
lactic acidosis
wight neutral meds
low risk hypoglycemia


weight gain and hypoglycemia side effects


cant use sulfaonueras/metformin
weight gain,edema, chf, bone fracture, bladder cancer
low risk hypoglycemia
safe with renal side effects


low risk hypoglycemia
weight neutral
renal insufficiency

DPP4 inhibitors

weight loss
low hypoglycemiaa risk when used alone or with metformin

GLP-1 agonist

fatigue, low hb not treated with iron supplementation

b thalassemia

aoritc dissection treatment

labetolol b blockers

euvolemic hypervolemic hypernatremia give

5% dextrose

mild hypovolemic hypernatremia

1/5 D5W and 0.45% saline

left axis deviation, peaked t waves, small r waves,
av septal defect
pulmonary markings
small left ventricle

tricuspid atresia

decreased breath sounds, sob,
dull to percussion right lobes
what to do

pleural effusions w/ or w/o lung mass

stroke, hyperkalemia, facial droop, aki, wide qrs, peak t waves treatment

give calcium gluconate -cardiac membrane stabilization
insulin with glucose rapid acting
b2 agonist
sodium bicarb

otiitis media, vomiting, headaches, mastoiditis pain what is management

temporal lobe abscess-do a CT even if a kid with contrast or MRI
hypointense center plus ring enhancement

worsening acne not helpful benzoyl peroxide

oral erythromycin/clindamycin-acne vulgaris-erythma acne
w scarring-oral retinoin merge with possible scarring

HIV, fevers, chills, pleuritic chest pain, cocaine/heroin

staph aureus-infective endcarditis

trigeminal neuralgia then no vibratory/sensory and incr dtr

oligoclonal bands-MS in CSF and T2 MRI

recent infection, fatigue, distend jugular veins, sob
nonpalpable point of maximal impulse

pericardial effusion, hypotension, jvp, muffled heart sounds

intermittent ptosis

myasthenia gravis

pulsus bifriens

aortic regurg, hypertrophic cardio, big pda

septic shock with elevated ast/alt one day later

ischemic hepatic disease

treat torsades de point


supraventricular tachycardia


atrial and ventricular tachycardia


atrial brady
av block



calcium gluconate

quinidine use causes torsades de point

sodium bicarb-hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis

painful nodules on ankle what to do

x ray-erythema nodosum-sarcoidosis or tb

different arm htns, no cp, abdominal bruit previous ca, aorta>1.5 cm, inc creatinine, arb, resistant htn greater than 3 meds not helping

renal artery stenosis

imbalance between hydrostatic and oncotic pressure that requires movement across membrane to increase capillary movement into viscera and pleural membrane


increase inflammation causing increased cappillary and membrane permeability

exudate-pleural fluid/serum protein >0.5
LDH/serum LDH >0.6
LDH pleural fluid >2/3 the upper limit of normal serum ldh

glucose concentration in empyema is decreased due to high metabolic activity

exudative effusions with low glucose concentration due to high metabolic activity of leukocyts and bacteria within pleural fluid

pain, parasthesia, pallor, pulselessness

acute arterial occlusion of left lower extremity due to thromboembolism
warfarin or non vitamin k antagonist oral anticoagulants like apixaban

pulmonary hypoplasia, flat facies, limb defects

oligohydramnios sdue to urinary tract anomaly like posterior urethral valve-hydronephrosis

noncaseating granuloma, tender nodules shin (erythema nodosum), cough, sweats, deterioration after steroid therapy


who should get hep A vaccine?

men sex men, travel endemic areas

blood and protein in urine asx post pharyngitis

glomerular hematuria-gross-glemerulonephritis due to igA nephropathy
if no protein, renal flank pain, macroscopic hematuria-polycycstic kidney disease, stones, cancer bladder

ards causes

decreased lung compliance
impaired gas exchange
increased pulmonary pressure

jaundice, scleral icterus, n/v/ruq pain, inc alk phos/ast/alt

hep A-recover 3-6 weeks

pericardial effusion next step?

