What are the trends in the business environment?
What doe each of them mean?

-NAFTA stimulated global trade and since then US manufacturing companies have moved to developing nations who provide chap labor pools, but many ppl boycott these companies who use overseas "sweatshops" to produce goods going to US

What were the qualities for effective organizations?
What are each of them about?


What are the definitions of an organizations vision, value, mission/purpose, and goals?

-vision is an image of an organization desired future
-values are the guiding principles that get the organization where it plans to go
-purpose or mission is what the organization is here to do
-goals are milestones the organization expects to reach alon

What is continuous improvement?
What are the two key ways of doing this?

-it is the continuous improvement of processes and output through information gathering, readjustment, and innovation
1)traditional benchmarking
2)creative benchmarking

What is benchmarking?
What is the difference between the traditional approach to benchmarking an the current "creative" approach to benchmarking?

-the key approach to information gathering for continuous improvement is through benchmarking (which enables an organization to keep up with the competitors who are doing well by emulating the successful processes that the competitors are doing
1) traditi

What are the differences between "leading" and "managing"?
What are the necessary competencies to required to be a successful leader and manager?

-there is a considerable overlap between the two roles, but because they are not the same thing there are also significant differences
=>generally, leaders are more concerned with the future and the external environment more than managers and leadership d

What are Goleman's 6 leadership styles?
What are the behaviors associated with each one?
Know everything that was said in lecture.

It is suggested that leaders/ managers should have 4/6 in their "repertoire" of management approaches
-demands immediate compliance
-higher level, educated employees have short lived tolerance for this style
-only appropriate in emergencies

What are the eight typical roles of effective managers?
What's involved with each one?

-looks beyond the current day-to-day work requirements and determines where the organization needs to go
-leaders need to move their organizations forward by thinking strategically about the directions they need to take
-leaders firm relati

Know all of the information regarding all of the theories of employee motivation
a)Thorndike's Law of Effect
b)Expectancy Theory
c)goal-setting Theory
d)McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
e)Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
f)Herzberg's Two-factor Theory
g)New Sc

a)Thorndike's Law of Effect:
-basic idea is that... a behavior that is followed by positive consequences (a reward) will likely to be repeated
-seems easy enough ("duhh"), but not many managers catch their employees being "good" and then reward them accor