
Ctenocephalides felis or canis

dog and cat fleas

Xenopsylla cheopis

-oriental rat flea
-Yersinia pestis (causitive agent of the Plague)


� Wingless insects, tube-like mouth parts, jump
� Feed on blood,so are an important cause of anemia
� Some eggs fall off into the environment where they hatch or remain in their cocoon until vibration, carbon dioxide, or heat is detected in the environmen

Ixodes scapularis

-Deer tick
-transmits Lyme's disease (Borrelia burgdorferi)

Dermacentor variabilis

-american dog tick
-primary vector for transmitting Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (Rickettsia rickettsii)

Rhipicephalus sanguineus

-brown dog tick
-transmits Ehrlichia spp.

Otobius megnini

spinose ear tick (soft tick)

Demodex canis

-Not typically pruritic unless secondary pyoderma is present
-This mite is located in the hair follicle and so a deep scraping is necessary in which the scraping actually draws a small amount of blood
-Cigar-shaped mite
-Seen mostly in young animals or an


-Very pruritic
-Superficial dweller and may be hard to find
-Most commonly treated with selamectin
-Can be zoonotic, but infection istransient and self-limiting in people

Sarcoptes scabiei

canine scabies mite

Notoedres cati

feline scabies mite


-Very pruritic
-Known most commonly aswalkingdandruff
-Superficial mite

Otodectes cynotis

-ear mite of dogs and cats
-Very pruritic
-Observed microscopically on a mineral oil swab
-Debrisin ears often lookslike dark coffee grounds


-Infestation is known as pediculosis
-May be seen with the naked eye
-6 legs and wingless
-May be biting or sucking in nature

Felicola subrostratus

feline chewing louse


sucking louse of cattle