ct angio-aortic dissection in hemodynamically stable

wheezing, cough with blood, fatigue, wt loss, clubbing, rul infiltrate

bronchiectasis-chloride channel clearing sucks

stroke with afib

anticoag -warfarin//dabagitran/rivaroxaban



3.5 hrs sx onset and no contraindications


sharp x,y, inc jvp, ascites, edema, pericardial calcifications

constrictive pericarditis-TB

fatigue, delayed carotid pulses, pre-syncope, thickening and calcifications, dyspnea, angina, syn

aortic stenosis-soft second heart sound

air conduction hearing loss,


acute urinary retention, bph

bladder ultrasound

floating spots, blurred vision, vision loss

uncovering hidden antigens
sympathetic opthalmia

hemoptysis, ground glass opacities-ruq, low leukocytes, halo sign
immunocompromised, neutropenia

invasive asperogillosus

severe eye pain, dilated eye, nausea, vomiting

acute angle closure glaucoma

hypercalcemia, shoulder pain, lytic bone lesion

langerhans histocytosis younger patient

diarrhea, leukopenia, hepatoxicity


bone marrow suppression


tremor,GI, nephrotoxicity, hyperkalemia, htn, gum hypertrophy, hirsuitism,


neurotoxicity, diarrhea, glucose intolerance


round mass lung, smoking history, dyspnea, plumber what is it?

bronchogenic carcinoma

improve of type 1 mobtiz heart block


improves type 2 mobitz heart block

vagal maneuver

dilated pupils, tachy, htn, no murmur/rubs, st depression, t wave inversion

cocaine use-diazepam, aspirin, nitro
no bblockers

dizzyness, fullness, rinne weber positive, single epispode that lasts days

menieres-increased endolymphatic pressure

vestibular schwannoma

sensorineural hearing loss, imbalance and tinnitus, symptoms persistent and progressive,

vertigo, hearing los and tinnitus
acute-resolve in WEEKS

inflammatory labryintihitis

loose calcium in semicircular canal

bpph-head movement vertigo

reduced mobility of ossicles

otosclerosis-progressive conductive, not sensorineural

hypotension, kaussmaul respirations, elevated jvp, diaphoresis, chest pain, brady, st depression avl and I, ST elevation 2,3,avf

RV infarction

loud holosystolic murmur, left to right shunt, rv failure

IV septum rupture

psudopolyps, petechie, bloody stools, fatigue, pruritis, ulcerative colitis-bloody diarrhea, elevated liver function tests, cholangiopancreatography, onion skin fibrosis, panca, IgM increased,

primary sclerosing cholangitis

fever, ruq pain, jaundice

acute bacterial cholangitis

acute/chronic hepatitis
elevated serum aminotransferases, cholestasis, mixed pattern, 5-asa/steroid

drug induced hepatoxicity

elevate alk phosphatase, wt loss, hepatomegaly

metastatic colon cancer

medium sized necrotizing vasculitis, neuropathy

polyerarteritis nodosa

ama, middle aged women, ulcerative colitis

primary biliary cholangitis

urinary incontinence >5 what to do

desmopressin after alarm doesnt work

edema, fatigue, proteinuria, ab pain, in 5 year old what would you see on kidney microscopy

normal-minimal change disase-effacement of foot processes-nephrotic disease-steroid therapy

nasal congestion, clear rhinnorhea, pale nasal mucosa, nasal creasing, cobblestoning, conjunctival edema, thick green discharge

allergic rhinitis-corticosteroid

acute retinal necrosis, keratitis, uveitis, in HIV patients, peripheral pale lesions-central necrosis

hsv or vzv

patient post endoscopy-tachy/pain, what to do
pleural effusion

water soluble esophagram
then abx plus surgery

pass out, sleep deprived, fever hypoglycemia with/w/o aura, posictal state

general seizures
tongue laceration

prolonged standing, physical/emotional stress
lightheaded, sweating, pallor, baseline after event

vasovagal syncope

exertion, dehydration, immediate return to baseline after

cardiogenic syncope

wilsons disease also known as

hepatolenticular degeneration

nonblanching purple purpura, positive rf, hematuria, proteinueia, hypocomplement

mixed cryoglobinuria-immune complex deposition in small-medium leading to endothelial injury and end organ damage
likely have hep c or sle

