English 10 Vocabulary List 5 (3rd Quarter)

Biannual (adj)

twice a year

Biennial (adj)

every two years

Biweekly (adj)

occurring one time every two weeks

Bimonthly (adj)

occurring one time every two months

Bifocals (n)

glasses with two thicknesses

Bilateral (adj)

pertaining to, affecting, or involving two (both) sides

Bipartisan (adj)

characterized by, representing both parties

Vestments (n)

the official clothes, robes of a group

Invest (v)

to array (or clothe) in the symbols of office or honor; to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return

Divest (v)

to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title; to undress or strip especially of clothing, ornament, or equipment

Vestry (n)

a storage room for robes; a committee to help run a church

Vestibule (n)

a large room at the front (technically for hats, coats)

Vestige (n)

a rag, remnant of clothing; a leftover (often used figuratively)

Travesty (n)

a terrible example, a parody (literally a "ridiculous costume")

Biannual (adj)

twice a year

Biennial (adj)

every two years

Biweekly (adj)

occurring one time every two weeks

Bimonthly (adj)

occurring one time every two months

Bifocals (n)

glasses with two thicknesses

Bilateral (adj)

pertaining to, affecting, or involving two (both) sides

Bipartisan (adj)

characterized by, representing both parties

Vestments (n)

the official clothes, robes of a group

Invest (v)

to array (or clothe) in the symbols of office or honor; to commit (money) in order to earn a financial return

Divest (v)

to deprive or dispossess especially of property, authority, or title; to undress or strip especially of clothing, ornament, or equipment

Vestry (n)

a storage room for robes; a committee to help run a church

Vestibule (n)

a large room at the front (technically for hats, coats)

Vestige (n)

a rag, remnant of clothing; a leftover (often used figuratively)

Travesty (n)

a terrible example, a parody (literally a "ridiculous costume")