Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

Prokaryotic (General definition)

Pro"- means before. "Caryo" means Nucleus. *No Nucleus, no nuclear membrane, no membrane bound organelles- Unicellular, approx. 3 Billion yrs ago.

Eukaryotic (General definition)

Eu"- True nucleus & membrane bound organelles- Mostly Multicellular, some Unicellular (yeast and protozoan), approx. 2 Billion years ago

Do any Prokaryotes have Flagella?

Yes, but not all have. They are made of flagellin and are composed of 3 parts: Basal body, Hook, and Filament.

Do any Eukaryotes have Flagella?

Yes, but not all have. They are made of microtubules and are found in pairs; 9 pairs around a central pair called 9+ 2 fashion.

Do any Prokaryotes have cilia?


Do any Eukaryotes have cilia?

Yes, they are shorter than Flagella & more numerous, made of Microtubules as well- Very fast org.- Ex. Paramecium

Do any Prokaryotes have fimbrae?

Yes, they are to attach and adhere, and are more numerous and short than flagella. (Monotrichus: One flagella at one end; Lopho: several flagella at one end; Amphi: Flagella at both ends; Peritrichus: flagella all over)

Do any Eukaryotes have fimbrae?


Do any Prokayotes have pilus?

Yes, only in Gram Negative bacteria. It acts as a bridge to transfer genetic material.

Do any Eukaryotes have a pilus?


Glycocalyx (3 types)

Capsule, slime layer, biofilm

What does a capsule do?

protects from phagocytosis, making them difficult to digest. Usually associated with pathogenic bacteria.

What is a slime layer for?

Help to prevent water and nutrients from leaking off, but does not protect from phagocytosis.

What is a Biofilm for?


Do any Prokaryotes have a Glycocalyx?

Usually Prokaryotes will have one of three, but not all three coatings.

Do any Eukaryotes have a Glycocalyx?

They can, but if they do they also have cell surface receptors.

Do any Prokaryotes have a cell membrane?

Yes all MUST have. Made of a phospholipid bi-layer.

Do any Eukaryotes have a cell membrane?

Yes all MUST have. It is the same as the prokaryotes membrane but with additional cholesterol/ sterols in membrane fatty acids with ester linkages.

Do Prokaryotes have a cell wall?

Most but not all have it.

Do Eukaryotes have a cell wall?

Varies, but not all have it.
Animals, Helminths, and Protozoans do NOT have a cell wall.
Fungi, Plants, and Algae DO have a cell wall.

Do Prokaryotes have an outer membrane?

Gram Negative Bacteria have an outer membrane, plus periplasmic space and porins (membrane channels) *Gram Postive do NOT have this outer membrane.

Do Eukaryotes have an outer membrane?


Do Prokaryotes have a Cytoplasm?

Yes, they MUST have this. It is a dense gelationous solution composed of water, sugars, salts, and proteins.

Do Eukaryotes have a Cytoplasm?

Yes, they MUST have this. It is where membrane bound organelles are found.

Describe Prokaryotic ribosomes.

A combination of RNA and proteins. They turn RNA proteins in proteins (protein synthesis). Composed of two subunits(50s +30s, total size =70s)

Describe Eukaryotic ribosomes.

It is where proteins are made. Ribosomes in Cytoplasm produce proteins that stay in the cell, Ribosomes in the RER produce proteins that will be sent out of the cell. 80S--located in Cytoplasm and RER; 70S ribosomes in Mitochondria and Chloroplasts.

Describe the genetic material of a Prokayote.

One chromosome in a circle that is made up of double stranded DNA, not enclosed by nuclear membrane, no nucleus; called a nuceoid.

Describe the gentic material of a Eukaryote.

Multiple, Linear. Arranged in a Nucleus (aka control center) formed by a dbl membrane (aka nuclear envelope) which has tiny pores (aka nuclear pores) that allow things in and out. Contains a nucleolus which his responsible for rRNA .

Do Prokaryotes have a Cytoskeleton?

Not all have-- it is to maintain shape and stability, made of ACTIN.

Do Eukaryotes have a Cytoskeleton?

Yes, all MUST have. It is to maintain shape and stability-- Microtubules maintain shape, and Microfilaments allow movement of molecules in cytoplasm.

What are Inclusion bodies?

In Prokaryotes ONLY. It is used to survive when nutrient is depleted. --NOT ALL HAVE

What are endospores?

Stores genetic material in harsh conditions and facilitates survival. Once conditions are restored it goes back to beinga vegetative cell. ONLY PROKARYOTIC

What is the RER?

Contains ribosomes, and is resposible for protein synthesis. ONLY EUKARYOTIC

What is the function of the Golgi Apparatus?

Protein modification before leaving the cell. ONLY EUKARYOTIC

Whats is the function of the SER

nutrient processing and in synthesis and storage of lipids. Also contributes to detoxification. ONLY EUKARYOTIC

What is a Lysosome?

Formed in the ER. Arise from the Golgi Apparatus, and is membrane bound organelle that contains hydrolitic enzymes for PHAGOCYTOSIS. ONLY IN EUKARYOTIC

What are Centrioles?

Help mitotic spindle for chromosomal division. Located in the cytoplasm. ONLY IN EUKARYOTIC

Unique groups of Prokaryotes.

Intra-cellular Bacteria (lives in host cells--like a virus), Cyano-bacteria (photosynthetic bacteria that makes oxygen), Green and Purple sulfur Bacteria (sulfur producing)

What is a Mytochondria?

IN EUKARYOTES; Its where ATP is made and energy transformation takes place (Kreb's cycle and Elecron Transport chain) Composed of Cristae and Matrix. Contains 70s ribosomes.

What is a Chloroplast?

IN EUKARYOTES; only in plants and algae. Converts sunlight energy to chemical energy. (photosynthesis). Is composed of Thlylakoids, and the Stoma.

What is the process Prokaryotes use to dvide?

Binary Fission.

What is the process Eukaryotes use to divide?


Size of Prokaryotes

Smaller than Eukaryotic cells, but bigger than viruses.

Size of Eukaryotes

Larger than Prokayotic cells and viruses.