
What type of immunity results from vaccination

Artifically acquired active immunity

What type of immunity results from transfer of antibodies from one individual to a susceptible individual by means of injection

Artificially acquired passive immunity

What type of immunity results from recover from mumps

Naturally acquired active immunity

A humans resistance to canine distemper is an example of

innate immunity

Newborns' immunity due to the transfer of antibodies across the placenta is an example of

Naturally acquired passive immunity

What type of immunity is NOT due to antibodies

Innate Immunity

What type of immunity results from injection of tentanus toxiod

Artificially acquired active immunity

Immunity due to injection of an antigen is an example of

Artifically acquired active immunity

CD4+T cells are activated by

Interaction between TCRs and MHC II

Which of the following recognizes antigens displayed on host cells with MHC II?

TH cell

The specificity of an antibody is due to

The variable portions of the H and L chains.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of B cells?

They recognize antigens associated with MHC I.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of cellular immunity?

B cells make antibodies.

Plasma cells are activated by a(n)


The antibodies found in mucus, saliva, and tears are


The antibodies found on B cells are


The antibodies that can bind to large parasites are


In addition to IgG, the antibodies that can fix complement are


Large antibodies that agglutinate antigens are


The most abundant class of antibodies in serum is


gure 17.1, which letter on the graph indicates the patient's response to a second antigen?


In Figure 17.1, the arrow at time (d) indicates

Exposure to a new antigen

What is a false statement

--The variable region of a heavy chain binds with antigen.
--The variable region of a light chain binds with antigen.
--The Fc region attaches to a host cell.
--The constant region of a heavy chain is the same for all antibodies.
--All of these statements

In Figure 17.1, which letter on the graph indicates the patient's secondary response to an antigen?


The best definition of antigen is

A chemical that elicits an antibody response and can combine with these antibodies.

The best definition antibody is

A protein made in response to an antigen that can combine with that antigen.

The following events elicit an antibody response. What is the third step?Antigen-digest goes to surface of APC.

TH cell recognizes antigen digest and MHC II

Figure 17.2In Figure 17.2, which areas are similar for all IgG antibodies?

c and d

Figure 17.2 which areas are different for all IgM antibodies

a and c

Figure 17.2 which areas represent antigen-binding sites?

a and b

In Figure 17.2 what can attach to a host cell


Figure 17.2 could be any of the following EXCEPT


The presence of which of the following indicates a current infection rather than a previous infection or vaccination?


Which of the following destroys virus-infected cells?


The following events occur in cellular immunity. What is the third step?

TH cell produces cytokines.

Cytokines released by TH1 cells

Activate CD8+ cells to CTLs.

Which one of the following causes transmembrane channels in target cells?


Patients with an inherited type of colon cancer called familial adenomatous polyposis have a mutation in the gene that codes for


Thymic selection

Destroys T cells that dont recognize self-molecules of MHC.

Which of the following statements about natural killer cells is false?

They are stimulated by an antigen.

An antibody's Fc region can be bound by


A Treg cell deficiency could result in

Increased number of viral infections.

Cell death caused by perforin and granzymes is caused by


IL-2, produced by TH cells,

stimulates TH cell maturation

Which of the following statements about IL-12 is false?

It activates the TH1 pathway.

Which of the following statements about tularemia is false?

It occurs only in California.

Which of the following is NOT treated with penicillin?


Which of the following statements about sepsis is false?

It usually is caused by gram-positive bacteria.

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Puerperal sepsis- Staphylococcus aureus.

Which of the following grows outside host cells?


Which of the following is a symptom of brucellosis?

Undulant fever

Which of the following is NOT transmitted in raw milk?

All of these can be transmitted in raw milk.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Bacillus anthracis?

Produces endotoxins

The symptoms of gas gangrene are due to all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following bacterial infections CANNOT be transmitted by dog or cat bites?


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Encephalitis- Ixodes (tick)

Unsanitary and crowded conditions increase the incidence of all of the following diseases EXCEPT

Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Which of the following statements about toxoplasmosis is false?

It is a severe illness in adults.

Which of the following pairs does NOT apply to Chagas' disease?

Reservoir- rodents

Which of the following is NOT caused by a bacterium?


A patient presents with inflammation of the heart valves, fever, malaise, and subcutaneous nodules at joints. The recommended treatment is

anti inflammatory drugs

Which of the following statements about puerperal sepsis is false?

It is transmitted from mother to fetus.

Which of the following statements about schistosomiasis is false?

it is caused by a roundworm

Which of the following statements about rheumatic fever is false?

It is cured with penicillin

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Francisella - gram-positive facultatively anaerobic pleomorphic rods

Which of the following can be transmitted from an infected mother to her fetus across the placenta?


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Pasteurella - cat-scratch disease.

A patient has the following symptoms: a papule, enlarged lymph nodes. Microscopic examination of the papule reveals nucleated cells in white blood cells. The patient most likely has


Human-to-human transmission of plague is usually by

The respiratory route.

A characteristic symptom of plague is

Bruises on the skin.

Which of the following pairs regarding the epidemiology of malaria is mismatched?