muscle stiffness, fatigue, wt loss, jaw tenderness, temporal artery tenderness, increased esr >50 means

aortic aneurysm most possible complication-giant cell arteritis-do chest x ray

gential ulcer-small vesicles on erythematous base, mild lymphadenopathy

herpes simplex

large deep genital ulcer with gray/yellow exudate, irregular soft borders, sevr lymphadenopathy may supparate

h. ducreyi-chancroid

single ulcer chancre, regular borders hard base

syphilis-treponema pallidum


small, shallow can progress to painful fulminant adenitis

maternal fever, tachy, uterine tenderness, malodorous amniotic fluid, purulent vaginal discharge

intramniotic infection-chorioamnitoitnis 39 weeks fluid
treat-abx oxytocin

sob, ha, chest discomfort bounding pulse-water hammer

aortic regurg

systemic arterial pressure fall more than 10 durig inspiration

pulsus paradoxus-cardiac tamponade

pulsus parvus tardus

dec amp delayed pulse upstroke-aortic stenosis

down syndrome assoication, squirt sign positive, normal meconium consitency, rectosigmoid level

hirschprung disease
alzheimer and hypothyroidism are increased risk with downs

cystic fibrosis, ileum, insippated meconium, no squirt sign

meconiu ileus-sinopulmonary disease

shiny tongue, lower extremity weakness, pale conjunctivae, ankle refelx decreased, less sensitive to cold lower extremity

b12 deficiency assoc with gastric cancer (pernicicous anemia)

loss of right eye vsison progressive, bent and wavy vertical lines when look at grid instead of straight

macular degeneration-grid test

visual loss from cataracts

lens opacity

enlarged blind spot


dry mucous membranes, n/v/ab pain, hasnt used insulin in last 5 days, high ketones in urine and serum what is best index to treatment

aniion gap and beta hydroxyutyrate best markers dka
dka-iv insulin, fluids, replace electrolytes

test for nf 2

mri with gandolium

smoker, white plaque on buccal mucosa wont scrape off


inferitlity 12 months but her and his organs all good no menses issues what to do

semen analysis

staph aureus blood post lower extremity infection, incontinence, back pain, suprapubic mass, cant lift legs, what to do next, ince es, temp increase

spinal epidural abscess-mri
distended bladder-cant pee

dizzy-spinning when look up, normal vitals, neuro negative

semicicular canal dysfunction-bppv-dix hallpike maneuver

hypocalcemia cause first ask self

magnesium high or low-resistance to pth-malnutrition/malabsorption

boy joint pain/swelling shoulder, 3 months getting worse, plays bball 5days/week, esr alk phosp ldh increased

osteosarcoma-sunburst 13-16 years old

chest pain, helps sit forward, previous mi, bun inc cr in

uremic pericarditis BUN>60

brief loss of consciousness post accident, weakness upper extremities films just show arthritis what is it

central cord syndrome-hyperextension, degenerative changes in spine -central corticospinal and lateral spinothalamic -loss pain/temp

anterior cord syndrome

motor paresis distal to lesion-asa

complications of ebv-mono

air obstruction

complication of kawasaki

coronary artery anerysm

baby 20 days old-jaundic, wont eat, fussy, hypotensive, tachy, dry membranes, scelral icterus, decreased tone, what to do

culture and abx=sepsis

what do you see in absence seizures

eyelid fluttering/lip smacking
<20 seconds
lack of response to voice

6 year old, ab pain, curl up legs, last bm 2 days ago, vtials normal, palpable mass right abdomen what is it

small bowel diverticulum-intussepstion at age 2-target sign on ultrasound, currant jelly stools, recent rotavirus,meckels diverticulum, henoch schonelin purpura, celiac disease, intestinal tumor, polyps
tech 99m for meckels

tumor involving ileum and presents as intussusception

burkitt lymphoma

autoimmune vasculitis and risk intussesption with small bowel hematoma

henoch schonlein purpura

breast tenderness post menopause, little vag bleeding, left adnexal mass, thick end stripe what to do

endometrial biopsy
granulosa cell tumor ovary

33 year old no peridos 18 months, tubal ligation, normal tsh prolactin, fsh and lh what is cause

anovulation-secondary to moribid obesity-progesterone not being produced normally

premature ovarian failure

premature ovarian failure

fever, jaundice, ab pain, dark urine, bite cells, red blood cell inclusions, crystal violet staining

