Micro Chapter 5

History of Eukaryotes

1. 1st about 2 billion years ago
2. eukaryote evolving from prokaryote organisms thru intracellular symbiosis
a. euk. organelles originated from prokar. cells trapped inside them
b. 1st euk. probably single-celled & independent
c. eventually formed coloni


living together/association. one entered into another cell

what domain, kingdom & unicellular or mutli

KIngdom Protista
always unicellular

what domain, kingdom & unicellular or mutli

may be unicellular or multicellular

what domain, kingdom & unicellular or mutli

always multicellular (have unicellular egg or larval forms

Cilia & Flagella (Locomotor appendages)

1. Eukaryote flagella different from those of Prokaryote
a. 10X thicker/bigger
b. structurally more complex
c. covered by an extension of cell membrane
2. Single flagellum contains regularly spaced microtubules along its length
a. 9 pairs surrounding a si

9+2 arrangement

is a universal pattern of flagella & cilia, 9 doublets surrounding 2 singlets


used for movement or feeding
similar to flagellum w/some differences
1. shorter & more numerous than flagellum
2. can function as feeding and filtering structures
Only found in eukaryotes. protozoa & certain animal cells


1. glycocalyx (sugar-coat), a polysaccharide
2. Most euk. cells have this outermost boundary that comes into direct contact w/ the environment
3. usually composed of polysaccharides (many sugars)
4. appears as network of fibers, slime layer or capsule

Eukaryotic Cell - Boundry Structures
Cell Wall

1. rigid
2. provide support & shape
3. different chemically from prok. cell walls
4. Fungi
a. thick inner layer of chitlin or cellulose
b. thin outer layer of mixed gylcans (sugar)
5. Algae
a. varied in chemical composition

Eukaryotic Cell - Boundry Structure
Cytoplasmic Membrane

1. Bilayer of phospholipids w/protein molecules embedded
2. also contain sterols, a type of lipid or fat
a. gives stability (too much and its a problem)
b. especially important in cells w/o a cell wall
3. selectively permeable barriers


a type of lipid or fat

Eukaryotic Cell - Internal Structures

Control center, all genetic information
1. separated from cytoplasm from nuclear membrane/envelope
a. 2 parallel membranes separated by narrow space (equals a total of 4 phospholipids
b. nuclear membrane perforated w/nuclear pores
2. filled w/nucleoplasm

cytoplasm vs. nucleoplasm

specialized enzymes dissolve w/in it


comprises the chromosomes
chromatin like angel hair pasta
chromosomes like bowtie pasta
chromatin condenses into chromosomes for mitosis and wraps around histones (like a yo-yo)


Interphase = normal function, DNA = chromatin
Metaphase=chromosomes line up
Anaphase= sister chromatid split toward centrioles
cytokinesis= division of cytoplasm, 2 daughter cells


1. Protein synthesizers
2. Located = cytoplasm, cytoskeletan, RER, can be in groups
3. often found in chains of polyribosomes
4. composed of large & samll subunits of ribonucleicprotein
5. larger 80S variety, composed of 60S & 40S (how fast do they settle

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

A passageway in the cell. continuation of nuclear membrane
1. microscopic series of tunnels
2. used in transport & storgage
3. Rough (RER)
a. originates from outer membrane of nuclear envelope
b. extends thru cytoplasm
c. spaces in RER=cisternae - transpo


all membrane bound, 4 layers of phospholipids

Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

1. closed tubular network
2. no ribosomes
3. Functions
a. nutrient processing
b. synthesis & storage of non-protein. macromolecule such as lipids
***c. membranes phospholipids being made
d. lipid synthesis

Gogli Apparatus 1/2

A packaging machine (post office of the cell)
One side faces nucleus (specifically ER) & one faces cell membrane
1. where proteins are modified & sent ot their final destinations (full of enzymes)
2. A stack of cisternae
3. do not form a continuous networ

