Microbiology Final Exam 2018

Human bacterial pathogens include which of the following?
a. All the types of species listed contain human bacterial pathogens
b. Facultative anaerobic species
c. Anaerobic species
d. Aerobic species

a. All the types of species listed contain human bacterial pathogens

One disadvantage to using broad-spectrum antibiotics is that these drugs:
a. destroy normal microbiota
b. are more easily inactivated by the host
c. are extremely toxic to the host
d. all of the above

a. destroy normal microbiota

Which of the following species have M protein, and produce streptokinases and
Streptolysin S?
a. S. aureus
b. S. epidermidis
c. S. pneumoniae
d. S. pyogenes

d. S. pyogenes

Which of the following species is a common resident of the human skin and can produce
lipase but no toxins?
a. S. aureus
b. S. epidermidis
c. S. pneumoniae
d. S. pyogenes

b. S. epidermidis

Which of the following species is a gram-positive, spore-forming opportunistic bacilli that is commonly found in human digestive tracts and is frequently involved in secondary infections?
a. C. difficile
b. C. albicans
c. C. trachomatis
d. C. sporogenes

a. C. difficile

Toxins produced by _______ can cause muscle contractions; Toxins produced by
_______ can prevent muscle contractions.
a. C. tetani; C. botulinum
b. B. anthracis; C. botulinum
c. C. tetani; B. anthracis
d. C. botulinum; C. tetani

a. C. tetani; C. botulinum

Which of the following statements about sepsis is FALSE?
a. It is only caused by gram positive bacteria
b. It requires immediate medical attention
c. It can sometimes be treated by administering atibiotics
d. It can sometimes be aggravated by antibiotic a

a. It is only caused by gram positive bacteria

A vaccine is available to protect against many strains of...
a. S. pneumoniae
b. S. epidermidis
c. S. pyogenes
d. S. aureus

a. S. pneumoniae

The bacterial proteins that can cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) would best be
described as:
a. Exotoxins
b. Endotoxins
c. Pyogens
d. Pyrogen

a. Exotoxins

What causes thrush and vaginitis
a. Clandida albicans
b. Chlamydia trachomatis
c. S. aureus
d. S. pyogenes

a. Clandida albicans

What causes warts?
a. Papillomavirus
b. Poxvirus
c. Herpesvirus
d. S. aureus

a. Papillomavirus

Which causes the most healthcare associated infections in the US?
a. Gram negative bacteria
b. Gram positive bacteria
c. Yeast
d. All cause the same amount

a. Gram negative bacteria

All of the following are normal microbiota of the skin except
a. Streptococcus
b. Micrococcus
c. Staphylcoccus
d. Propionibacterium

a. Streptococcus

This is a gram-negative, rod-shaped, bacterial species transmitted by fleas and
responsible for bubonic plague:
a. Y. pestis
b. H. pylori
c. R. rickettsii
d. N. gonorrhea

a. Y. pestis

Urinary tract infections are commonly caused by which of these bacterial species?
a. E. coli
b. T. pallidum
c. B. pertussis
d. S. sonnei

a. E. coli

You may experience fevers, nausea, nonbloody diarrhea, and abdominal cramps as a result of eating a meal contaminated with what bacteria?
a. Salmonella
b. Proteus
c. Shigella
d. Yersinia

a. Salmonella

Which of the following bacteria is the causative agent of whooping cough, a disease that affects the ciliated epithelial cells of the trachea?
a. B. pertussis
b. E. coli
c. Y. pestis
d. C. trachomatis

a. B. pertussis

Which of the following statements about salmonellosis is FALSE?
a. The mortality rate is high.
b. Severity of disease depends on number of organisms ingested.
c. It is often associated with poultry products.
d. It is a bacterial infection.

a. The mortality rate is high.

