An increase in population of microbes not not an increase in their size

microbal growth

bacterial cells must ___ to increase their population


bacterial cell division requires

macromolecules ( dna, proteins, lipids and carbs

how many copies of dna are require for each cell to divide


one parental cell splits into two equal daughter cells this process is called

binary fission


origin of replication where sequencing begins


termination sequence which signals end of replication

two replisomes ( replication fork with proteins attached) move

bidirectionally ( both directions) from the ori and will eventually meet at ter sequences

ori is attached to the


ori is attached to the membrane and as the cell elongates, it

pulls the DNA apart

Dna can start the next round of replication before

its done with the first making it a very rapid process

in bacterial cells, each cell continues to replicated its dna resulting in rapidly dividing cells having

more than one copy of dna

generation time can be measured in


ecoli has a generation time of

30 min

endospores generation time can take

years centuries, etc.

some species of bacteria divide the availability of


bacteria do not have a very good supply of nutrients and will not be able to make the

macronutrients they need

___ has a key role in determining the shape and arrangement of cocci

spatial orientation of septation

arrangements of cooli progeny cells depend on

how and where the cell wall forms

how and where the cell wall forms

septation orientation

in the arrangement of cocci, if its ____ then chains are formed ex. streptococci

parallel planes

in the arrangement of cocci, if they are formed in _____ then grapelike clusters are formed. ex. staphyloccocus

random planes

in the arrangement of cocci perpendicular planes form

tetrads and sarcinae.

before the septum forms, the ____ protein forms a ring around the center of the cell


FtsZ is related to ___ a component of cytoskeleton


FtsZ requires ____ energy


a FTS protein is an anchor that connects the FtsZ ring to the cytoplasmic membrane

Zip A

connects FtsZ ring to the membrane and recruits other divisome proteins such as Ftsl and Ftsk


FTS proteins are _____ and a cell cant divide and appear as long filamentous strands


FTS proteins are ______ meaning they are all known bacterial cells

universally distributed

control of FTS proteins is dependent on the

formation of the FtsZ ring

the septum is made after


what does FtsZ protein stand for?

filamenting temperature sensitive mutant Z

are temp sensitive mutants, may be permissive or non permissive temps

FtsZ proteins

temperature which the FtsZ protein has a normal function

permissive temperature

a mutation can be seen in the phenotype of FtsZ protein

non-permissive temperature

temp sensitive mutants are called ___ because in one condition they look normal and in another they dont

conditional mutants

only way to study loss of mutation in FtsZ proteins is do so as a ___

conditional mutant

cell division of FtsZ proteins can be studied by

green fluorescent protein ( GFP)

cinnamaldehyde can be used as an

anti microbial

MreB a cytoskeletal protein is key in determining

cell shape. it elongates the cell

if MreB is deleted from ecoli it will appear as

staphylococcus b.c it wont elongate

makes bacteria a curved shape. It binds one side of the bacterial cell while MreB elongates the cell


FtsZ forms a ___ in the middle of the cell


cells that lack mreB gene appear to be


MreB cytoskeletal proteins are located at


why is building and elongating the cell wall in bacteria complicated?

small section of peptidoglycan cell wall have to be broken first and then filled in with a larger piece

are glycoylases that break the glycosidic ( sugar-sugar) bonds between N-acetyl

N-acetylmuramic acid
and N-acetyl glucosamine along
the existing peptidoglycan

Chinese character look" upon gram staining whereby bacterial cells appear in a scattered
pattern. This is a characteristic of

Corynebacteria diphtheria.

bonds between N-acetylmuramic acid
and N-acetyl glucosamine are the bonds that keep ___ in line


known as autolysins break the
glycosidic (sugar-sugar) bonds
between N-acetylmuramic acid
and N-acetyl glucosamine along
the existing peptidoglycan.
These breaks disrupt

the cross links in the region

new peptidoglycan monomers with their pentapeptide side groups and their sugars ( NAM-NAG) attach to a nonpolar carrier molecule called_____ which transports them across the cell membrane


bacterophenol are assembled in the _______ and have to be transported to the _____ layer

cytoplasm, peptidoglycan layer

new peptidoglycan monomers with their pentapeptide side groups and their sugars ( NAM-NAG) attach to a nonpolar carrier molecule called bacterophenol. where they are inserted into the growing peptidoglycan chains. once there, _____ occurs by 2 strands whe

transpeptidation ( cross-linking)

penicillin inhibits the enzyme responsible for _____ and therefore interferes will cell wall synthesis in growing cells


cell division in bacterial cells results with what kind of poles?