Golgi Apparatus 2/2

Closely associated w/ER both in location & function
1. ER buds off transitional vesicles (packets of protein) where it meets Golgi app.
2. Golgi app picks up transitional vesicles
3. protein often modified by addition of polysaccharides & lipids
4. Then g


break body" Clean up
1. contains variety of enzymes
2. involved in intracellular digestion of food & protection against invading microorganisms
3. participate in digestion & removal of cell debris in damaged tissue


cell eating.
type of endocytosis in which the cell membrane actively engulfs large particles or cell into vesicles


cell drinking


in cell"
process where solid and liquid materials are taken into the cell thru membrane invagination & engulfment into a vesicle


body forned in a phagocyte, consisting of a union btw a vesicle containing the ingested particle (the phagosome) and a vacuole of hydrolytic enzymes (the lysosome)


Energy generators
1. cellular activities require constant supply of energy (ATP)
2. bulk of the energy generated by mitochondria
3. smooth, continuous outer membrane
4. inner folded membrane (fold are cristae)
a. critae hold enzymes & electron carriers of


Photosynthesis Machines
1. organelles found in algae & plant cells
2. convert energy of sunlight into chemical energy thru photosynthesis
3. 2 membranes
a. smooth outer membrane
b. inner membran folded into thylakoids
c. thylakoids stacked upon one anothe


small, disclike sacs


thylakoids stacked upon one another


surrounds the thylakoids. fluid inside has enzymes for photosynthesis

Endosymbiotic Theory

eukaryotic cells arose when a much larger prok. cell engulfed smaller bacterial cells that becan to live & reproduce inside the prok. cell rather than being destroyed. As smaller cells took up permanent residence they came to perform specialized function

Endosymbiotic Theory - Evidence

A. mitochondria & chloroplasts
1. circular dna
2. same size ribosomal subunits=70S
3. reproduce independently
4. Overall size = prokaryote
b. flagellum = 10X greater
spriochete ancestor
Chloroplasts come in last. easier to lose one thing (chloroplast) the

Compare & contrast Mitochondria & Chloroplast

A. mitochondria & chloroplasts
1. circular dna
2. same size ribosomal subunits=70S
3. reproduce independently
4. Overall size = prokaryote
Mitochondria = energy/ATP
Chloroplast = Photosynthesis


1. A support network
2. flexible framework of molecules crisscrossing cytoplasm
3. Functions= anchoring organelles; moving organelles, RNA & vesicles; permitting shape changes & movement in some cells; support
4. Two types: originate from nucleus
a. micro


1. thin protein strands
2. attach to cell membrane
3. some responsible for movements of cytoplasm
4. some active in amoeboid motion-pushes membrane out
5. like subway or train tracks

Why would items move in the cytoplasm?

Microfilament responsible for movement
eukaryote cells compartmentalize
more products created in one area to move to another


1. bigger than microfilaments
2. long, hollow tubes
3. maintain shape of eukaryote cells w/o walls
4. transport substances-bigger
5. responsible for movement of cilia & flagella in eukaryote only (9+2 arrangements)
ex. chameleon changing colors

eukaryotic cells function or structure

I. Genetics:
Characteristic: nucleic acid, chromosomes, true nucleus & nuclear envelope = most have it
II. Reproduction
Characteristic: mitosis, binary fission, production of sex cells = most have it
III. Biosynthesis
Characteristic: independent, golgi ap

Kingdom of Fungi

1. great variety & complexity
2. approx. 100,000 species
3. divided into 2 groups
a. macroscopic fungi (mushrooms & puffballs)
b. microscopic
i. yeasts = round oval shape
unique mode of asexual resproduction called budding
ii. Hyphae (hairlike) = long, th


take either form of yeast or hyphae


individual cells working together

Fungal nutrition

1. hetrotophic = acquire nutrition from other/different sources
2. acquire most nutrients from substrate = specific molecule upon which an enzyme acts
3. most fungi are saprobes = microbe that decomposes organic remains from dead organisms
4. can absorb a


specific molecule upon which an enzyme acts


microbe that decomposes organic remains from dead organisms

Fungal nutrition
general method of obtaining nutrition

land and penetrate the substrate & secrete exo-enzymes. breakdown large molecules into smaller molecules, then absorb.