A patient with cystic fibrosis is suffering from a respiratory infection. The causative species was found to be a gram-negative rod, with a single polar flagella, and resistant to a number of antibiotics. What species is most likely responsible for this i

a. P. aeruginosa

Which of the following causes Ohio Valley Fever?
a. H. capsulatum
b. C. albicans
c. E. histolytica
d. P. falciparum

a. H. capsulatum

Vaccines exist that protect against:
a. all of these
b. B. pertussis
c. N. menengitidis
d. S. pneumonia

a. all of these

H. capsulatum is usually transmitted by what?
a. Bird and Bat Droppings
b. Cat Droppings
c. Ticks
d. Rats

a. Bird and Bat Droppings

A fungus that can infect both healthy and immunocompromised patients is what?
a. A true pathogen
b. Symbiotic organism
c. Parasite
d. Opportunistic pathogen

a. A true pathogen

Which fungal disease is found in almost all terminal AIDS patients?
a. Candidiasis
b. Mycetoma
c. Chromoblastomycosis
d. Blastomycosis

a. Candidiasis

What does Aspergillosis cause?
a. Non invasive fungal balls in lungs
b. Meningitis
c. Mucor infection
d. Cutaneous lesions

a. Non invasive fungal balls in lungs

A flagellated, helical-shaped bacteria that tolerates acidic environments, and is
responsible for most stomach ulcers:
a. H. pylori
b. Y. pestis
c. P. aeruginosa
d. R. rickettsii

a. H. pylori

T. pallidum, the bacteria responsible for syphilis, is a
a. spirochete
b. gram negative cocci
c. curved rod
d. gram positive cocci

a. spirochete

Which of the following viruses causes hemorrhagic fevers?
a. Ebola virus
b. Rabies virus
c. Influenza virus
d. Poliomyelitis virus

a. Ebola virus

Which of the following bacteria is a tiny, intracellular parasite that can take on two forms: an elementary body and a reticular body?
a. C. trachomatis
b. Y. pestis
c. H. capsulatum
d. B. pertussis

a. C. trachomatis

If you were diagnosed with Hepatitis B, a disease of the liver, which of the following virus families contains the virus that likely infected you?
a. Hepadnaviridae
b. Papillomaviridae
c. Poliomyelitis
d. Poxviridae

a. Hepadnaviridae

Which of the following species causes a mycosis?
a. C. albicans
b. R. rickettsia
c. V. cholera
d. S. epidermidis

a. C. albicans

No vaccines available today are effective at preventing:
a. Malaria
b. Rabies
c. Polio
d. Measles

a. Malaria

Candida, Toxoplasma, Tapeworms, Nematodes, and Plasmodium are:
a. all eukaryotes
b. all able to cross the placenta (can infect fetus before birth)
c. not able to be treated/cured with medication
d. only rarely found to infect humans

a. all eukaryotes

What disease does C. botulinum cause?

Botulism poisoning

What do C. botulinum cells look like?

Anaerobic gram positive rods

What are the two-three virulence factors of C. botulinum?

Spores, Botulism toxin

What is the treatment for diseases caused by C. botulinum?

Good food preservation

What do C. tetani cells look like?

Anaerobic gram positive rods

What disease does C. tetani cause?

Tetanus infection

What are the two-three virulence factors for C. tetani?

Spores, tetanus toxin

What is the treatment for diseases caused by C. tetani?

Tetanus shot

What do H. pylori cells look like?

Gram negative helical rods

What disease does H. pylori cause?

Stomach ulcers

What are the two-three virulence factors of H. pylori?

Flagella, Urease enzyme

What is the treatment for H. pylori?

Multi drug therapy

What do S. aureus cells look like?

Clusters of gram positive cocci

What disease does S. aureus cause?

Toxic Shock Syndrome

What are the two-three virulence factors of S. aureus?

Coagulase, exotoxins

What is the treatment of diseases caused by S. aureus?

Antibiotic, penicillin

What do S. pyogenes cells look like?

Chains of gram positive cocci

What disease is caused by S. pyogenes?

