Final Study Guide

Why do writers use mood?

to convey an overall feeling

What is a "foot" in poetry?

a metrical unit

Define "figure of speech

a form of expression such as a simile or metaphor used to convey meaning or heighten effect often by comparing or identifying one thing with another or connotation familiar to the reader or the listener

What is an allegory?

a literary work in which characters, setting, and events stand for abstract ideas

What is the symbolic meaning of a story?

a meaning that goes beyond a story's literal meaning

Define alliteration

repetition of the same consonant sounds in words that are close together

What does it mean to make a generalization?

draw conclusions based on information

What is an analogy?


What did Romantics celebrate? (ex. imagination over science)

1) imagination over science
2) feeling over reason
3) nature over civilization

When making emotional appeals, authors use what?

loaded language and anecdotes

What did Transcendentalists believe?

everything in physical world is a reflection of a Divine soul

What was the lyceum movement?

a movement that helped further American education, self-improvement, and cultural development

What did Romantics believe about cities?

corrupt and ugly

Why did American Romantics reject rationalism?

intuition and imagination yield greater truths

What forms and models did the American Romantic poets typically use?

English and European

Why were the Dark Romantics "dark"?

they explored the psychological effects of sin and guilt and the conflict between good and evil

What is the story's setting? (The Devil and Tom Walker)

a forest near Boston, Massachusettes circa 1727

Describe Tom Walker (the devil and tom walker)

stingy, cruel, courageous

Describe Tom Walker's wife (the devil and tom walker)

fierce shrew, always nagging and yelling

What do the woods symbolize?(the devil and tom walker)


What symbolizes hypocrisy and hidden evil? (the devil and tom walker)

flourishing trees that are rotten at the core

Why did Tom's wife go to the forest? (the devil and tom walker)

wanted to make her own deal with the devil

How did Tom die and what happened to his money? (the devil and tom walker)

carried off by the devil on horseback, money turned to cinder and ash

What feeling is the reader supposed to feel about the setting? (the devil and tom walker)


On what archetype is "The Devil and Tom Walker" based? (the devil and tom walker)

a person who sells his soul to the devil

Explain the story's mood. How does Irving create humor in a story in which there are few happy events? Write a paragraph that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details from the story. (the devil and tom walker)

dark and scary, humor works alongside horror situation is so hopeless he is ready for anything, wasn't scared when he met the devil (old scratch), worried about the stuff rather than wife, after tom gets religious he is more concerned about others, mean,

Who is Nature speaking to in the beginning? (Thanatopsis)

to the person who thinks about nature

What should people do when they are afraid of death? (Thanatopsis)

go into nature and listen to what she teaches

In what does Nature urge people to find comfort in? (Thanatopsis)

knowledge that death joins us with ALL other people

At the end, how should people feel about death? (Thanatopsis)

calm and trusting

According to the poem, all humans come from ??? (Thanatopsis)


Describe the cycle at the end of the poem (Thanatopsis)

the dead are replaced by the living who die in turn

Why is "Thanatopsis" a good example of Romantic poetry? (Thanatopsis)

nature arouses emotion and incites in the speaker

How is death described in the first half of the poem? (Thanatopsis)

death is a destructive force

How is death described in the second half? (Thanatopsis)

death is a natural process for anyone who ever lived

What is the theme of "Thanatopsis"? (Thanatopsis)

human beings are an ongoing part of the earth itself

In "Thanatopsis," Bryant expresses his views on both the process of life and the nature of individual lives. Write a paragraph describing Bryant's views on individual lives. Support your ideas with details from the poem. (Thanatopsis)

Bryant suggests that everyone experiences happiness and sadness, gayer hours, darker musing, emphasises the fleeting quality of human lives "each on of before will chase its favorite phantom in life, stressing on futility and impermanence of worldly pursu

Where should a person go alone? (Nature)

to his chamber (room)

What does Emerson mean by "nature"? (Nature)

the impressions we get from different natural obejects

What does the following quote mean in context with the third paragraph? "This is the best part of theses men's farms. yet to this their warranty deeds give no title." (Nature)

the most valuable quality of the land is something that can't be owned

According to Emerson, how is a person who can truly see nature like a child? (Nature)

they see with their hearts as well as their eyes

What was Emerson trying to say when he described himself as a "transparent eyeball"? (Nature)

he feels in communion with nature (one with nature)

What was Emerson's attitude toward society? (Nature)

values nature highly and had contempt for society

Write a paragraph explaining how Emerson uses imagery in Nature to explore his ideas about society and nature. Support your ideas with details from the selection. (Nature)

in nature people become aware of spiritual unity with all other creatures. realization that can't fail to pacify and unit society, ex: "The stars awaken a certain relevance though always present isn't always accessible" nature pulls all of us together "St

How should we feel after we have worked hard for a goal? (Self-Reliance)

relieved and happy

What truth must we all accept? (Self-Reliance)

the place that providence has found us

What is Emerson's opinion of society? (Self-Reliance)

Society conspires to deny people their freedom

According to Emerson, the most sacred part of a person is... (Self-Reliance)

integrity of their individual mind

Complete this quote - "Consistency is ..." (Self-Reliance)

the hobgoblin of little minds

What makes someone a fully realized person? (Self-Reliance)

following your own conscience

State the theme of Emerson's essay, and explain how he develops his theme with figures of speech. Support your ideas with details from the selection. (Self-Reliance)

individuals should trust them self, nature's own gifts. reinforces "trust thyself, every heart vibrates to that iron string" "No kernel of nourishing corn can come to him on but through his toil bestowed on that plot of ground which is given to him to til

What is Thoreau's attitude toward individuality and conformity? (Walden)

believes people should followed by their inner voice in order to not be terrorized by conformity

When Thoreau uses the metaphor, "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life," he meant that he wants what? (Walden)

to get the most of life that he possibly can

Cite at least two metaphors that Thoreau uses to explain his philosophy of life. Write a paragraph that explains your answer. Support your ideas with details. (Walden)

live life deliberately, making best choice to themselves, not be pressure by society remain true to their innerstar. "step to the music to which he hears however measured or far away" music stands for dreams and goals
"it is not as important that he shoul

From what point of view is the story told? (The Pit and the Pendulum)

first person POV of prisioner

Why is the narrator frightened about being in the dark? (The Pit and the Pendulum)

unseen is more terrorfying than the seen

Why did the authorities provide food to the prisoner? (The Pit and the Pendulum)

more tortured plan for him

How was the prisoner freed from the table? (The Pit and the Pendulum)

smeared meat on the strap that held him, and the rats chewed it

Based on "The Pit and the Pendulum," in what ways can Poe be considered a Dark Romantic? Write a paragraph and support your ideas with details from the selection. (The Pit and the Pendulum)

bc he uses symbols, and explores madness and derangement . can be read as a man that is about to lose his soul in hell saved by god. "By long suffering my nerves has been unstrung, until I trembled at the my sound of my own voice, and had become in every

Write a paragraph explaining how the poems mood reinforces its theme. First, identify the mood and theme. Then, show how the poem's mood serves to intensify the theme. Support your ideas with details from the poem. (The Raven)

mood and theme: melancholy mood, sad mood is created by bleak december, theme: sorrow of lost love, traces the speakers growing agitation. speaker beg the bird if he will be released from this sorrow. NEVERMORE (she speaks so fast it's hard to get anythin