Ch26: Microbial Disease of the Urinary and Reproductive Systems


Frequent, urgent, and painful urination


Inflammation of the kidney


painful, noncontagious, rubbery mass of tissue in organs/ on skin seen in the Tertiary stage of Syphillis.


Inflammation of the urinary bladder

Condylomata acuminata

Signs and Symptoms: warts, large cauliflower-like growths on the mucous membranes or exterior skin of genitalia; can be associated with cervical and penile cancer

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

any extensive bacterial infection of female pelvic organs


normal microbiota in the vagina

Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Gonorrhea caused by ______.


attaches to oral or urogenital mucosa by fimbriae>> invade epithelial cells>> reproduce>> release endotoxin>> inflammation>> cell destruction


Signs & Symptoms: females may be asymptomatic, have mild vaginal discharge or mucopurulent discharge; no immunity conferred


Signs & Symptoms: males have painful urination and pus discharge that is evident a few days to a week post exposure; if not treated scar tissue can block urethra or lead to sterility; no immunity conferred


This disease produces an IgA protease that destroys secretory IgA and allows for more receptor binding.

Non-gonococcal Urethritis (NGU)

any urethra inflammation not caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Chlamydia trachomatis

most commonly sexually transmitted pathogen in the US

Chlamydia trachomatis

Signs & Symptoms: painful urination, watery discharge, itching; may be transmitted to newborn eyes,

pelvic inflammatory disease

N. gonorrheoae / C. Trachomatis / pain or blocked tubes

Primary Syphilis

Stage of syphilis characterized by painless, chancre sores at the infection site; highly contagious stage; chancres resolve, but the bacteria infiltrates the blood and lymph

Treponema pallidum

Syphilis is caused by _______.


In this disease, the Gram negative spirochete triggers a strong inflammatory response, but there is no toxin released and no direct host cell death.


Treatment for this disease is penicillin, even though its gram negative


primary stage of syphilis characterized by these sores at the infection site:

skin and mucosal rashes

secondary stage of syphilis characterized by:

Gardnerella vaginalis

Gardnerella vaginosis is caused by ______.


As Gardnerella vaginalis grows it produces _______, which increase pH and contribute to the fishy odor common with Gardnerella vaginosis.

Gardnerella vaginosis

Diagnosis by Whiff test or Clue cells

Gardnerella vaginosis

Signs and Symptoms: copious, frothy vaginal discharge, gray-white color, fishy odor, no pain, itching possible, vaginal pH above 4.5

genital herpes

most of these are caused by HSV1 or HSV2

genital herpes

A recurrence of this disease happens when virus filled vesicles pop open

genital herpes

(suppression:) acyclovir or valacyclovir

genital warts

human papillomaviruses (HPV)

cervical cancer

(vaccine:) Guardasil


candida albicans

candida albicans

grows on mucosa of mouth, intestinal tract, and genitourinary tract

Candida albicans

Candidiasis (or vaginal thrush) is caused by _____.


Signs & Symptoms: severe itch, white/yellow cheesy discharge, a yeasty or no odor, reddened vaginal mucosa

Trichmonas vaginalis

Trichomoniasis is caused by this protazoan that only affects women.


One-half of females carrying this disease are asymptomatic and males rarely have symptoms.

Trichomoniasis (protazoan)

Signs & Symptoms: profuse & frothy yellow-green discharge, foul odor, itch and irritation, and tender/red vaginal mucosa

herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV2)

Genital herpes is caused by


inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis caused by bacterial infection

Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Condylomata acuminata or Genital Warts is caused by

Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is caused by _____.


uterine tube infection


chronic pain, infertility via Salpingits


inflammation of the urethra


urinary infections are frequently caused by _____.

E. coli

This bacterium causes most UTIs.


Signs and symptoms: dysuria, urgency, hematuria, pyuria


intestinal bacteria like E. coli

shorter urethra and proximity to anus

Cystitis is more common in women for these 2 reasons:


Signs and Symptoms: dysuria and pyuria


Signs and Symptoms: fever, back/flank pain, scar tissue to organ and potentially life threatening if no timely treatment

very sensitive to environmental stresses and require intimate contact for transmission

What are 2 characteristics of microbes associated with reproductive system infections?

pharyngeal gonorrhea

a type of gonorrhea that resembles septic sore throat

Gonococcal Opthalmia Neonatorum

Purulent discharge from baby's eye (2-3 days postpartum), can cause blindness; frequently co-infected with Chlamydia trachomatis.