Organization of microscopic Fungi

1. most grow in loose associations or colonies
2. yeasts; soft, uniform textures & appearance (almost like bacteria)
3. Filamentous fungal colonies- cottony, hairy, or velvety textures
4. Mycelium- the woven, intertwining mass of hyphae that makes up the


cross walls


the woven, intertwining mass of hyphae that makes up the body or colony of a mold

Unique organizational features of hypae in fungi

a. Septa-cross walls (ex. nose, heart)
b. Nonseptate hyphae- one long, continuous cell

Functions of hyphae in fungi

a. Vegetative hyphae (mycelia)- visible mass of growth on the substrate surface; penetrates the substrate to digest and absorb nutrients. Going thru & doing their normal function.
b. Reproductive (fertile) hyphae- from vegetative hyphae; responsible for t

Roles of Fungi in Nature and Industry

1. Nearly all fungi are free-living and don't need a host
2. Human infection by pathogenic fungi usually occurs through accidental contact (ex. athletes foot-ring worm)
3. When/why do women get yeast infections? after antibiotics. kill the good & bad bact

major fungal infections of humans (1)

name of infection = candidiasis or yeast infection
name of causative fungus = candida albicans
degree of tissue involvement & area infected = mucous membranes, skin, nails (ex. yeast, thrush, throat infections)

Fungi not only involved in infections but (3=APA)

-Allergies (mold)
-Poisoning (exoenzymes)
-Agricultural damage

benefits of fungi (4)

1. Decomposing organic matter and returning essential minerals to the soil (recycling)
2. Mycorrhizae (fungi root) form a (41) _symbiotic__ relationship with plant roots to absorb water and nutrients. endo or exomycorrhizae
3. Production of
-Antibiotics (

the protists

1. Traditionally contains the algae and protozoa
2. Two major taxonomic categories
I. Subkingdom Algae
II. Subkingdom Protozoa

Biology of Protozoa

animal like, in motion
1. About 65,000 species
2. Most are (42) harmless__, free-living inhabitants of water and soil
3. Few are parasites
4. Most are single cells
5. Size between 3 to 300 �m
6. Some ciliates and flagellates have organelles working like a

Protozoan pathogens

1.Protozoan= Amoeboid
Disease= amoebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica (breakup tissue)
Source=human/water & food (ex. montezuma's revenge
2. Protozoan=flagellated protozoa/hemoflagellates
Disease=Trypanosomiasis:Trypanosoma brucei (T. cruzi)
Source= zoonotic/v

Algae: Photosynthesis protists

1. Vary in length from a few micrometers to 100 meters
2. Unicellular, colonial, and filamentous forms
3. Larger forms can possess tissues and simple organs
4. Exhibit all eukaryotic organelles (more complex)
5. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll

Pathogenic flagellates: Trypanosomes

1. Genus Trypanosoma
2. T. brucei causes sleeping sickness (insects)
3. T. cruzi causes Chagas disease
a. Multiply in the muscle and white blood cells
b. Can lead to inflammation, fever, heart & brain
all hard to kill

Infective Amoebas

1. Amoebiasis caused by Entamoeba histolytica
2. Fourth most common protozoan infection in the world
3. Aka amoebic dysentery
4. AKA - Montezuma's revenge

General worm morphology

1. Most developed organs are those of the (45) __reproductive_____ tract
2. Some degree of reduction in digestive, excretory, nervous, and muscular systems (ex. vingear eels-they had movement)
3. Most have thick cuticles for protection and mouth glands fo

The parasitic Helminths

1. Tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms
2. Adults large enough to be seen with the naked eye
3. From 1 mm to 25 m in length
4. Microscope is necessary to identify eggs and larvae
5. Two major groups: Flatworms and Roundworms
6. Worms and allergies???? Possib

