Chapter 19-Micro Final

Understanding about the defenses of the eye, you would predict that a person __________ would have a higher rate of eye infections

who has a problem producing tears

The main causative agent of gas gangrene is

Clostridium perfringens

S. pyogenes binds to plasminogen and then secretes ______ that creates plasmin that degrades tissue.


Transmission of the pathogen causing leishmaniasis is by the

sand fly

All staphylococci can be differentiated from all streptococci because only staphylococci produce the enzyme _____ that is easily detected in the lab.


Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) has all of the following characteristics except

it is a very rare form of herpesvirus

Transmission of tineas include

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following is the causative agent of tinea versicolor?

Malassezia furfur

Impetigo is caused by

Both S. aureus and S. pyogenes are correct

Protective features of the skin include all but

high PH

Which of the following is not true of cellulitis?

occurs in the epidermis

Cutaneous anthrax is

transmitted by contact

The organisms that cause ringworm, or tinea, use keratin protein as their substrate. This is why these infections:

are superficial mycoses

The integument includes all of the following except

surface capillaries

You had surgery on your shoulder, as a result of rotator cuff injury. The surgery went well, but when the cut area was sutured, bacteria entered into the open tissue. As a result, you now have an infection of deep tissue exhibiting redness, swelling, pain


Which of the following is not true of rubeola?

It is single-stranded non enveloped RNA virus

Necrotizing fasciitis is

associated with strains of Streptococcus pyogenus producing destructive enzymes and toxins

The swelling over a pore leading out of a hair follicle that has become clogged is called a/an


The smallpox vaccine uses the _____ virus.


Edward Jenner's work involved

all of the choices are correct


result from a separation of epidermis from dermis

Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus include all of the following except


Because of its symptomology, smallpox has been misidentifed as:


Which of the following is the most common form of transmission in cases of impetigo?

direct contact

The microbial pathogen associated with the development of acne is:

Propionibacterium acnes

If a person who has never been infected with the varicella-zoster virus comes in contact with a person who has shingles, they will come down with


Which of the following is mismatched?

tinea cruis- ringworm of the beard

Measles is also known as


Oral lesions called Koplik's spots are seen in patients with


This organism can infect deeper wound sites and produce exotoxins, enzymes, and gas that cause tissue and muscle necrosis:

clostridium perfringens

The toxin of Staphylococcus aureus strains that causes blisters and desquamation of skin in scalded skin syndrome is

exfoliative toxin

blood vessels are found in the

dermis and subcutaneous layers

All of the following pertain to measles(rubeola) except

transmitted by direct contact with the rash

Varicella-zoster virus

All of the choices are correct

Your child came home from daycare with an eye infection, and in a day has developed a yellowish discharge. You predict that this is a case of:

a bacterial conjunctivitis

Streptococcus pyogenes causes all of the following except

scalded skin syndrome

What material in skin cells provides protection from abrasions, water damage, and microorganism entry?


Rubella is

associated with congenital transmission causing miscarriage, deafness, and cardiac and mental defects


all of the choices are correct

_____ is a chronic progressive disease of the skin and nerves caused by Mycobacterium leprae.

hansen's disease

Measles is described as a ______ skin lesion.


All of the following pertain to monkeypox except

symptoms include skin pocks, fever, and swollen lymph nodes.

Which of the following is not a causative agent of cutaneous mycoses?

Malassezia fyrfur

Which form of anthrax involves a black eschar on the skin?


Staphylococcus can be differentiated from Streptococcus by the

catalase test

Smallpox is a disease in which

fever, prostration, rash, and possible toxemia and shock occur

The causative agent of this febrile disease characterized by a rash can cross the placenta and cause serious fetal damage:


Your sister cut herself with a knife, and within a few days had a severe pus-producing infection of the hand. A day later, skin begins to come off, exposing muscle and other tissue below the skin. Predict what caused the severity of this infection.

The infectious agent produces exotoxins

Which of the following is not true of staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (SSSS)?

split in skin occurs between the dermis and epidermis

Which is incorrect about warts?

are frequently cancerous