a new pole and a old pole

when bacterial cells divide ____ poles arise


with continuous division in a bacterial cell, the poles of each daughter cell differ ___ from one another


what are the two types of culture media

liquid or broth media and solid media

what kind of culture media is useful in studying growth of a pure culture, also produces bacteria that is uniform in population and description. Useful for freezing or preserving culture

liquid or broth media

gelled culture media, useful for separating mixed cultures from clinical specimens or natural environment . Colonies can be isolated and then isolated colonies can be cultured in a flask with liquid to mass produce it as a pure colony

solid media

progeny of single cell ( all cells of that colony are identical )


chemically defined media and the molar concentrations of all the same elements in the media are kow

defined media

there is an unknown variable and can also provide added micronutrients & growth factors richer than defined media

complex media

a type of media that contains additives


a media that species will grow however they differ from each other. it allows researchers to identify different types of bacteria their working with

differential media

a media where only target organisms grows therefore only one specimen grows

selective media

composed of ingredients such as peptones and extracts which may very in their chemical composition


composed of precise mixtures of pure chemicals such as ammonium sulfate

chemically defined medium

medium to which additional ingredients have been added that inhibit the growth of many organisms other than the one being sought

slective medium

medium that contains an ingredient that can be changed by certain bacteria in a recognizable way

differential medium

complex medium used routinely in clinical labs. not selective, differential because colonies of hemolytic organism are surrounded by a zone clearing of the Red BC's

blood agar

complex medium used to culture fastidious bacteria, particularly those found in clinical specimens. not selective or differential

chocolate agar

chemically defined medium. used in laboratory experiments to study nutritional requirements of bacteria, not selective or differential


complex medium used to isolate gram neg rods that typically reside in the intestine. selective b/c bile salts and dyes inhibit gram positive organism and gram neg cocci., differential bc the ph indicator turns red when the sugar in the medium, lactose is

MacConkey agar

complex medium used for routine laboratory work. support the growth of a variety of nonfastidious bacteria

nutrient agar

complex medium used to isolate neisseria species, which are fastidious. selection because it contains antibiotics that inhibit most organisms except neisseria species

thayer martin

can be seen with a scanning electron microscope , grows only withins the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. impossible to grow this bacteria without its host cells

reickettsa prowazekii

how to know how many bacteria are present in a sample

plate counting and serial dilutions

describe the process of serial solutions

1 ml is taken from unknown quantity of colony forming units in a flask
transferred into 9 ml of media in a test tube
test tube is vortexed and 1 mil is taken from this tube to another containing 9 ml of media
done several times, diluting concentration of

describe this example of dilution factor 1:10 X 5 = 10^-5

1:10 ( label of 1st test tube, the 2nd would be 1:100), 5 (5th test tube)
Number of bacteria present: 27 colonies x 105 = 2.7 x 106 CFU/ml

When counting plates, accuracy depends on the number of

colony forming units (CFU) that
appear on the plate

when counting plates, Too few result in discrepancies and too many could result in human error
since some colonies may be growing on top of each other and may be counted as


colony forming units are therefore considered valid.


Serial 10-fold Dilutions are commonly used in

counting plates

If there are 5 test
tubes, then it was diluted 10-5 which means to calculate the number of bacteria present multiply
the number of colonies by 105
, likewise, if there were 4 test tubes then they were diluted 104
which means to calculate the number of bac

example of Serial 10-fold Dilutions

The CFU/mL is calculated by the

equation: dilution factor (e.g. 104
) x # of CFU x 10.

Colony forming units (CFU) are

live bacteria that can form colonies

Disadvantage of serial dilutions

time consuming
some cells may be live but did not form colonies and are therefore not counted

advantage of serial dilutions

method is that it is fairly accurate and gives VIABLE or live counts
Cells can also be
counted directly and quickly.

can be used to count cells directly and quickly using a microscope this is called a

Petroff-Hausser Counting Chamber

It has a 25 large squares (1 mm2 x 1/50 mm deep) chamber. Cells from a small
square (0.0025mm2 with depth 0.2mm and volume 0.0005�L) within a larger square is used
when counting.
If for example 10 cells were counted in a small square, then the cells/squar

example of petroff-hausser counting chamber

advantages of Petroff-Hausser

it is easy and quick since no culture is needed

disadvantages of Petroff-Hausser

might get a false high number since dead cells can be counted and
counting errors due to small cells and clumps
it needs 10^6
cells/mL or more to see and calculate accurately
motile cells are very hard to count once
they are moving.

living and dead cells can be distinguished from each other by

fluorescence microscopy

may also be used to count cells (shown in A.). A laser
beam is used and the sample stream is one cell at a time. The cells are counted and can even
be sorted based on their characteristics such as non-GFP producing cells versus GFPproducing
cells as seen

A Flow Cytometer or Coulter Counter

Turbidity or absorbance of microbial growth can be measured using a


describe how you would study turbidity or absorbance using a spectrophotometer

filter filters light of specific wavelength for example, at 540 nm and the spectrophotometer
measures the amount of light of this specific wavelength that passes through the sample
containing the cells. The higher the number, the cloudier the media indi

advantage of studying turbidity or absorbance using a spectrophotometer

quick and reliable

disadvantage of studying turbidity or absorbance using a spectrophotometer

it also counts both live and dead cells.