A helminth cycle: The pin worm

1. Person swallows microscopic eggs
a. Picked up from another infected person by direct contact (rectum-come out at night to lay eggs)
b.Or by touching articles an infected person has touched
2. Eggs hatch in the intestine
3. Release larvae that mature in


1. Phylum Platyhelminthes
2. Thin
3. Often segmented
4. Lack of or highly reduced (48)_digestive__ tract. Main focus is reproduction
5. Subdivisions
a. Cestodes (tapeworms)
b. Trematodes (flukes) - infectious locations? (49) blood & liver (block liver


1. Phylum Nematodes
2. Elongated
3. Cylindrical
4. Unsegmented
5. Muscular systems


spaces in the ER & Gogli


folds in mitochondria


in chloroplast, inner membrane folds

Intestinal Nematodes 1/2
infective in egg

Ascaris Lumbricoides
Common name = Ascariasis
Life cycle requirement = humans
spread to humans by = Fecal pollution of soil w. eggs

Intestinal Nematodes 2/2
infective in egg

Enterobius vermicularis
Common name = Pinworm
Life cycle requirement = Humans
spread to humans by = close contact (rectum)

Intestinal Nematodes (1)
infective in larval stage

Trichinella spiralis
common name = Trichina worm
life cycle requirement = pigs, wild mammals
spread to humans by = consumption of meat containg larvae (undercooked pork)

Flatworms (1/3)

Trematodes (fluke)
Schistosoma japonicum
common name= blood fluke
life cycle requirement = humans & snails
spread to humans by = ingestion of fresh water containing larval stage

Flatworms 2/3

Cestodes (tapes)
T. solium
common namepork tapeworm
life cycle requirement = humans, swine
spread to humans by =consumption of undercooked or raw pork

Flatworms (3/3)

Diphyllobothrium latum
common name = fish tape worm
life cycle requirement = humans, fish
spread to humans by = consumption of undercooked or raw fish





History of Eukaryotes

1. 1st about 2 billion years ago
2. eukaryote evolving from prokaryote organisms thru intracellular symbiosis
a. euk. organelles originated from prokar. cells trapped inside them
b. 1st euk. probably single-celled & independent
c. eventually formed coloni


living together/association. one entered into another cell

what domain, kingdom & unicellular or mutli

KIngdom Protista
always unicellular

what domain, kingdom & unicellular or mutli

may be unicellular or multicellular

what domain, kingdom & unicellular or mutli

always multicellular (have unicellular egg or larval forms

Cilia & Flagella (Locomotor appendages)

1. Eukaryote flagella different from those of Prokaryote
a. 10X thicker/bigger
b. structurally more complex
c. covered by an extension of cell membrane
2. Single flagellum contains regularly spaced microtubules along its length
a. 9 pairs surrounding a si

9+2 arrangement

is a universal pattern of flagella & cilia, 9 doublets surrounding 2 singlets


used for movement or feeding
similar to flagellum w/some differences
1. shorter & more numerous than flagellum
2. can function as feeding and filtering structures
Only found in eukaryotes. protozoa & certain animal cells


1. glycocalyx (sugar-coat), a polysaccharide
2. Most euk. cells have this outermost boundary that comes into direct contact w/ the environment
3. usually composed of polysaccharides (many sugars)
4. appears as network of fibers, slime layer or capsule

Eukaryotic Cell - Boundry Structures
Cell Wall

1. rigid
2. provide support & shape
3. different chemically from prok. cell walls
4. Fungi
a. thick inner layer of chitlin or cellulose
b. thin outer layer of mixed gylcans (sugar)
5. Algae
a. varied in chemical composition

