Infections of the skin

Propionibacterium acnes

______ _______ is the bacterium responsible for acne, the most common skin disorder, affecting 85% of teens


As lyme disease progresses to the CNS, neurological disorders such as facial _____and heart arrhythmias occur


scalded skin syndrome is also called _____disease.


the vector for rocky mountain spotted fever in the western part of the united states is Dermacentor andersoni, the ______tick


vaginal candidiasis (commonly called a _____ infection) is a common opportunistic infection in women following broad spectrum antibiotics use.


_______ is one of the main factors that may trigger an outbreak of cold sores or fever blisters


Tinea _____ refers to ringworm of the foot, aka athletes foot


Tinea _____refers to ringworm of the nails


Tinea _______ refers to ringworm of the groin, commonly referred to as jock itch


measles _______ is severe complication of measles in approximately 1/1000 cases; fever, headache, convulsion, retardation, epilepsy, deafness with a mortality rate of 15%

pink eye

conjunctivitis often goes by its common name____

Staphylococcus aureus

_____ ______ is responsible for hair follicle infections (pimple) and skin abscesses such as furuncles and carbuncles


herpes simplex I refers to recurring ____ ____-and fever blisters; although 90% of the population has the virus, only about 15% experience these outbreaks


_______is often used to treat acne; because it is teratogenic, pregnant women cannot take it


The vector for rocky mountain spotted fever in the eastern part of the united states is Dermacentor variabilis, The ____tick


Verruca (____) are usually benign tumors composed of hard, tightly packed epithelium with a scaly, broken top


_____is a highly contagious pyoderma consisting of superficial pus-filled blisters covered by weepy, yellow crust; usually caused by streptococcus pyogenes


A______occurs due to inflammation of an eyelash hair follicle


Tinea______ refers to ringworm of the head or scalp


chickenpox pustules are more common on the ______ of the body and sparse on the peripheral extremities.


Molluscum contagiosum is a mildly contagious disease of humans caused by a pox virus; characterized by waxy, raised skin _____ with a distinctively umbilical top.


the rash of rocky mountain spotted fever is unusual in that it begins on the soles of the feet and the ____ of the hands


conjunctivitis caused by _____ trachomatis is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the world


toxic shock syndrome and scalded skin syndrome are both caused by viral genes in _____ strains of Staphylococcus aureus


severe acne, called ______acne (or acne vulgaris), often results in scars


pimples, sties, furuncles and carbuncles are all ______ gland infections; also the _____glands of hair follicles increase production of sebum in response to sex hormones at puberty resulting in acne.


a_____ is commonly known as a boil; skin abscess composed of pus and a plug of dead cells.


______(or red measles ) begins with a fever, runny nose, cough and swollen, red, weepy eyes, a fine red rash spreads from the forehead to the body in about 1 week; accompanied by distinctive koplik spots in the mouth.


red________(or rubeola) is the first M of MMR vaccination; this disease should be eradicated, but the continued presence of nonimmune population serves as a constant reservoir


vaginal _____(yeast infection) is a common opportunistic infection in women following broad spectrum antibiotic us.


the vector for lyme disease is Ixodes The _____ tick


rubeola (red measles ) is characterized by a rash limited to the _____ half of the body

erythema infectiosum

__________ ________ is also known as fifth disease or slapped cheek syndrom; face has characteristic " slapped cheek" appearance and the body is covered with a lacy looking rash


the progression of the chickenpox outbreak is from ______(small red spots) to papules (bumps) to vesicles to pustules


the center of cutaneous anthrax lesion is ______


Tinea refers to a fungal skin infection commonly known as ______ the lesion is circular and itches


herpes simplex I is also referred to as _____herpes because the lesions develop around the mouth; ______ candidiasis is also referred to as oral thrush


cutaneous ______is a zoonosis caused by bacillus anthracis, from contact with contaminated hides fur, or washes of ungulates


reactivation of the virus that causes chickenpox results in herpes _____or on shingles; the painful rash mimics that of chickenpox except that it is limited to sensory nerves one one side of the body.


______warts are located on the pressure points of the soles of the feet


____caused by Chlamydia trachomatis is the leading cause of preventable blindness in the world.

herpes simplex

_____ ______ refers to reoccuring cold sores and fever blisters; although 90% of the population has the virus, only about 15% experience these outbreaks


burn infections that turn bluish-green are caused by ______(genus) aeruginosa which is resistant to many antimicrobial agents.


in herpes simplex 1 infections, the virus remains in the _____ nerves and may be reactivated by many factors including stress, excessive sunlight, etc.


Tinea______ refers to ringworm of the shaved part of a mans face


_____disease is a zoonosis caused by Borrelia burdorferi ( a spirochete) transmitted by a deer tick; diagnosed by bite lesion that looks like a bulls eye


chicken pox is caused by a herpes family virus called varicella-zoster; varicella refers to the _____ infection of chicken pox and zoster refers to the latent infection of shingles


____spots in the mouth that resemble tiny grains of salt on red mucosa are a sure of Rubeola (red measles)


the antibiotic ______is often used to treat acne


infected female dermaentor ticks pass the parasite which causes ricky mountain spotted fever directly to their offspring in their eggs; this is referred to as ______transmission


toxic shock syndrome is linked to use of _____ in menstruating women; washing hands before insertion and changing them frequently reduces the incidence drastically


_______(or german measles) is highly contagious; its vaccine is the R of MMR


the progression of the chicken pox outbreak is from macules (small red spots) to _______ (bumps) to vesicles( fluid-filled blisters) to pustules (infected blisters)


________is a symptom of Rubeola (red measles); light causes intense pain in the eyes.


small pox pustules were more common on the ______extremities and sparse on the trunk of the body