Micro Ch. 23 Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System Infections

what organism causes anthrax?

bacillus anthracis

what is the reservoir for anthrax?

soil, undercooked meat of grazing animal

how is anthrax spread?

ingestion of food with endospores or contact with endospores

what are the 3 kinds of anthrax?

cutaneous, GI, inhalational

what are the symptoms of cutaneous anthrax?

papule forms and ruptures and leaves ulcerated area with black scab

what are the symptoms of GI anthrax?

nausea, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, ulcer lesions in GI tract

what are the symptoms of inhalational anthrax?

fever, coughing, chest pain, death in 1-2 days

what is the treatment for anthrax?

antibiotics if early on, vaccine (6 shots over 18 months)

what kind of anthrax are most cases? what percent?

cutaneous, 90%

what virulence factors does anthrax have?

edema toxin- local edema interferes with phagocytosis
lethal toxin- targets and kills macrophages
encapsulated with protective antigen on both toxins

why do we need an anthrax vaccine?

bioterrorism threat

what organism causes gangrene?

clostridium perfringens

what is the reservoir for clostridium perfringens?

soil and intestinal tracts

what are the symptoms of gangrene?

tissue death and systemic illness

what is the treatment for gangrene?

cleaning and antibiotics
hyperbaric chamber to prevent anaerobe growth

what is ischemia and necrosis?

ischemia is blood supply interruption, necrosis is tissue death from ischemia

what is gas gangrene?

bacteria grow, ferment carbs, produce gas

gangrene produces ____ that kill cells, more necrosis = _____

toxins, favorable for more bacterial growth

what happens when toxins and bacteria from gangrene enter the blood?

systemic infections

what's a risk factor for gangrene?


what organism causes the plague?

yersinia pestis

what is the reservoir for yersinia pestis?


how does the plaque spread?

bacteria blocks fleas GI tract, it bites host and throws up the old infected blood

what are the symptoms of the plague?

buboes- lymph node swelling (bubonic)
septicemic plague- bacteria in blood, septic shock
pneumonic plague- bacteria in lungs, spread through droplets

what is the treatment for the plague?

antibiotics or vaccine

how can you prevent the plague?

more sanitary living conditions, get rid of rats

what is the mortality rate for the plague?

50-75% untreated, 100% pneumonic

what organism causes lyme disease?

borrelia burgadorferi

what is the reservoir for lyme disease?

field mice

how is lyme disease spread?

ticks biting

what are the symptoms of the 1st phase of lyme disease?

rash at bite site with clear in the center, then flu like symptoms

what are the symptoms of the 2nd phase of lyme disease?

irregular heart beat needing a pacemaker, neuro symptoms, facial paralysis, fatigue, memory loss, encephalitis, meningitis

what are the symptoms of the 3rd phase lyme disease?


what are the treatments for lyme disease?

antibiotics in phase 1, large amounts of antibiotics in later phases

what phase has the largest percentage of lyme disease cases?

1st phase, 75% of cases

what organism causes typhus?

rickettsia prowazekii

what is the reservoir for typhus?


how does typhus spread?

lice feces

what are the symptoms of typhus?

fever, rash, hemorrhaging

what is the treatment for typhus?

antibiotics, cleaning unsanitary conditions

what organism causes rocky mountain spotted fever?

rickettsia rickettsii

how does rocky mountain spotted fever spread?


what are the symptoms of rocky mountain spotted fever?

macular rash on palms and soles 1 week after bite, fever, headache

how is rocky mountain spotted fever treated?

early antibiotics, no vaccine

where are most cases of rocky mountain spotted fever?

southeastern us, appalachia

what organism causes mono?

epstein-barr virus

what family of virus does EPV belong too?


how is mono spread?

saliva: kissing, sharing drinks

what are the symptoms of mono?

common viral like symptoms, possible rupture spleen, fatigue

what is mononucleosis?

unusual lobed nuclei in lymphocytes

how is mono treated?

rest, low activity, supportive care, run course

what organism causes CMV?

cytomegalovirus (CMV)

what family is the CMV virus part of?


how is CMV transmitted?

bodily fluids

what are the symptoms of CMV in an AIDS patient?

life threatening pneumonia, eye infections

what are the symptoms of CMV in a pregnant woman?

the newborns could have intellectual disabilities or deafness

what are the symptoms of CMV in adults?

no symptoms or mild mono symptoms
inclusion bodies in infected cells

how is CMV treated?

antivirals, no vaccine

what happens if donated blood or tissue tests positive for CMV?

they give it antibodies to neutralize it

what percent of the us carries CMV without knowing?

80% of the population

what spreads chikunguya?


what are the symptoms of chikunguya?

high fever severe rash, massive blisters, crippling joint pains

where can you get chikunguya in the us?

florida because of the tropical weather

what organism causes toxoplasmosis?

toxoplasma gondii

what kind of organism causes toxoplasmosis?

protozoan with spores

what transmits toxoplasmosis?

rodents to cat feces, undercooked food, soil

what are the symptoms of toxoplasmosis?

inflammation, tissue cyst in brain

what treatment is there for toxoplasmosis?

anti protozoans

what dangers does toxoplasmosis have to pregnant women?

stillborn or brain damage

what dangers does toxoplasmosis have to AIDS patients?

reactivated cysts, neurological impairment

what percentage of the population has antibodies to toxoplasmosis?

22-40% of the population

what organism causes malaria?

plasmodium falciparum

what type of organism is malaria?


what spreads malaria?


what are the symptoms of malaria?

chills, fever, vomit, headache
RBC's killed and infected, knobs stick to vessel walls, and clog vessels, don't get eliminated
organ failure to death

how is malaria treated?

anti protozoans, working on vaccine

what disease do you get 2-3 days of symptoms and then 2-3 days of no symptoms?


what is the mortality rate of malaria in Africa? the us?

90%, 50%

what is the reservoir of yellow fever?


what spreads yellow fever?

mosquitos and human to human

what are the primary symptoms of yellow fever?

fever chills, headache, nausea, vomiting

how is yellow fever treated?

no vaccine, treat symptoms

what are the secondary symptoms of yellow fever?

jaundice, liver damage

what spreads dengue?


what are the symptoms of dengue?

fever, severe muscle and joint pain, rash, "breakbone fever

where is dengue contracted at?

caribbean, tropics

what organism causes marburg virus?

marburg virus (green monkey virus)

what spreads marburg virus?

african monkeys, blood transmission

what are the symptoms of marburg virus?

headache, muscle pain, high fever, vomiting blood, external/internal bleeding
organ failure/shock to death

what is the reservoir for ebola?

fruit bats

what spreads ebola?

blood/fluid transmission

what are the symptoms of ebola?

blood vessel walls damaged, coagulation interfered with

what is the mortality rate for ebola?


how is hantavirus transmitted?


what are the symptoms of hantavirus?


what are the 4 hemorrhagic fevers?

yellow fever, dengue, marburg virus, hantavirus