G6PD deficiency-NADPH created required to prevent oxidation of hemoglobin
acute-hemolysis crisis

pinpoint brusises all over with recent respiratory infection
no bleeding, cooperative healthy,
low platelets, leukocytes

immune thrombocytopenia
viral infection
petechie/ecchymoses, epitacis, hematuria, gi bleed
kids-skin only-observe
bleed-IVIG or glucocorticoids
adults-platelets>30,000 observe
<30,000 or bleed-IVIG or glucorticoids

steattorhea, fatigue, weight loss, several years ago n/v/epi pain back pain
what to do with pmhx of alcoholism

pancreatic enzyme supplementation

skin rash, 14 year old itch/burned then filled with clear liquid, on insulin, pallor, vesicular symmetric over extensor surfaces

celiac disease
type1dm, down, thyroiditis
anti-tissue transgluaminase ab asay
anti-endomysial ab
duodenal biopsy inc intra epithelial lymphocytes and flattened villi

what meds cause hyperkalemia

K sparing diurectics-block enac
nsaids-impair pg syntheseis-reduce renin/aldosterone secretion

man v/n/cp/sweating/smoking history/brady/hypotension
2 pwaves to 1 qrs
st depression v1/v2 (posterior wall MI)
q wave/st elevation-2/3/avf (inferior wall MI)
st depresion 1/avl (recipricol changes)

rca infarct

anterior wall mi


inferior wall MI

2,3, avF st elevation

Posterior wall MI

st depression V1-3, I and AVL (RCA)
ST elevation I and avL (LCX)

lateral wall MI

LCX diagonal
st elevation I, avL, V5/V6
st depression 2,3, avF


V4-6 ST elevation

what supplies blood to the AV node


house fire what are you treating for?

hydorgen cyanide or CO
no burns-black soot, capillary refill
tx-charcoal-hydroxycobalmin/sodiu thiosulphatem nitrites,
iv fluids
cause-reduced ocygen utilization by tissues

diastolic murmur but asx what to do next

echo TEE
diastolic murmurs are pathologic

sob/left sided chest pain, chills, cough, green phlegm, smoker/drinker. temp 102, tachy decreased breath soudns left lung base

dec glucose, wbc>50,000
positive gram stain
abx and drain
parapnemonic effusion-ph>7.2, dec to normal glucose, <50,000

seizures from alcohol
creatinine increased
large amount rbc
what to look for


female, headache, elevated csf

increase intracranial pressure-blindness

egypt vaccines

hep A, B, tphoid, polio

downgoing babinski reflex

lewy bodies-eosinophilic,

skin rash, rhinnorhea, chorioretinitis, hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, iugr
abnormal long bone radiographs


swelling knee, constipation, excessive urination, fatigue
kidney stone

hyperpth-hypercalcemia-pseudogout rhomboid shape crystals

patient with brca2 breast cancer on chemo wants contraception without horomones what do you give?

copper IUD

patient pregnant given rhogam within 28 weeks and 72 hours

use klehauer betke test to make sure correct dosing of rhogam

sustained mva with high ph what is most likely to also happen

high urine ph-high bicarb level excreted and kidneys retain H+

boy found on ground, blue lips, ate before bed, unconcious, now alert and awake, not remember anything what happened

general seizure

cystic fibrosis with recurrent infections, what to give 6 year old kid with pulmonary issues

IV vanco prophylaxis if recurent
cefepime if first time
before 20 staph aureus
after 20 pseudomonas

anemic patient refractory to blood transfusions, increased risk of pneumococcal sepsis for how long, even with splenectomy

hereditary spherocytosis-more than 10 years susceptible to infection
3-5 years of pcn meds

patient has a gastrectomy, shiny tongue, high ldh, high indirect bilirubin, pale palmar crease, easy fatigue,

