Infection Control Chapter 8 Med Surg 1


Which of the following would a nurse recognize as a sign of a local infection during data collection?
1. warm skin
2. clammy skin
3. anorexia
4. paleness


which of the following does the nurse understand is a sterile technique method?
1. use of antiseptics
2. use of autoclaves
3. frequent hand washing
4. use of gloves when coming in contract with body fluids


which of the following infections would the nurse recognize as being a health care-acquired infection?
1. chronic urinary tract infection for a homebound person
2. a sexually transmitted infection in a healthy young adult
3. pneumonia in a hospitalized po


which of the following antibiotics would the nurse anticipate would be used to treat methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus?
1. gentamicin
2. tobramycin
3. penicillin
4. vancomycin


a nurse should wear a fit-test high-efficiency particulate air filter (HEPA) mask when entering the room of a patient with which disease?
1. Influenza
2. scabies
3. HIV infection
4. tuberculosis


Which of the following actions would be most appropriate for the nurse to take while providing patient care to help prevent the spread of infection?
1. sterilizing hands with germicide once a day
2. washing hands at the beginning of patient rounds
3. perf


In planning care for a patient, the nurse understands that surgical asepsis is based on which of the following principles?
1. destroying organisms before they enter the body
2. isolating all patients who have infectious disease
3. destroying bacteria as t

1, 3, 6

Which of the following does the nurse understand is needs by all pathogenic organisms to multiply? Select all that apply
1. moisture
2. light
3. host
4. oxygen
5. warmth
6. food

1, 2, 3, 6

a patient is to have a sterile urine specimen collected which of the following techniques is used to collect this specimen? Select all that apply
1. cleansing the patient's external genitalia before the patient voids
2. having the patient void into a ster


which of the following actions can the nurse take to help prevent a health care-acquired infection in an incontinent patient?
1. avoiding use of urinary catheter
2. apply absorbent briefs
3. toiling patietn every 4 hours
4. restricting fluids


a patient has been diagnosed recently as having an upper respiratory infection. which of the following symptoms would indicate to the nurse that the patient is developing a complication?
1. scratchy throat
2. clear, watery drainage from the nose
3. dry co


the nurse is collecting a culture of wound drainage and the patient ask what a culture is. which of the following is the best response by the nurse to explain what a culture is?
1. a culture identifies the presence of pathogens
2. a culture measures antib

1, 5

which of the following data collection findings should the nurse recognize and report as a possible sign of infection of an older adult? Select all that apply.
1. poor skin turgor
2. irritability
3. hypertension
4. bradycardia
5. pacing behavior
6. hunger


the nurse observes a nursing assistant providing oral care to an immunocompromised patient. the use of which of the following by the nursing assistant would require further instruction for patient safety?
1. sterile water
2. tap water
3. fluoride toothpas

5, 2, 3, 1, 6, 4

place the links in the chain of infection in their proper order of occurrence in causing an infection
1. portal of entry
2. causative agents
3. mode of transmission
4. portal of exit
5. reservoir
6. susceptible host


the nurse prepares to bathe a patient. which of the following is the most important technique for the nurse to use during patient care to prevent infection transmission?
1. wear gloves
2. wear a gown
3. wash hands
4. wear a mask


the nursing is caring for a patient who is on bed rest. which of the following nursing actions should the nurse include in the plan of care to help maintain the body's first line of defense?
1. help the patient cough and deep breathe
2. apply lotion to cl


the LPN/LVN has taken patient temperatures. which of the following patient temperature readings would be the PRIORITY for the LPN/LVN to report to the RN?
1. Temperature 97 degrees Fahrenheit (36.1 degrees celsius) for an older patient with hypertension


the nurse is to give a newly ordered antibiotic to a patient with a wound infection. which of the following is ESSENTIAL to do before giving the medication?
1. check all patients allergies
2. check the patients temperature
3. change dressing and note woun


the nurse is caring for a patient with an indwelling urinary catheter. Which of the following is the most important action for the nurse to use to prevent a hospital-acquired UTI from developing in this patient?
1. ensure an adequate intake of IV and Oral


The nurse is caring for a patient receiving an antibiotic. Which of the following statements indicates to the nurse that patient understands the general principles of appropriate antibiotic use?
1. I'll take this until I start feeling better
2. I have pil


During data collection, a patient is experiencing warmth, redness, swelling, and minimal drainage of the right great toe. Which health problem should the nurse recognize is occurring with the patient?
a. Local infection
b. Systemic infection
c. Generalize


The nurse is collecting data from a patient with a systemic infection. Which finding should the nurse expect in this patient?
a. Warm skin
b. Skin redness
c. General malaise
d. Purulent drainage


The nurse is collecting data from a patient with a surgical incision. Which findings indicate to the nurse that a local infection is present? (Select all that apply.)
a. Fever
b. Redness
c. Swelling
d. Headache
e. Loss of appetite
f. General malaise


During data collection, the nurse suspects a patient is experiencing a urinary tract infection. Which manifestation did the nurse use to come to this conclusion?
a. Diarrhea
b. Vomiting
c. Voiding frequency
d. Abdominal distention


The nurse is caring for a patient who has influenza. In which type of transmission-based precaution should the patient be placed?
a. Contact
b. Droplet
c. Airborne
d. Respiratory


The nurse is contributing to a staff education program about infection control. What should the nurse recommend as examples of diseases that are transmitted by direct contact? (Select all that apply.)
a. Malaria
b. Measles
c. Impetigo
d. Influenza
e. Chic


The nurse is caring for a patient with herpes simplex. Which statement related to disease transmission should the nurse include in the patient's discharge teaching?
a. "Herpes simplex is an airborne disease."
b. "HEPA filtration is necessary with herpes s

A, C, D

The nurse is caring for a patient with tuberculosis. What airborne precautions should the nurse take while caring for this patient? (Select all that apply.)
a. Private patient room
b. Semiprivate patient room
c. Closed patient room door
d. Individualized


The nurse reviews the method of transmission of Rocky Mountain spotted fever with a patient being treated for the disease. On which mode of transmission for the disease should the nurse focus with the patient?
a. Droplet
b. Airborne
c. Vector-borne
d. Veh