Exam 3 - Childhood Illnesses


-Pink macular-papular rash on trunk, arms, legs
-High fever
-Tx: Supportive care

Fifth Disease

-aka Erythema Infectiosum
-Red rash on cheeks (slapped-cheeks)
-Lacy reticular rash on upper body (spares palms/soles)
-Low fever
-Parvovirus B19
-Tx: Supportive care

Scarlet Fever

-aka Rheumatic Fever
-Fine, macular-papular desquamating rash appearing 1-2 weeks after sore throat (sandpaper rash)
-Begins on chest, spreads to neck, trunk, extremities (spares face)
-Strawberry tongue
-Group A Strep (Strep pyogenes)
-Tx: PCN


-aka German Measles
-Pinpoint rash on face that spreads downward
-Sore throat
-Joint pain
-Low-grade fever
-Rose spots on palate
-Tx: Supportive care


-Macular rash behind ears that spreads downward
-Gray spots on buccal mucosa
-Runny nose
-High fever
-Tx: Vit. A, Supportive care

Hand, Foot, & Mouth Disease

-Poor feeding
-Vesicles on mouth, palms, soles
-Coxsackie virus A16
-Tx: Supportive care


-Swollen parotid glands
-Complications: thyroiditis, pancreatitis, thyroiditis
-Tx: Supportive care

Lyme Disease

-Target-like rash
-Camping in the Northeast, Midwest, or Northwest
-Tick bite
-Fever, headache, fatigue, chills, joint pain
-Complications: Meningitis, bells palsy, arthritis, heart block
-Borrelia burgdorferi
-Tx: Doxycycline - Adults & Amoxicillin - Chi

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

-Blanching pink macules on ankles, wrists, forearms, torso, palms, soles
-Camping in the Midwest or South
-Tick bite
-Fever, headache, myalgias, abdominal pain
-Complications: Vasculitis, purpura, gangrene
-Rickettsia rickettsii
-Tx: Doxycycline (all ages


-Multiple excoriations on arms, hands, fingers, feet, toes
-Itchy at night
-Tx: 5% Permethrin for whole family


-Honey-colored crusted plaque on face from ruptured vesicle
-Staph aureus: non-bullous
-Complications: glomerulonephritis
-Group A Strep (Strep pyogenes): bullous
-Tx: Mupirocin & Retapamulin (topical), Oral antibiotics if Strep or wide-spread Staph

Scalded Skin Syndrome

-Extremely tender blisters and erythema that may desquamate (epidermis separates in response to gentle pressure - Nikolsky sign)
-Malaise, fever, irritability
-Staph aureus (exfoliative toxin)
-Tx: IV Nafcillin with Clindamycin


-Bulging fontanelle (infants)
-Group B Strep, Listeria, E. coli
-Tx: Ampicillin, & Gentamycin or Cefotaxime