Intro to Microbiology and Infection Control


absence of germs


tending to inhibit the growth and reproduction of microorganism

Acquired immunity

formation of antibodies in the infected host which protects against future invasions of the same organism


an animal or plant that harbors and provides for the needs of another organism


invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganism that cause disease


is a living entity microscopic. (too small to be seen by the naked eye)


a protective response of the body tissues to irritation or injury

Infection Control

means to institute and practice measure to curtail the spread of infectious diseases


the study of organism that can only be seen through a microscope

Nosocomial infection

refers to infections acquired in the hospital


organism that produce disease


as a means of sustaining an infections organism as potential source of infection


refers to the process that effectively kills or eliminates transmissible agents by heat, chemical, or gases

Standard Precaution

used when caring patient regardless of diagnosis or infection


specialized structure formed by bacteria which is resistant to heat and drying


poisonous waste produced by some bacteria


smallest microorganism that causes infections that can only be seen with an electron microscope


study of viruses


study of bacteria


study of viruses: single celled plant, requiring living tissues


study of fungi (molds and yeast) simple plants


protozoa, one celled animals i.e. malaria


study of rickettsea. Resemble viruses, seen with regular microscope, transmitted by fleas, lice, and ticks


study of immunity. Resistance to disease

Microorganisms are _ _

living entities

An organism is only visible _ _ _

under a microscope

Microorganism are referred to as _


Aerobic (char. of bacteria)

grow only in the presence of oxygen

Anaerobic (char. of bacteria)

grow only in the absence of oxygen


specialized structure formed by bacteria, remains dormant and germinates under favorable conditions. Resistant to heat and disinfectants.


thick, slimy substances that envelopes cells when conditions are unfavorable


hair-like structures that enable the bacteria to move


poisonous waste created by bacteria


infectious worms, not microscopic. 3 major groups: roundworms, tapeworms, and flukes


animals with jointed legs includes insects and ticks, mosquitoes can carry pathogens


do not cause disease (harmless)


cause diseases


generally no pathogens that are constantly present on the skin


picked up during contact with contamination


bacteria need oxygen to live


bacteria does not need oxygen to live


a person that has the organism, but not the disease

Chain of Infection

for infection to occur the following components must occur if pathogens are to be transmitted from one location to another

Elements that must be present in a chain of infection (6)

1. An infectious agent
2. A reservoir that contributes to the growth and reproduction of microorganism
3. Must be an exit route
4. Must be a mode of transportation
5. A port of entry
6. A susceptible host

Two mechanisms of survival (examples of adaptation)

1. ability to forms SPORES (a temporarily inactive microbial life form) that can resist heat and destructive chemicals that can survive without moisture
2. Ability to become antibiotic resistant

Methods of disease transmission

1. Contact: person to person
2. Airborne
3. Environment to person
4. Droplet
5. Tiny animal to person (vector/vehicle into the body)


a special medium to promote growth of the organism


to determine which antibiotics will inhibit growth of bacteria

Gram stain

uses a due, a crystal violet/blue use

Gram positive

retain the color of crystal violet

Gram negative

lose the crystal violet take the color of the red counterstain


refers to the condition that result when microorganisms cause injury to host


microorganism present but host does not manifest any signs or symptoms of infection

Light and electron microscope

use electron beam instead of visible light

Geralamo Fracostorious

he wrote three books on the transfer of infections from person to person

Anthony Van Leeuwenhoek

from Holland, first to observe and describe microorganisms through the scope. Discovered red blood cells, demonstrated capillary connection between arteries and veins.

Lazarro Spallanzani

a naturalist and priest, proposed a theory and proved that heat and air excluded from a tube containing animalcules, if heated they would die and not reoccur

Edward Jenner

developed a vaccine for smallpox

Oliver Wendell Holmes

physician-poet published an article on the contagiousness of puerperal sepsis, which present the theory that disease could be spread by hands of doctors and nurses

Ignaz Semmelweis

1861 published his views of puerperal fever, advised washing hands in a chlorinated lime solution

Louis Pasteur

The father of modern microbiology and bacterioloogy

Louis Pasteur

Developed the theory of fermentation utilized in the production of wine

Louis Pasteur

concluded that the decomposition of dead materials was caused by growth of microorganisms

The Golden Age of Bacteria

1880-1890 many bacteria were discovered

Dr. Ricketts

in 1909 he first observed rickettsea bodies like rocky mountain spotted fever, transmitted by the wood tick

Robert Koch

a German physician who became famous for Koch postulates

Robert Koch

developed culture media (agar) pioneered use of cultures/smears on glass slides

Robert Koch

developed anthrax vaccine along with Pasteur

Robert Koch

isolated and grew mycobacterium tuberculosis

Joseph Lister

1912 - english physician, applied emerging knowledge about the relationship between disease and infection, use asepsis in surgery

Alexander Fleming

1928 discovered penicillin by accident therefore saving his own life during a bout of pneumonia


when was Rh factor discovered, chemotherapy, penicillin, streptomycin, tetrocycline, and other great advances in immunology and vaccines


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