Throat infections (pharyngitis, tonsilitis), scarlet fever

What are the two-three virulence factors of S. pyogenes?

Hyaluronic acid capsule, pyrogenic toxin

What treatment is used for S. pyogenes?

Penicillin treatment

What do cells of V. cholerae look like?

Gram negative curved rods

What disease does V. cholerae cause?


What are the two-three virulence factors of V. cholerae

Flagellum and Pili, Cholera toxin

What treatment is used for V. cholerae?

Human sanitation, use of chemical disinfectants

The virus that causes shingles and chickenpox:
a) poliomyelitis
b) herpes simplex
c) rotovirus
d) varicella-zoster
e) Epstein-Barr virus

d) varicella-zoster

A family of gram-negative, rod-shaped bacteria that can penetrate the intestinal lining and cause bloody diarrhea:
a) Staphylococci
b) Pseudomonas
c) Shigella
d) Helicobacter
e) Streptococci

c) Shigella

Which of the following are viral hemorrhagic fevers?
a) Zika Fever & Dengue
b) Rabies & Lyme Disease
c) Ebola & Marburg virus
d) HIV & Poliomyelitis
e) Influenza & the common cold

c) Ebola & Marburg virus

Malaria is caused by
a) Toxaplasma gondii
b) Epstein-Barr Virus
c) Plasmodium
d) Mosquitos
e) Helminths

c) Plasmodium

Ringworm is caused by what types of organisms?
a) helminths
b) protozoans
c) bacteria
d) viruses
e) fungi

e) fungi

Which of the following species is a gram-positive, spore-forming bacilli, and is the causative agent of the gas-filled blisters
characteristic of gas gangrene?
a) C. perfringens
b) C. albicans
c) C. trachomatis
d) C. elegans
e) C. patchulismo

a) C. perfringens

This spirochete bacteria is responsible for causing syphilis:
a) T. gondii
b) C. trachomatis
c) S. flexneri
d) N. gonorrhea
e) T. pallidum

e) T. pallidum

A number of hospital patients who were being treated for burns developed a bacterial infection. The causative species was
found to be a gram-negative rod, with a single polar flagella, and resistant to a number of antibiotics. What species is most

e) P. aeruginosa

If left untreated, which of the following can progress from the primary, to the secondary, to the tertiary stage, in which it
can damage multiple tissues and organs, leading to neurological and/or cardiovascular abnormalities?
a) Gonorrhea
b) Poliomyeliti

c) Syphilis

Tooth decay occurs when sugars diffuse through plaque to the embedded bacteria, which in turn ferment sugars into
organic ____, which cannot diffuse out of the area, resulting in a gradual ______ of the enamel.
a) bases; precipitation
b) bases; buildup

e)acids; dissolving

Doctors may prescribe synergistic drug combinations to treat microbial infections. The main purpose is to:
a) reduce the treatment time of the disease
b) prevent microorganisms from acquiring drug resistance
c) stimulate the host's immune response
d) admi

b) prevent microorganisms from acquiring drug resistance

Which of the following is a reason why helminthic and protozoan diseases are typically relatively difficult to treat?
a) they have a thick protective epidermis
b) they have many biochemical pathways in common with man
c) their cells are structurally diffe


Antimicrobial drugs with a low "therapeutic index" are generally _____ compared to drugs with a high therapeutic index.
a) more allergenic
b) more dangerous
c) safer
d) nontoxic
e) more selective

b) more dangerous

One third of the world's population would test positive for _________________, a chronic infection with characteristic
lesions that harden/calcify & scar lung tissues - this disease is the leading cause of death for those with HIV.
a) Tuberculosis
b) Pneu

a) Tuberculosis

What is the association between estrogens and the microbiota of the vagina?
a) Estrogens kill bacteria
b) Estrogens stimulate growth of certain bacteria
c) Estrogens kill yeast
d) Estrogens are a primary food supply for microbes

b) Estrogens stimulate growth of certain bacteria