4t051 Med lab URE V. II/Set 3

Causative agen of Lyme Disease

B. Burgdorferi

Method for Diagnosing Relapsing Fever

Direct Mircrosopic Observation

Method for Diagnosing Lyme Disease

Indirect Immunofluorescence

Spirochetes of T pallidum

6-20 micro Meter 8-15 spirals

Etiological aagent of Vernereal Syphilis

T. Palidum sub species Pallidum

Secondary syphilis, most logical place to isolate T.Pallidum

Skin lesions that make up rash

Spirochetes of Leptospira

6-12 micrometers 12-18 spirals

Leptospira 1/3 terminal is...

flexible and hook shaped

Serotype of Leptospira that causes Weil's disease, jaudice

Leptospira interrogans sevrovar ICTOHAEMORRHAgiae

Most usful strain specific test / reference method for Leptospirosis

Micro Aggultination test

Mollicutes are very particulat for proper growth require...

Cholesterol and yeast extract nucleic acid precursors

Since mollicutes dont have a cell wall they are resistant to...


Mycoplasma species is associated with NGU

M. genitalium.

A7 agar and under ideal atmospheric conditions Mycoplasma produces what
characteristic colony appearance


microorganism is associated with stillborn infants and shows a correlation between
colonization and fetal morbidity

U. urealyticum

Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular organisms referred to as

energy parasites, because they use the ATP produced by the host cell for their own

Which one of the following is not a method for laboratory diagnosis of chlamydial

Growth in liquid medium supplemented with 10% rabbit serum

The following procedures are used in the routine diagnosis of rickettsial infections except


The Weil-Felix serologic method is based on the fact that Rickettsia share antigens with

Proteus spp

Weil-Felix test can be used to diagnose which of the following

Typhus, scrub typhus, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever

nucleic acid genome of a virus is surrounded by a protein coat called

a capsid

Viruses lack enzymes and are unable to replicate outside the host cell, for this reason they
are referred to as

obligate intracellular parasites

Antiviral agents interfere with the virus' ability to

enter the cell

What is the standard by which all virology procedures are measured

Isolation and identification in cell culture

Viral infections elicit immune responses directed against which antigens

Core proteins, envelope proteins, glycoprotein spikes

Why is it necessary to obtain paired serum specimens two or three weeks apart in
diagnosing a viral infection

Antibodies are usually not formed during the early phase of the disease, and the first specimen
provides a base line for the second in testing antibody levels

Most specimens for viral analysis should be frozen at a temperature of


When shipping specimens for the isolation of cytomegalovirus and varicella virus, the
contents should be

rapidly frozen

Safety in the mycobacteriology laboratory is important because many of the techniques
employed have the potential for creating hazardous aerosols of infectious

droplet nuclei

As a safety measure, what solution is the disinfectant for cleaning the laboratory following
mycobacteria processing

0.5 percent sodium hypochlorite

What biosafety level practices are required for labs performing identification and
susceptibility testing of mycobacterial isolates?

Biosafety level 3

Direct smears of feces for AFB is especially useful for evaluating what mycobacteria AIDS


What is the second most common specimen encountered in the laboratory for diagnosis of


Which of the following are the most popular egg-based media and agar-based media for
recovery of mycobacteria

L-J and Middlebrook 7H10 and 7H11

The only difference in the modified Kinyoun procedure from the Ziehl-Neelsen is the


Which is the most commonly used fluorochrome stain for identification of mycobacteria on
a smear

Auramine O-rodamine

The Mycobacterium are

aerobic, nonspore-forming, nonmotile bacilli.

chronic granulomatous (Hansen's) disease?

M. leprae

Which one of the following is not a method of identifying most mycobacterial pathogens

Growth at 25�C

Rapidly growing Mycobacterium usually mature within

7 Days

Which one of the following is not a simple fundamental structure of the fungi


The vegetative phase of the fungi is characterized by

elongated, branching filaments

The two specified environmental conditions that could activate the reproductive phase of
the fungi life cycle are

temperature variations and lack of nourishment

Which of the following classes of true fungi include the rusts, smuts, and poisonous fleshy


What class of fungi contains most of the fungi pathogenic to man


Normally, fungi grow best around what acid pH


Differentiation of yeast and various species of Candida, identification of C. albicans can be
accomplished using

cornmeal agar with Tween 80

Systemic mycoses are deep-seated infections that may spread throughout the body but
primarily begin in the


The following are advantages of culture tubes over Petri dishes for fungus cultures except

better aeration of the cultures

Macroscopic examination of fungus growth characteristics includes but is not limited to

rate of growth, texture, and pigmentation

Probably the most widely used of all wet mounts is

potassium hydroxide

Before collecting skin scrapings for a KOH mount, the lesion area is thoroughly washed

remove dirt particles, bacteria, and medications

The India ink wet mount reveals the encapsulated budding or non-budding blastospores of

Cryptococcus neoformans