Chlamydia trachomatis

Signs and Symptoms: males may be asymptomatic or mild; discharge and dysuria, epidiymitis, or sterility

Chlamydia trachomatis

Signs and Symptoms: females may be asymptomatic, or exhibit dysuria, cervicitis, discharge; can cause PID, infertility or cervical cancer

Chlamydia trachomatis

Trachoma is caused by ______.


causes conjunctivitis and is the leading cause of blindness; topical antibiotic drops are given at birth to prevent blindness

Secondary Syphilis

stage of syphilis occurring several weeks after spirochete has infiltrated system; skin rash on body, palm and soles of feet is a cardinal sign; fever, sore throat, loss of hair, and highly contagious lesions

Secondary Syphilis

During this stage of Syphilis, the disease goes latent with no signs/symptoms, but it is still communicable. After 2-4 years of latency can still be infectious to fetuses.

Tertiary Syphilis

Stage of Syphilis that arises 5 or more years after latency; cardinal sign is non-contagious Gumma lesions; can lead to endocarditis, and damage to the CNS (loss of motor control, insanity, blindness, seizures)

genital herpes (HSV2)

Signs & Symptoms: burning sensation, followed by vesicle, possible dysuria, walking uncomfortable, clothing may irritate, heals in several weeks

genital herpes (HSV2)

Women with this disease exhibit vesicles on the exterior genitalia, making condoms minimally useful.

genital herpes (HSV2)

This disease remains latent in the sacral ganglia, last forever, and can be reactivated by scratching.


benign tumors on the epidermis

Kaposi's Sarcoma

What is the rare skin/blood vessel cancer associated with AIDS?


AIDS is caused by ______.

-HIV hides attachment sites from antibodies
-HIV can remain in host cell as a latent provirus or as latent virions in macrophages
-HIV undergoes rapid antigen changes or mutations
-HIV engage in cell-to-cell fusion

What four strategies does HIV use to mute the body's immune system efforts?

T Cells

99% of all HIV's are produced by these cells

2 days

How long do infected T cells survive?

2 years

How long do uninfected T cells usually survive?


decrease in WBC count

long-term non-progressors

5% of people who don't convert from HIV to AIDS; they live free of AIDS and it signs and symptoms, because their Thelper Cells remain stable.

long-term non-infected

people who have been subjected to multiple HIV exposures and are never infected

-CD4 cells are innately resistant
-CCR5 gene is defective
-no co-receptr for viral binding to host cell

What are 3 reasons why long-term non-infected people may not contract HIV despite numerous exposures?

Primary effects of HIV

harm to T cells and harm to CNS due to infected macrophages crossing the blood-brain barrier

secondary effects of HIV

opportunistic infections and malignancies

AIDS Category A

asymptomatic or mononucleosis-like symptoms with lymphanopathy that may resolve or persist

AIDS Category B

persistent infections, precancerous or cancerous conditions of cervix or oral mucosa (e.g. Hairy leukoplakia)

AIDS Category C

clinical AIDS (fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, neuro S/S, pneumonia, night sweats, etc.)

hairy leukoplakia

White patch seen on the lateral border of the tongue; usually seen in HIV and other immunocompromised patients:


Period when antibodies against the HIV are first detectable in the blood

plasma viral load test

Measures the amount of HIV in blood and produces results in 72 hours

oral swab test

HIV test that provides results in 20 minutes

rapid mutation and reproductive rates

Name 2 reasons why it is difficult to produce an HIV vaccine.

HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy)

combination of drugs used to treat AIDS


The drug ________seems to slow down the AID's infection by inserting itself into a growing DNA chain of HIV and terminating synthesis.

reverse transcriptase inhibitors

These drugs prevent RNA from converting to DNA in HIV patients

protease inhibitors

Antiviral drugs used in HIV patients, which inhibit the action of viral protease by binding directly to the catalytic site, preventing viral protein processing

Integrase inhibitors

drug that blocks HIV integration into the host genome


An HIV drug that acts as a fusion inhibitor to prevent viral fusing with the host membrane


T helper cells of 200 cells/mm and at least one AIDS-defining illness


AKA "the clap

cell-mediated and humoral

Thelper cells are the lynchpin between these two types of immunity.