Different types of Diseases

Chlamydia Trachomatis

This Organism usually causes an STD and can lead to blindness in infants after it passes through the vagina of the mother

Haemophilus aegyptius

An organism that causes acute communicable conjunctivitis
causes pink eye

Mycobacterium leprae

This organism will not grow on artificial media in the laboratory. Most people exposed to this organism do not get the disease.

Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Causes necrotizing fasciitis

Haemophilus ducrey

Causes the STD known as a soft chancre or chancroid. A bubo often forms in the lymph nodes and may burst from swelling

Vibrio Cholera

Short curved negative rods with a common shape. Spread by fecal contamination of food or water. It can also be found in crustaceans

Salmonella typhi

Some individuals are asymptomatic and become carriers of this organism in their gallbladder and must have it removed. This organism also causes typhoid fever

Coxiella burnetti

Causes Q(query) fever

Helicobacter pylori

Inflammation of stomach lining, causes stomach ulcers, stomach cancer....Animal Reservoirs: cats

Riskettsia rickettsii

Causative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever

Treponema pallidum

This organisms causes syphilis and was the causative agent used in the Tuskegee experiment

Brucella suis

Primarily a disease of animals. This organism is unique in pigs

Borrelia burgdorferi

This organism is the causative agent of Lyme disease

Clostridium perfringens

This organism is the causative agent of Gas Gangrene

Clostridium tetani

This organism causes suffering of the joints and muscles; particularly in the back, it often enters the body via a puncture wound.

Streptococcus pygens

This organism causes white pus bumps at the back of the throat causing strep throat

Yersinia pestis

this organism causes the plague or "black death

Bacillus anthracis

this organism is the causative agent of Woolsorter's disease

Staphylococcus impetigo

Cutanenous infections
skin hair or nails

Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sanguis

Capsules to plaque go tarter: ferment sugars to acid that erode tooth enamel

Neisseria meningitidis

Causes epidemic Meningococcal meningitis, passed on by droplets from nasopharynyx

Bacillus cereus

Spore geminate in food and vegetative cells produce entertoxin

Listeria monocytogenes

Motile with 1-4 flagella
causes listeriosis (meningitis and encephalitis) eating uncooked meat (food-borne) elderly and infants

Corynebacterium diptheriae

pleomorphic rods, contracted from droplets....toxin gets in bloodstream

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

causes tuberculosis, transmitted through droplets in the air, progress slowly, lungs

pseudomonas aeruginosa

Resistant to soaps, detergents, disinfectants and drying
burns, UTIs, ear and eye infections nonsocomial

Brucella abortus

animals, mainly in cattle , causes infections of the placenta and fetus

Francisella tularensis

Tularemia "rabbit fever"
inhaled" pneumonia

Bordetella pertussis

Whooping cough, inhalation of droplets....build up of mucus, severe cough, oxygen deprivation,, whoop hurried, deep inspiration for air

Leginella pneumophila

Legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever)
Aquatic environments and the soil (air conditioners, cooling towers, hot water heaters, shower heads, etc.)
Must live with certain protozoa (amebas or ciliates)
Inhalation (multiplies in the cell as

Haemophilus infuenzae

acute bacterial meningitis (young children and elderyly) causes respiratory tract infection and middle ear infection

Haemophilus parainfluenza and Haemophilus aphrophilus

normal flora in the mouth and nasopharynx can be introduced into the blood during routine dental procedures: endocarditis (people with heart disease)

Enterics Gut

Large group of small gram (-) rods found in animal intestines
Cause diarrhea:
(1) secretory or toxigenic
Organism grows on the surface of intestinal epithelial cells and produce endotoxin that binds to these cells and causes loss of water and electrolytes


strong lactose fermenters includes fecal coliforms and nonfecal coliforms

Escherichia coli

some strains are pathogenic, traveler's diarrhea: may be caused by viruses, protozoa or bacteria

Klesiella pneumoniae

lung infections, UTIs meningitis, wound infections, bacteremia

Enterobacter aerogenes

UTIs wound infections and bacteremia

Serratia marcescens

pneuomonia, burn and wound infections septicemia

Citrobacter freundii

UTIs and bacteremia

Salmonella enteritidis

zoonotic strains that contaminate meat and animal products


bacillary dysentery
large intestines: abdominal cramping and blood mucus in the stool


long slender helical gram negative


tightly coiled cells with a hook at one or both ends

Leptospira interrogans

Zoonoic: wild animals (skunks, raccoons, rodents, etc.) and domesticated (dogs, cattle, pigs, horses).
Tropical disease: organism is shed in the urine of infected animals
Organism enters the blood and spread to the kidneys, liver, brain, and

Borrelia hermsii

tick-borne relapsing fever, Animal reservoir: squirrels, chipmunks and other wild rodents

Borrelia recurrentis

louse-borne relapsing fever, Humans are the only reservoir

Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Undercooked or raw seafood: shrimp, crabs, lobster, fish (tuna) oysters and clams

Campylobacter jejuni

Gram- negative, rod and curved
Zoonoic: sheep, cattle wild birds, dogs and especially chicken or turkeys
fecally contaminated food or water

Chlamydia Pneumonia

Mild respiratory infections
About 50% of all adults over the age of 50 have antibodies against this organism.
� to 2/3 of all heart attacks may be caused by this organism
Can trigger a heart attack by reinfection
Aspirin reduces inflammation and chances o

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Causes about 20% of all pneumonias
Attach tightly to epithelial cells causing inflammation and sloughing off of these cells
Walking pneumonia

Mycoplasma Hominis and Ureaplasma

Causes STDs (urethritis, prostatitis, vaginitis, PID, kidney inflammation, and can lead to miscarriage or stillbirth