John Smith and Pocahontas

In what year did the English settlers first arrived in Jamestown


Name the three ships that made this voyage

Discovery Godspeed Susan Constant

Who was the King of England at this time

King James

What is a colony

A distant land that has been settled and is governed by another country


A person who has settled in a colony


A person who goes to Battle


A person who seeks adventure

John Smith

the leader of Jamestown


The chief of many Indian chiefs


The Indian princess who saved John Smith's life

What were the rich Englishman called who used who were used to having servants to wait on them


What is venison

Deer meat

Tell one specific way that Powhatan Indians and the English colonists differed from each other

They had different homes, different land and they hunted differently

What rule did John Smith establish that made the lazy men work

He who shall not work shall not eat

What was the terrible winter of 1609 to 1610 called

The starving time

Name one way that Pocahontas helped the colonists

She brought them food

Who did Pocahontas marry

John Rolfe

What happened that caused John Smith to return to England

The Gunpowder explosion that made him ill

What crop was given in Virginia by John Rolfe and then sold back to England as a cash crop to make a lot of money for the colony


Who was the captain in charge of the ships that brought the colonists to Jamestown

Captain Newport

On what type of land did the colonist choose to build their


What disease was brought by the mosquitoes there


Who was the chief of chiefs among the Indians


What items did the Powhatan Indians trade with the colonists

The Indians traded corn venison fish for the beads and knives of the white man

What was the rule John Smith established to make the men work

He who shall not work shall not eat

Name two ways that John Smith helped the colony of Jamestown

He traded with the Indians and kept peace

Name two ways that Pocahontas help the colony of Jamestown

Peace and brought food

What item did Chief Japazaws trade Pocahontas for

A shiny Copper kettle

What was Pocahontas's Christian name


Why did Samuel Argall want to kidnap Pocahontas

He thought it would help keep peace and that he would Powhatan wouldn't attack to keep his daughter safe

Who did Pocahontas marry

John Rolfe

In what shape did the settlers build their fort

A triangle

What was the first successful English colony


Who was accused of trying to start trouble and was put in Chains aboard the Susan Constant

John Smith

What was the name of Captain Newports ship

Susan Constant

When John Smith came back to the new world after being sick where did he make a map

New England

Who saved the life of Captain Smith after he was taken prisoner by the Indians


Samuel Argall

Captain of the ship the Treasurer he kidnapped Pocahontas

Chief Japazaws

The Indian chief who sold Pocahontas to Captain Argall

Where did Rebecca die

From illness in England