Science Safety Icons. Krook

safety goggles

protect eyes

lab apron

protect skin and clothing from damage


handle breakable materials with care

heat-resistant gloves

do not touch hot objects with bare hands


Use a clamp or tongs to pick up hot glassware

sharp object

careful of sharp object

electric shock

Avoid the possibility of electric shock

corrosive chemical

working with an acid or another corrosive material


Do not let any poisonous chemical come in contact with skin

physical safety

when an experiment involves physical activity, take precautions to avoid injuring yourself or others

animal safety

treat live animals with care to avoid harming the animals or yourself

plant safety

Handle plants in the laboratory or during field work only as directed by the teacher


tie back loose hair and clothing

no flames

Flammable materials may be present


When poisonous or unpleasant vapors may be involved, work in a ventilated area


Chemicals and other laboratory materials used in the activity must be disposed of safely

hand washing

Wash your hands thoroughly when finished with the activity