Diagnosis- presence of merozoites

A predisposing factor for infection by Clostridium perfringens is

An infected finger.

Which of the following is NOT a zoonosis?

Puerperal sepsis

Arthropods can serve as a reservoir for which of the following diseases?


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Cat-scratch disease- malignant pustule developing into septicemia

Which of the following CANNOT be transmitted to humans from domestic cats?

Chagas' disease

Which of the following is the same for both relapsing fever and undulant fever?


Which of the following is NOT treated with antibiotics?

Yellow fever

Which of the following produces a permanent carrier state following infection?


EB virus has been implicated in all of the following EXCEPT


Which of the following leads to all the others?

Bacterial growth in endothelial cells

A patient complains of fever, severe muscle and joint pain, and a rash. The patient reports returning from a Caribbean vacation one week ago. Which one of the following do you suspect?


Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched for Gram reaction?

Ehrlichia - gram-positive

Scrapings from a patient's rash reveal cercariae. The disease is most likely

Swimmer's itch.

You advise your pregnant friend to give her cat away because

She could get toxoplasmosis.

Which of the following is evidence that the arthritis afflicting children in Lyme, Connecticut, was due to bacterial infection?

Transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease is transmitted by deer ticks

Which of the following is NOT controlled by a mosquito eradication program?


A 62-year-old man was hospitalized with an 8-day history of fever, chills, sweats, and vomiting. His temperature on admission was 40�C. A routine peripheral blood smear revealed ring-shaped bodies in the RBCs. What treatment would you prescribe?


Which of the following statements about group B streptococci is false?

They cause strep throat.


Have been used for centuries

Which of the following statements about otitis media is false?

It is transmitted by swimming pool water.

Which of the following does NOT confirm a diagnosis of strep throat?

Gram stain:

Penicillin is used to treat all of the following EXCEPT

Mycoplasmal pneumonia.: treated with macrolide drugs: aka z-pack

Mycoplasmal pneumonia differs from viral pneumonia in that

Mycoplasma can't be cultured.

Which of the following diseases is NOT correctly matched to a virulence factor?

Whooping cough

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Mycoplasma - gram-positive pleomorphic rod

Which of the following microorganisms causes symptoms most like tuberculosis?


Which of the following CANNOT lead to a positive tuberculin skin test?

Immunity to tuberculosis

Which of the following diseases is NOT correctly matched to its vaccine?

Tuberculosis- toxoid

Which of the following diseases has a cutaneous form, especially in individuals over 30 years of age?


Which of the following causes an infection of the respiratory system that is transmitted by the gastrointestinal route?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Q fever- Rickettsia,

Which of the following does NOT cause pneumonia?


Which of the following causes opportunistic infections in AIDS patients?

All of these

Which of the following diseases is NOT correctly matched to its reservoir?

Histoplasmosis- soil.

Which of the following does NOT produce an exotoxin?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which one of the following causes a disease characterized by the catarrhal, paroxysmal, and convalescent stages?

Bordetella pertussis

Which one of the following is an irregular, gram-positive rod?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae

Infection by which of the following results in the formation of Ghon complexes?

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Which one of the following produces the most potent exotoxin?

Corynebacterium diphtheriae?

The recurrence of influenza epidemics is due to

Antigenic shift.

Which of the following is an opportunistic pathogen?


Which of the following etiologic agents results in the formation of abscesses?


Which of the following is most susceptible to destruction by phagocytes?

Streptococcus pyogenes

A healthy carrier state exists for

Haemophilus influenzae.

Infection by which of the following is often confused with viral pneumonia?


Which one of the following causes a disease characterized by a red rash?


Inhalation of arthroconidia is responsible for infection by which of the following organisms?


Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

Q fever-

A patient has pneumonia. Gram-negative rods are cultured on nutrient agar from a sputum sample. The etiology is

Haemophilus influenzae.

The patient is suffocating because of an inflamed epiglottis. What is the etiology?


The patient has a sore throat. What is the etiology?


The patient has a sore throat. What is the etiology?

Can't tell

The patient is suffocating because of the accumulation of dead tissue and fibrin in her throat. What is the etiology?


Infection by which of the following begins in lungs and spreads to skin?


Which one of the following organisms does NOT belong with the others?


Microscopic examination of a lung biopsy shows thick-walled cysts. What is the etiology?


Microscopic examination of a lung biopsy shows spherules. What is the etiology?


You are trying to identify the cause of a patient's middle ear infection. After 24 hours, there is no growth on blood agar incubated aerobically at 37�C. Your next step is to try again,

Using nutrient agar.

A patient has a paroxysmal cough and mucus accumulation. What is the etiology of the symptoms?


A patient who presents with red throat and tonsils can be diagnosed as having

There is insufficient information.

A patient has fever, difficulty breathing, chest pains, fluid in the alveoli, and a positive tuberculin skin test. Gram-positive cocci are isolated from the sputum. The patient most likely has

Pneumococcal pneumonia.

Which of the following respiratory infections can be contracted by ingestion?


Which of the following is NOT an intracellular parasite?


Which one of the following produces small "fried-egg" colonies on medium containing horse serum and yeast extract?


Legionella is transmitted by

Airborne transmission.