Microbiology Ch. 1


The study of microorganisms, or small cells, that carry out one or more life processes and are typically too small to be seen by the naked eye

Four Life Processes

Ability to replicate, grow, metabolize and respond to the environment

Seven Major Types of Microbes

Protozoa, Algae, Bacteria, Archaea, Fungi, Helminths and Viruses


Small, simple, single celled organisms that have prokaryotic cell structure. Most have peptidoglycan cells walls, while few lack any cell wall

Prokaryotic Cell

simple cells that lack a cell membrane around their genetic information and lack membrane-bound organelles in the cytoplasm. They are typically smaller that Eukaryotic cells.


Small, simple, single celled organisms that have a prokaryotic cell structure.

Similarity to bacteria

shape and size

Difference to bacteria

differ from bacteria in ribosomal structure, cytoplasmic membrane structure and cell wall structure. They do not have peptidoglycan cell walls.

Two major groups

Methanogens- obligate anaerobes that produce methane gas
Extremophiles- live under extreme conditions of temperature, pH or salinity


unicellular or multicellular organisms that have eukaryotic cell structure, cells walls composed of cellulose or chitin, a plant-like absorptive metabolism, require an organic source of carbon and do not carry out photosynthesis

Types of Fungi

mushrooms, yeasts, molds

Historical Definition of Protozoa

unicellular organisms that have eukaryotic cell structure, lack cell walls, require an organic source of carbon and do not carry out photosynthesis

Why is the definition of Protozoa no longer valid?

Some organisms previously classified as algae have been reclassified as protozoa, so the historical definition is no longer valid


Unicellular and multicellular organisms that have a eukaryotic cell structure, carry out photosynthesis, have cell walls compose of a polysaccharide and other substances

What is essential to be classified as algae?

Must be able to carry out photosynthesis


Invertebrate worms or multicellular eukaryotes that lack cell walls

Why are Helminths study in Microbiology?

Some species are common parasites of humans and animals and their life cycle includes microscopic forms.


A disease caused by Helminths which causes the lymphatic system to stop working properly, resulting in fluid build up. This is transmitted by mosquitos


A disease caused by Helminths which causes blood vessels to be blocked from the liver which leads to fluid build up in the stomach


Small acellular particles that are too small to be seen with a light microscope. They are also obligate intracellular parasites that can replicate themselves only by infecting a living host cell.

What are viruses made of?

Nucleic acids, a protein coat and sometimes a membrane coat


Viruses that infect bacteria


Virus that infects human T cells causing AIDS


Virus that causes the ebola hemorrhagic fever, a deadly disease.