US Government Chapter 17

A key role of the secretary of state is

Offering advice on foreign affairs to the President

The United States does not have a major strategic military alliance in the Middle East mainly because

The United States wants to maintain friendly relations with both Arabs and Israelis

During the cold war, American relations with the Soviet Union were dominated by


Which is NOT a stated purpose of the United Nations

to promote free trade throughout the world

A major feature of American foreign policy since World War II has been


The Secretary of Defense is responsible for all of the following EXCEPT

selecting the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Which historic world event finally ended the United States' commitment to a policy of isolationism

World War II

The United States offers foreign aid MOSTLY to

support struggling democracies and countries that are critical to foreign policy objectives

Since the end of the cold war, American foreign policy has recognized that

there are several new threats to world security

Five member nations hold the veto power in the United Nations

Security Council

The contrasting foreign policies of the United States that followed World War I and World War II can best be summarized as a shift from

Isolationism to internationalism

Since the end of the cold war, which region of the world has shaped American foreign policy the MOST?

Middle East

A period of detente with the Soviet Union ended with the

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

All of the following contributed to the American shift from isolationism to internationalism EXCEPT

The state of domestic affairs

The difference between a passport and a visa is that

A passport is issued by the United States while a visa is issued by the country one wishes to enter

Although diplomats enjoy immunity from the laws of the state in which they are stationed, the host government may

expel them from the country

Although CIA agents do their work in secret

they must report on that work to the President

American isolationism really extended

only to outside the Western Hemisphere

Although the Monroe Doctrine was proclaimed in 1823, it didn't undergo its first real test until

The French invasion of Mexico

While the world hoped that collective security would shape world events following World War II, events were in fact shaped largely by

Relations between the United States and the Soviet Union

The membership of NATO expanded as

The threat to its members diminished

The transformation of UN secretary-general from "chief clerk" to "international peacemaker" proves that

humans are in control of institutions, not the reverse.