Eukaryotic Cell - Boundry Structure
Cytoplasmic Membrane

1. Bilayer of phospholipids w/protein molecules embedded
2. also contain sterols, a type of lipid or fat
a. gives stability (too much and its a problem)
b. especially important in cells w/o a cell wall
3. selectively permeable barriers


a type of lipid or fat

Eukaryotic Cell - Internal Structures

Control center, all genetic information
1. separated from cytoplasm from nuclear membrane/envelope
a. 2 parallel membranes separated by narrow space (equals a total of 4 phospholipids
b. nuclear membrane perforated w/nuclear pores
2. filled w/nucleoplasm

cytoplasm vs. nucleoplasm

specialized enzymes dissolve w/in it


comprises the chromosomes
chromatin like angel hair pasta
chromosomes like bowtie pasta
chromatin condenses into chromosomes for mitosis and wraps around histones (like a yo-yo)


Interphase = normal function, DNA = chromatin
Metaphase=chromosomes line up
Anaphase= sister chromatid split toward centrioles
cytokinesis= division of cytoplasm, 2 daughter cells


1. Protein synthesizers
2. Located = cytoplasm, cytoskeletan, RER, can be in groups
3. often found in chains of polyribosomes
4. composed of large & samll subunits of ribonucleicprotein
5. larger 80S variety, composed of 60S & 40S (how fast do they settle

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

A passageway in the cell. continuation of nuclear membrane
1. microscopic series of tunnels
2. used in transport & storgage
3. Rough (RER)
a. originates from outer membrane of nuclear envelope
b. extends thru cytoplasm
c. spaces in RER=cisternae - transpo


all membrane bound, 4 layers of phospholipids

Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

1. closed tubular network
2. no ribosomes
3. Functions
a. nutrient processing
b. synthesis & storage of non-protein. macromolecule such as lipids
***c. membranes phospholipids being made
d. lipid synthesis

Gogli Apparatus 1/2

A packaging machine (post office of the cell)
One side faces nucleus (specifically ER) & one faces cell membrane
1. where proteins are modified & sent ot their final destinations (full of enzymes)
2. A stack of cisternae
3. do not form a continuous networ

Golgi Apparatus 2/2

Closely associated w/ER both in location & function
1. ER buds off transitional vesicles (packets of protein) where it meets Golgi app.
2. Golgi app picks up transitional vesicles
3. protein often modified by addition of polysaccharides & lipids
4. Then g


break body" Clean up
1. contains variety of enzymes
2. involved in intracellular digestion of food & protection against invading microorganisms
3. participate in digestion & removal of cell debris in damaged tissue


cell eating.
type of endocytosis in which the cell membrane actively engulfs large particles or cell into vesicles


cell drinking


in cell"
process where solid and liquid materials are taken into the cell thru membrane invagination & engulfment into a vesicle


body forned in a phagocyte, consisting of a union btw a vesicle containing the ingested particle (the phagosome) and a vacuole of hydrolytic enzymes (the lysosome)


Energy generators
1. cellular activities require constant supply of energy (ATP)
2. bulk of the energy generated by mitochondria
3. smooth, continuous outer membrane
4. inner folded membrane (fold are cristae)
a. critae hold enzymes & electron carriers of


Photosynthesis Machines
1. organelles found in algae & plant cells
2. convert energy of sunlight into chemical energy thru photosynthesis
3. 2 membranes
a. smooth outer membrane
b. inner membran folded into thylakoids
c. thylakoids stacked upon one anothe


small, disclike sacs


thylakoids stacked upon one another


surrounds the thylakoids. fluid inside has enzymes for photosynthesis

Endosymbiotic Theory

eukaryotic cells arose when a much larger prok. cell engulfed smaller bacterial cells that becan to live & reproduce inside the prok. cell rather than being destroyed. As smaller cells took up permanent residence they came to perform specialized function

Endosymbiotic Theory - Evidence

A. mitochondria & chloroplasts
1. circular dna
2. same size ribosomal subunits=70S
3. reproduce independently
4. Overall size = prokaryote
b. flagellum = 10X greater
spriochete ancestor
Chloroplasts come in last. easier to lose one thing (chloroplast) the