A flask whose content is transparent and is left overnight will turn cloudy because of

Microbial growth

Researchers describe the growth of bacteria, viruses and parasites as an

exponential growth

why do Researchers describe the growth of bacteria, viruses and parasites as an exponential growth?

because one cell (20, first generation) will divide to two cells (21, second generation), then
the two cells will divide to four cells (22, third generation) and so on

In the mathematical expression 2^n n represents

the generation number

Growth Curves can be plotted by using

semilogrithmic scale

When using a logrithmic scale, the slope
of the line represents the

rate of growth

is the time it takes for a population to double.

generation time

g =

time/number of generations For example, if it takes 60 minutes/6 generations, then it takes 10 minutes/generation.

For cells undergoing binary fission, the final cell number can be calculated if the

original cell
number and number of generations are known.

What is the total # cells present after 2 hours (120 minutes)?

Use final cell number = original cell number x 2^n = 400 cells/ml x 2^3 = 3200 cells/ml

If bacteria were removed from batch culture where there was a finite amount of media and
placed in new media, the first phase the bacteria would experience is the

lag phase

in what stage of the growth curve :bacteria are synthesizing components that they need for cell division. This phase is often
as a result of starvation, damage or step-down experiments (removing bacteria from rich media
and putting in nutrient-deprived me

lag phase

In the Exponential (Log) phase, the cells are the healthiest and are growing at

maximum growth rate possible

what stage of the growth curves is explained by , the rate of death of the cells is equal to the rate of the formation of
new cells so the population is steady

stationary phase

Bacterial cells enter stationary phase as they

run out of nutrients and accumulate waste

what stage of the growth curve can be explained by e there are more cells dying than are being formed and this varies in time-frame

death phase

In a _____, all cells in a population achieve a steady state. Fresh media
(nutrients) are supplied to the cells while spent media, wastes and excess microbes are
removed from a culture flask

continuous culture

Continuous culture allows

detailed study of bacterial physiology
since the researcher knows exactly how much media is being provided to the cells and how
much wastes are produced.

The relationship among the nutrient concentration in the vessel, generation time and bacterial
mass can be represented


As the nutrient concentration
increases, the bacterial mass also increases and the generation time


As the nutrient concentration
increases, the bacterial mass also increases however, the generation time decreases. Why?

This is
because the bacterial cells reproduce faster as they are better fed. Once washout is reached,
the bacteria are washed away.

Bacteria in the real world are in a mixed culture and live in ____known as a "city of


describe the steps in forming a biofilm

The first step in forming a biofilm is the attachment of the monolayer. Then
microcolonies are formed followed by the production of the exopolysaccharide (EPS). EPS is
the "glue" that hold the cells together and to the surface. A mature biofilm is then fo

Under stress, some bacterial species form


Clostridium and Bacillus
species are soil microbes that can produce dormant spores that are

heat-resistant, radiation
resistant as well as salt resistant.

starvation in bacteria cells initiates

an elaborate 8-hour differentiation process
where the cells go from a vegetative state (where they divide) to sporulation (genetic "trigger").
In sporulation, the cells are engulfed, spore coat is formed and dipicolinic acid synthesized.

Sporulation can be divided into discrete stages based primarily on

morphological appearance

Endospores have several layers to protect

the center that contains the DNA

Endospores resist environmental stresses such as

extreme temperature, drying, starvation, and

Ancient halophile (salt-loving) endsopores have germinated from


Ancient halophile (salt-loving) endsopores have germinated from crystals .They have _____ present and a high content of ______which dries up the cells and
protects the DNA.

They have
dipicolinic acid (DPA) present and a high content of calcium

Endospores have less water than

vegetative cells

how to Endospores and Vegetative Cells differ?

high enzymatic activity and metabolism (oxygen uptake) which are indications
of life in vegetative cells while low enzymatic activity and low or absent metabolism indicates
dormancy in endospores
They also differ in their level of resistance. Resistance t