Microbiology: an evolving science Chapter 4

Essential nutrients

those that must be supplied from the environment.

Major elements in cell macromolecules

C, O, H, N, P, S

Cations necessary for protein function

- Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe2+, K+


Trace elements necessary for enzyme function - Co, Cu, Mn, Zn

different ways organisms acquire carbon

autotrophs and heterotrophs


- fix CO2 and assemble into organic molecules (mainly sugars).
- include: Photoautotrophs, and Chemolithautotrophs


- use preformed organic molecules
- Photoheterotrophs and organotrophs


obtain energy from chemical reactions triggered by light.


-use inorganic molecules as a source of electrons.


obtain energy from oxidation-reduction reactions.


-use organic molecules

proton motive force.

electrochemical potential formed from H+ gradient and the charge difference

N2 makes up ___% of Earth's atmosphere but is unavailable for use by most organisms.


Nitrogen fixers

possess nitrogenase, which converts N2 to ammonium ions (NH4+).


oxidize ammonia to nitrate (NO3-).


Convert nitrate to N2

3 ways to achieve selective permeability

1. Permeases - substrate-specific carrier proteins
2. Dedicated nutrient-binding proteins
3. Membrane-spanning protein channels or pores.

Facilitated diffusion

- helps solutes move across a membrane from a region of high concentration to one of lower concentration.
- no energy needed


1) Coupled transport systems
2) ABC transporters.
3) Group translocation

Coupled transport systems

- energy released by moving a driving ion down its gradient is used to move a solute up its gradient.
- Symport and anitport


the two molecules travel in the same direction.


the actively transported molecule moves in the direction opposite to the driving ion.

ABC transporters.

-Powered by ATP
- Found in all 3 domains of life
-2 main types Uptake and Efflux

Uptake ABC transporters

critical for transporting nutrients.

Efflux ABC transporters

used as multidrug efflux pumps.


specialized molecules secreted to bind Fe3+ and transport into the cell

Group translocation

-A process that uses energy to chemically alter the substrate during its transport.
- ex: phosphotransferase system (PTS)

We have succeeded in culturing only ____% of the microorganisms around us.


Bacteria are grown in culture media, which are of two main types:

1. Liquid or broth
2. solid (usually gelled with agar)

Liquid or broth

Useful for studying the growth characteristics of a pure culture


Useful for trying to separate mixed cultures from clinical specimens or natural environments

Pure colonies are isolated via two main techniques

Dilution streaking and spread plate

Dilution streaking

-Easier than a spread plate
-Dragging a loop across the surface of an agar plate

Spread plate

-Tenfold serial dilutions are performed on a liquid culture
-A small amount of each dilution is then plated

Complex media

nutrient rich but poorly defined.

Minimal defined media

contains only those nutrients that are essential for growth of a given microbe

Enriched media

complex media is supplemented with what the organism needs (such as blood or serum)

Selective media

growth of one organism over another.
example - NaCl filled media

Differential media

Differential media exploit differences between two species that grow equally well.

Growth factors

- specific nutrients not required by other species
- microbe need them in order to be able to grow in laboratory media.

Obligate intracellular bacteria

- unculturable

Petroff-Hausser counting chamber

Microorganisms can be counted directly by placing dilutions on a special microscope slide
-uses a grid for a quick counting method

How to distinguished dead cell

- by fluorescence dye
- dead cell appear orange or yellow due to propidium
- live cells appear green because of Syto-9

Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorter (FACS) - or flow cytometer

- "Fluorescent" cells are passed through a small orifice and then past a laser.
- Detectors measure light scatter in the forward direction and to the side

Viable bacterium

being capable of replicating and forming a colony on a solid medium.

Microorganisms can be counted indirectly via

- biochemical assays of cell mass, protein content, or metabolic rate
- and by measuring optical density

Growth rate

- rate of increase in cell numbers or biomass, is proportional to the population size at a given time.
- exponential curve
- never last indefinitely

Generation time

the time it takes for a population to double.

batch culture

a liquid medium within a closed system used for culture bacteria
way to model the effects of a changing environment

4 stages of bacterial growth

Lag phase- In shock, making proteins to start using food.
Log phase - when they really start reproducing
Stationary phase-cells achieve a steady state
Death phase- food is running out, cells are dying

Continuous culture

all cells in a population achieve a steady state, which allows detailed study of bacterial physiology.


Type of continuous culture that ensures logarithmic growth by constantly adding and removing equal amounts of culture media.
ex: human gastrointestinal


- bacteria form specialized, surface-attached communities
-1 or multiple species
- form organic or inorganic surfaces

Bacterial biofilms form when

- nutrients are plentiful
- when depleted, individuals detach
- different forms and functions for different species

Quorum sensing

- chemical signals enable bacteria to communicate
- some cases to form biofilms

Biofilm development involves

- the adherence of cells to a substrate
- the formation of microcolonies
- the formation of complex channeled communities that generate new planktonic cells.

Cell differentiation

under stress, cell structure changes

What species can produce dormant spores that are heat resistant.

Clostridium and Bacillus

What initiates an elaborate 8-hour genetic program



Forms endospores

Sporulation can be divided into discrete stages based on ...?

morphological appearance.

Anabaena differentiates into specialized cells called

-Allow it to fix nitrogen anaerobically while maintaining oxygenic photosynthesis

Myxococcux Xanthus uses

Gliding motility

As nutrients decline, aerial hyphae divide into

arthrospores that are resistant to dying