Ch. 6

Why are hyperthermophiles that grow at temperatures above 100�C seemingly limited to oceanic depths?

the deep pressure in ocean prevents water from boiling even at high temps

Other than controlling acidity, what is an advantage to using phosphate salt buffers in growth media?


Why might primitive civilizations have used food preservation techniques that rely on osmotic pressure?

organic growth factors rely directly on the envt. Like vitamins- which are COENZYMES - amino acids, purines and pyrminidines

If bacterial cells were given a sulfur source containing radioactive sulfur (35S) in their culture media, in what molecules would the 35S be found in the cells?

Carbon: structural backround of living matter. needed for ORGANIC compounds that make up living cell- im portant for CHEMOHETEROTROPHS
Nitrogen, SUlfer & P:
Sulfer: synth sulfur containing a

How would one determine whether a microbe is a strict anaerobe?

You can tell by the way it grows. If its a strict anaerobe then it will only grow at the BOTTOM where there is NO O2

Obligate AEROBE
Faculatative ANAEROBE

-MUST have O2
-AEROBIC grth. LOW concentration of O2
-BOTH kind of growth. Grows BEST where O2 is PRESENT
-NO O2
-ANAEROBIC grth- rather not be in O2 but CAN TOLERATE IT with it

Oxygen is so pervasive in the environment that it would be very difficult for a microbe to always avoid physical contact. What, therefore, is the most obvious way for a microbe to avoid damage?