Compare & contrast Mitochondria & Chloroplast

A. mitochondria & chloroplasts
1. circular dna
2. same size ribosomal subunits=70S
3. reproduce independently
4. Overall size = prokaryote
Mitochondria = energy/ATP
Chloroplast = Photosynthesis


1. A support network
2. flexible framework of molecules crisscrossing cytoplasm
3. Functions= anchoring organelles; moving organelles, RNA & vesicles; permitting shape changes & movement in some cells; support
4. Two types: originate from nucleus
a. micro


1. thin protein strands
2. attach to cell membrane
3. some responsible for movements of cytoplasm
4. some active in amoeboid motion-pushes membrane out
5. like subway or train tracks

Why would items move in the cytoplasm?

Microfilament responsible for movement
eukaryote cells compartmentalize
more products created in one area to move to another


1. bigger than microfilaments
2. long, hollow tubes
3. maintain shape of eukaryote cells w/o walls
4. transport substances-bigger
5. responsible for movement of cilia & flagella in eukaryote only (9+2 arrangements)
ex. chameleon changing colors

eukaryotic cells function or structure

I. Genetics:
Characteristic: nucleic acid, chromosomes, true nucleus & nuclear envelope = most have it
II. Reproduction
Characteristic: mitosis, binary fission, production of sex cells = most have it
III. Biosynthesis
Characteristic: independent, golgi ap

Kingdom of Fungi

1. great variety & complexity
2. approx. 100,000 species
3. divided into 2 groups
a. macroscopic fungi (mushrooms & puffballs)
b. microscopic
i. yeasts = round oval shape
unique mode of asexual resproduction called budding
ii. Hyphae (hairlike) = long, th


take either form of yeast or hyphae


individual cells working together

Fungal nutrition

1. hetrotophic = acquire nutrition from other/different sources
2. acquire most nutrients from substrate = specific molecule upon which an enzyme acts
3. most fungi are saprobes = microbe that decomposes organic remains from dead organisms
4. can absorb a


specific molecule upon which an enzyme acts


microbe that decomposes organic remains from dead organisms

Fungal nutrition
general method of obtaining nutrition

land and penetrate the substrate & secrete exo-enzymes. breakdown large molecules into smaller molecules, then absorb.

Organization of microscopic Fungi

1. most grow in loose associations or colonies
2. yeasts; soft, uniform textures & appearance (almost like bacteria)
3. Filamentous fungal colonies- cottony, hairy, or velvety textures
4. Mycelium- the woven, intertwining mass of hyphae that makes up the


cross walls


the woven, intertwining mass of hyphae that makes up the body or colony of a mold

Unique organizational features of hypae in fungi

a. Septa-cross walls (ex. nose, heart)
b. Nonseptate hyphae- one long, continuous cell

Functions of hyphae in fungi

a. Vegetative hyphae (mycelia)- visible mass of growth on the substrate surface; penetrates the substrate to digest and absorb nutrients. Going thru & doing their normal function.
b. Reproductive (fertile) hyphae- from vegetative hyphae; responsible for t

Roles of Fungi in Nature and Industry

1. Nearly all fungi are free-living and don't need a host
2. Human infection by pathogenic fungi usually occurs through accidental contact (ex. athletes foot-ring worm)
3. When/why do women get yeast infections? after antibiotics. kill the good & bad bact

major fungal infections of humans (1)

name of infection = candidiasis or yeast infection
name of causative fungus = candida albicans
degree of tissue involvement & area infected = mucous membranes, skin, nails (ex. yeast, thrush, throat infections)

Fungi not only involved in infections but (3=APA)

-Allergies (mold)
-Poisoning (exoenzymes)
-Agricultural damage

benefits of fungi (4)

1. Decomposing organic matter and returning essential minerals to the soil (recycling)
2. Mycorrhizae (fungi root) form a (41) _symbiotic__ relationship with plant roots to absorb water and nutrients. endo or exomycorrhizae
3. Production of
-Antibiotics (

the protists

1. Traditionally contains the algae and protozoa
2. Two major taxonomic categories
I. Subkingdom Algae
II. Subkingdom Protozoa