B12 deficiency post gastrectomy-cant make purine and thymidylate for dna synthesis, decreased transition to mature rbc, increased imature megaloblasts, increased intramedullary hemolysis of megaloblasts causes indirect hyperbilirubinemia manifests as jaun

soccer player pop knee, pain/swelling, cant bear weight, blood fluid when aspirated

acl ligament injury
lachman test

pinpoint rash, flexed hip and head, drowsy, lethargic, immunized, fever, vomiting, lethargic, responded to acetominophen

neisseria meningitis-most common meningitis in the us

unresponsive homeless dude nontender enlargement of submandibular glands known as

sialadenosis-found in alchoholic and nonalcoholic cirrhosis

78 year old, bilateral butt pain to calf/thighs, worse with ambulation cant walk, sitting/leaning forward helps. cabg past, normal reflexes/strength, normal pulses, abi 1.1/1.2

neurogenic claudication osteoarthritis spine
lumbar spinal stenosis
-degenerative disk, arthritis, thickening flavum

exertional pain, pain with rest stops, lower extremity tighness, no weakness, decreased pulses, cool extremities, decreased hair growth, pallor with leg elevation

vascular claudication

back pain, paralysis, hyperreflexia, fecal incontinence, urinary too,

spinal cord compression

cant walk, weak and pain in her thighs, hypertension, bruit left carotid, esr 12, hypreflexia, deceased strength, flat and broad t waves, premature ventricular contractions

electrolyte disturbance

exposure with high and normal
test proportions of an outcome

chi square-compare proportions


cant see near-lens elasticity decreases

find testicular mass in scrotum


nausea, anorexia, palpitations, color change all side effects of what cardiac drug

dont use with amiodarone

calf pain swelling, worse with knee flexion,

hep C chronic liver diesease , ascites,

causes of shoulder dystocia

obesity mom, fetal macosomia, weight gain, dm, post-term

what is antiphospholipid syndrome

vascular thrombosis (stroke/dvt) or preganancy complications plus (anticardiolipin ab, lupus anticoag, andti-b2 glycoprotein ab)
loss of preganancies

runner with pain at metatrsal 2 on dorsal surface on right foot

stress fracture-repetitive activities, increase in physical, not enough calcium and vit d
xray can be negative

clicking between 3 4th toes on plantar, with pain

morton neuroma

inadequate controlled hypertension despite meds

secondary htn

htn, with inc cr and abnormal ua

renal parenchymal disease

htn, >180/110, flash pulm edema, ince cr, abdominal bruit

renovascular disease

htn, hypokalemia, hypernatremia, adrenal incidentaloma

primary aldosternism

htn, bounding pulses, diaphoresis, palpitations, headache,


obese, facial plethora, htn, mm weak, abdominal stria, ecchmosis, amenorrhea, erectile dysfunction,


calcium ince, htn, confusions, kidney stones, depression, psycho


hypercalcemia, lung mass, weight loss, what is first step in management

aline-restore volume, and calcitonin to inhibit one resoprtion

TB RIPE treatment, fatigue, dimorphic hypochromic and normochromic rbc, what to treat

pyridoxine-isonizad causes decrease pyridoxine and causes impaired portoprophin synthesis causing sideroblastic anemia
dec TIBC inc iron, hb is 8

vulvar itching, burning, sex painful 67 year old female, thin dry plaque

lichen sclerosus,
do a punch biopsy , spares the vagina
topical corticosteroid

vaginal bleeding, 3 cm dilated cervix, low ab pain, proteinuria, contractions, smoker what is it

DIC-placental abruption,

nitrates do what

venodilators, lower preloa, left ventricular end diastolic volume, and oxygen demand

