
what is hirudiniasis

a leech infestation

3 pairs of legs, 3 distinct body regions and a pair of antennae


4 pairs of legs, body divided into 2 regions and no antennae


what is the scientific name for the cat flea

ctenocephalides felis

what is the scientific name for the dog flea

ctenocephalides canis

laterally compressed and wingless, legs are adapted for jumping and mouthpart has a piercing/sucking region


Fleas have ________ metamorphosis.


when will pupae emerge out to seek the host

once they detect carbon dioxide and vibrations

Flea dirt is another term for flea _____.

feces; appear red

do fleas have a preferred host

yes but they will attack any source of blood

what can heavy flea infestations cause


bacteria flea carries around in his body; causes bubonic plague

Yersinia pestis

what is the order of the biting lice


what is the order of the sucking lice


What is pediculosis?

lice infestation

Are lice host specific?

Yes, highly

feed on blood and move slowly on host, larger than chewing lice, red-gray and have a long narrow head; cause anemia

sucking lice

canine sucking lice that can affect humans too

Linognathus steosus

feed on epithelial debris and move rapidly over host, broad rounded head, smaller than sucking lice and yellow in color; can cause irritation shap

biting lice

canince biting lice that can affect humans too

Trichodectes canis

feline biting lice that can affect humans too

Felicola subrostratus

human sucking lice

Pediculus humanus capitis

mite shaped like a light saber or cigar, it's not zoonotic and not contagious to other canine; primary locations are the muzzle and body, and it causes a depressed immune system

Demodectic mange

mite that is zoonotic through direct contact or fomites, burrow under the skin primarily in ears and feet causing alopecia and inflammation, contagious to other canine and "FAT boy

Sarcoptic mange (scabies)

canine/human sarcoptic mange

Sarcoptes scabiei

feline sarcoptic mange

Notoedres cati

canine demodex

Demodex canis

feline demodex

Demodex cati, Demodex gatoi

how long does demodex stay on a host

its entire life

ear mites that can cause intense pruritis of ear canal but can be found on any area of the body, more common in cats; feed on epidermal debris and are easily transmitted

Otodectes cynotis

walking dander mite that can cause alopecia and dermatitis; non burrowing

Cheyletiella sp

AKA chiggers, mites red-orange in color, feed on anything and cause irritation, and live in short/tall grass

Trombiculid mites

What is acariasis?

infestation of mites or ticks

brown dog tick; vector for canine babesiosis, ehrlichiosis and rocky mountain spotted fever

Rhipicephalus sanguineus

american dog tick; vector for canine babesiosis, tick paralysis and cause Cytauxzoon felis in cats

Dermacentor variabilis

lone star tick; vector for rocky mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis and tick paralysis, gets its name white spot on the apex of the scutum

Amblyomma americanum

deer tick/black legged tick; vector for lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and tick paralysis

Ixodes scapularis

argasidae ticks (soft bodied)

Otobius megnini (ear tick) and Argas persicus (fowl tick)

ixodidae ticks (hard bodied)

Rhipicephalus sanguineus, Dermacentor variabilis, Amblyomma americanum and Ixodes scapularis

the saliva of the female hard tick species is toxic and can cause what

ascending paralysis in animals and humans

What ticks cause tick paralysis?

Dermacentor andersoni, Ixodes holocyclus and Dermacentor variabilis

soft ticks are the vectors of diseases like

lyme disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

what is the hard, chitinous covering of hard ticks called

the scutum

undergo metamorphosis, mouthparts are adapted for sponging/piercing/sucking, cause painful bites producing hypersensitive reactions/infections and they act as vectors/intermediate hosts to other pathogenic agents

Diptera (flies)

the stable fly AKA bitting house fly, barn fly; spread diseases to cattle and horses, intermediate host for Habronema

Stomoxys calcitrans

horse fly that prefers feeding on withers, abdomen and legs; vectors for rickettsial and viral diseases, and females feed on vertebrate blood only

Tabanus sp

What is myiasis?

fly larvae developing in the tissue or organs of a host

AKA warbles; non biters, lay eggs in wounds

Myasis flies

what is a myasis fly larva known as


what do female mosquitos feed on

suck blood and can transmit protozoal, viral and nematode diseases

What do male mosquitoes eat?

nectar, plant juices

intermediate host for malaria and heartworm disease


intermediate host for yellow fever and heartworm disease

Aedes aegypti

intermediate host for heartworm disease and malaria in birds

Culex sp

can dogs get malaria

no, they have other blood infections such as Babesiosis