Micro Ch.24

What four factors determine the DNA families?

Type of DNA they contain
The presence or absence of an envelope
The host cells they attack

What are the stages of lesions in poxvirus infections?

Lesions begin as flat, red area (macule),Become raised sores (papule),Lesions fill with fluid (vesicle),Progress to pus-filled vesicle (pustule or pocks),Pustules dry up, crust over, leave a scar

What was the first disease to be eradicated?

Smallpox is the first human disease to be eradicated

What is the main sign of poxvirus infections?

Lesions on face

What is the most prevalent DNA virus?


Where is the site of latency for the herpes virus?

Remain inactive inside infected cells

Describe the epidemiology of HHV 1 & HHV 2.

1- Above the waist
2- Below the waist

How are HHV 1 & HHV 2 contracted?

Transmission occurs through close bodily contact

What conditions are caused by HHV 3?

chicken pox, and shingles

Who typically gets chicken pox? Shingles?

Chicken pox- children
Shingles- Adults

Discuss the epidemiology of VZV infections. Where is it's site of latency?


How is HHV 4 (EBV) transmitted? Where does infection occur? Where is it's site of latency?

Transmission usually occurs via saliva.Initially infect epithelium of pharynx and parotid salivary glands.Virus enters the bloodstream and invades B lymphocytes.

What virus causes infectious mononucleosis?


What virus is Burkitt's lymphoma associated with?

Epstein-Barr Virus

What is the other name of HHV 5? What happens to the infected cells?

Cytomegalovirus.Infected cells become enlarged

How is HHV 5 transmitted?

Usually occurs via sexual intercourse

What condition is caused by HHV 6? How is the condition characterized?

Roseolovirus. Characterized by pink rash on face, neck, trunk, and thighs

What is a papilloma (besides a wart)?


How are papilloma viral infections transmitted?


What conditions may be caused by Adenoviridae?

Respiratory infections

What does HBV cause? List the various symptoms of HBV.


How is HBV transmitted?

Transmitted when infected body fluids contact breaks in the skin or mucous membranes

What does parvovirus cause?

Causes erythema infectious (5th disease)