disease quiz med skills

accumed immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

syndrome caused by HIV (human-immunodeficiency virus), resulting in decreased resistance to infections. transmitted by blood and body fluids.

amebic dysentery

condition characterized by loose stools caused by inflammation of the intestines. caused by protozoa.

athlete's foot

fungal infection also known as tinea pedis. this same microorganism can affect the body and scalp.


localized skin infection usually caused by staphylococcus bacteria.


acute infection involving the intestines and caused by vibrio bacteria. signs include watery diarrhea and vomiting.


highly contagious condition transmitted by sexual intercourse and caused by gonococcus bacteria.

hepatitis b

disease caused by the hepatitis b virus. this disease affects the liver and can cause chronic illness or death. health care workers are encouraged to be vaccinated since they are at risk for contact with client blood and body fluids.


disease transmitted to human beings from the bite of an infected anopheles mosquito. protozoan parasites invade the red blood cells and create symptoms such as high fever and chills.


infectious disease also called whooping cough. caused by bacillus bacteria.


respiratory condition in which lung tissue is inflamed. caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and chemical irritants.

rheumatic fever

febrile (characterized by fever) disease, usually occurring after a streptococcal infection.

rocky mountain spotted fever

infectious disease transmitted by a wood tick infected with the parasite rickettsia. fever, rash, and headache are common symptoms.

strep throat

inflammation and infection of the theist caused by streptococcus bacteria. streptococci appear in chains.


infectious venereal disease, usually transmitted by sexual contact, caused by spirochete bacteria.


infectious disease produced by the toxins from the tetanus bacillus. the first sign is stiffness of the jaw, hence the common name "lockjaw".


condition caused by parasitic protozoa and capable of being transmitted through sexual intercourse.


highly contagious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus. also called "chickenpox", it is characterized by the presence of skin lesions.