin penetration by cercariae of non-human schistosomes

cercarial dermatitis

intense itch where schistosome larvae of the Trematode worm parasite penetrate the skin. found in clear water, ponds, lakes around the world

swimmer's itch etiology

�Treatment is symptomatic (control pruritus)
�Rash typically clears within a few days

treating swimmer's itch

�Itchy maculopapular rash, limited to areas immersed in water
�Red papules that may become vesicular
�Develops over hours to 1-2 days

Swimmer's itch presentation