3 w boy increased gastric residual volume, vomiting, mechanical ventilation, tachy, tachypnea, lehtargic, ab distension met acidosis, leukocytosis, low birth weight, FORMULA FED

necrotizing enteroclitis-xray bowel wall and portal veins,


upper thoracic cord lesion

nasea, vomiting ataxia

cerebllar lesion

lower lesion thoracic

no sensation below umbilicus



3 day old, spontaneous movements, decreased tone, seizures, rapid head circumference, 3 pounds, igh pitched cry, tense fotanels, hypotonia what is it

iv hemmorhage
treat steroids

erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, gynecomastia, decreased testes size, testosterone low what to do

secondary hypogonadism MRI/trasnferrin/check prolactin se

3 week old, hypolastic left heart syndrome, 1 episode vomiting, tachy, 80% pue ox, heart sounds distant,

pericardial effusion

HIV diarrhea, ab pain, fever, pneumo jivroceii, anicteric,

stool ova and parasite exam

bbq indoors, ha/vomiitng/tachy/confusionpink-blue skin what is cause

CO poisoning

burning rubber/plastic bitter, almond exposure

inhaled cyanide

kid ate pills hematemesis, ulcer stomach/duod, acidosis what did he ingest


chest pain, squeezing chest discomfort radiates to his neck, noctunrnal pain, regurgitation, nausea, dysphagia

GI esophageal distease

right sided chest pain, dyspnea, sudden onset, 35 pack year smoker, tactile fremitus and breath sounds decreased on the right and wheezes on left
ankle edema

secondary spontaneour pneumo
rupture of apical bulb

palpable purpura, proteinuria, hematuria
arthralgia, hepatosplenomegaly, hypocomplementemia, circulating cryoglobulins
HCV antibodies

mixed cryoglobinuria

heavy menses, constipation urinary freq, pelvi heavy, enlarged uterus



pain periods, heavy menses, bulky globular tender uterus-iron deficiency syncope, palpitations, and tachy

pain in right arm, back pain, pale mucous membranes, normocytic anemia, osteolytic lesions on xray, low hb, low leuko, what to do

multiple myeloma-spep protein electorphroesis

post op day 3, dec ab sounds, ruq pain, fever
abdominal ultrasound or HIDA

acalculous chlecystitis

sharp pain over anteromedial tibia below joint line knee
valgus not aggravate, xray normal

pes anserinus syndrome

anterior knee pain-peripatellar pain

patella femoral

man wakes up choking then falls asleep, htn, dm, 150./88 bp 34 bmi, no jvd, lugs clear, no murmur, no organomegaly, edema present what is it

intermittent upper airway collapse-obstructive sleep apnea

fever, swetas, dark urine, fatiue, splenectomy, new england travel with 2 tick bites, hepatomegaly, scleral icterus low hb, high bilirubin, ldh, lfts, thrombocytopenia what to do

babesiosis-thin blood smear-intraerythroytic rings, maltese rings, intravascular hemolysis
tx-atovaquone, azithromycin
or quinine and clinda

fever, headache, myalgias, prominent rash, that spreads centripetally and includes palms and soles

rocky mountain spotted fever

how to treat dengue fever-myalgia, fever, headache-leukopenia and thrombo common

torniquet test

chest pain, cough, diabetes, eczema, st depression, sob, dry cough, on aspiring, clopidegreol, metoprolol, lisinopril
whats cause resp sx

adverse medication
aspririn and bblocker enhance bronchoconstriction
ace inhibitors-dry cough

face ab distension, htn, dm, perioribital edema, ascites, 1+ pitting edema, proteinuria, urine excretion 5g/day

accelerated atherosclerosis-nephrotic syndrome, a thrombosis

nonreactive dilated pupil, erythematous right eye, lacrimation, visual acuity is decreased, esr increased, narrowing or closure of chamber angle, increased intra-ocular pressure, halos, n/v

acute angle closure glaucoma

erection difficulties what to not give patient with sildenafil(PDE5 inhibitor) vasodilatory effects?

Doxazosin-a blocker-hypotension

cyanosis, 80/40, 140 bpm, breathing okay, machine like murmur 100%O2 and still failed treatment what to do


sever right periorbital pain, autonomic manifestations, improve with what

cluster headache-100% oxygen , sumatripta

dvt cause

protein c resistance, factor 5 leiden in white ethnicity

leg swelling/tenderness, history ovarian cancer, thrombosis right popliteal vein, sent home on enoxaparin, returns follow up with dec leuko, platelets,

arterial/venous thrombus due to thrombocytopenia