Biology of Protozoa

animal like, in motion
1. About 65,000 species
2. Most are (42) harmless__, free-living inhabitants of water and soil
3. Few are parasites
4. Most are single cells
5. Size between 3 to 300 �m
6. Some ciliates and flagellates have organelles working like a

Protozoan pathogens

1.Protozoan= Amoeboid
Disease= amoebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica (breakup tissue)
Source=human/water & food (ex. montezuma's revenge
2. Protozoan=flagellated protozoa/hemoflagellates
Disease=Trypanosomiasis:Trypanosoma brucei (T. cruzi)
Source= zoonotic/v

Algae: Photosynthesis protists

1. Vary in length from a few micrometers to 100 meters
2. Unicellular, colonial, and filamentous forms
3. Larger forms can possess tissues and simple organs
4. Exhibit all eukaryotic organelles (more complex)
5. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll

Pathogenic flagellates: Trypanosomes

1. Genus Trypanosoma
2. T. brucei causes sleeping sickness (insects)
3. T. cruzi causes Chagas disease
a. Multiply in the muscle and white blood cells
b. Can lead to inflammation, fever, heart & brain
all hard to kill

Infective Amoebas

1. Amoebiasis caused by Entamoeba histolytica
2. Fourth most common protozoan infection in the world
3. Aka amoebic dysentery
4. AKA - Montezuma's revenge

General worm morphology

1. Most developed organs are those of the (45) __reproductive_____ tract
2. Some degree of reduction in digestive, excretory, nervous, and muscular systems (ex. vingear eels-they had movement)
3. Most have thick cuticles for protection and mouth glands fo

The parasitic Helminths

1. Tapeworms, flukes, and roundworms
2. Adults large enough to be seen with the naked eye
3. From 1 mm to 25 m in length
4. Microscope is necessary to identify eggs and larvae
5. Two major groups: Flatworms and Roundworms
6. Worms and allergies???? Possib

A helminth cycle: The pin worm

1. Person swallows microscopic eggs
a. Picked up from another infected person by direct contact (rectum-come out at night to lay eggs)
b.Or by touching articles an infected person has touched
2. Eggs hatch in the intestine
3. Release larvae that mature in


1. Phylum Platyhelminthes
2. Thin
3. Often segmented
4. Lack of or highly reduced (48)_digestive__ tract. Main focus is reproduction
5. Subdivisions
a. Cestodes (tapeworms)
b. Trematodes (flukes) - infectious locations? (49) blood & liver (block liver


1. Phylum Nematodes
2. Elongated
3. Cylindrical
4. Unsegmented
5. Muscular systems


spaces in the ER & Gogli


folds in mitochondria


in chloroplast, inner membrane folds

Intestinal Nematodes 1/2
infective in egg

Ascaris Lumbricoides
Common name = Ascariasis
Life cycle requirement = humans
spread to humans by = Fecal pollution of soil w. eggs

Intestinal Nematodes 2/2
infective in egg

Enterobius vermicularis
Common name = Pinworm
Life cycle requirement = Humans
spread to humans by = close contact (rectum)

Intestinal Nematodes (1)
infective in larval stage

Trichinella spiralis
common name = Trichina worm
life cycle requirement = pigs, wild mammals
spread to humans by = consumption of meat containg larvae (undercooked pork)

Flatworms (1/3)

Trematodes (fluke)
Schistosoma japonicum
common name= blood fluke
life cycle requirement = humans & snails
spread to humans by = ingestion of fresh water containing larval stage

Flatworms 2/3

Cestodes (tapes)
T. solium
common namepork tapeworm
life cycle requirement = humans, swine
spread to humans by =consumption of undercooked or raw pork

Flatworms (3/3)

Diphyllobothrium latum
common name = fish tape worm
life cycle requirement = humans, fish
spread to humans by = consumption of undercooked or raw fish



