Causes and Events Leading to the American Revolution

Why did King George III issue the Proclamation of 1763?

To prevent colonists from moving west onto Native American hunting grounds and causing conflicts.

The Proclamation Line of 1763 runs roughly along the
A) Ohio River.
B) Rocky Mountains.
C) Mississippi River.
D) Appalachian Mountains.

D. Appalachian Mountains

This was a secret society organized by Sam Adams and James Otis to resist Britain's taxes.

Sons of Liberty

Slogan created by James Otis and Sam Adams that summed up the colonists dislike of British taxes.

No taxation without representation!

At one time salutary neglect described the relationship between the colonies and the mother country. What changed this relationship?

French and Indian War and the Seven Years War and need for colonies to pay the costs of war fought for their defense.

This event was a direct effect of the Tea Act.

Boston Tea Party

This painting is showing the actions of American colonists at the 1773 protest known by what name?
A. the Alabaster Reunion of Iroquois Nations
B. The New York Draft Riots
C. The Boston Tea Party
D. The Plymouth Rocks

C. The Boston Tea Party

This body formed in 1774 to demand better treatment of the colonies after the Intolerable Acts were passed.

The First Continental Congress

Place the following events in order:
Intolerable Acts
Boston Tea Party
Sugar Act
Tea Act
Boston Massacre
Townshend Acts
Proclamation of 1763

Proclamation of 1763
Sugar Act
Townshend Acts
Boston Massacre
Tea Act
Boston Tea Party
Intolerable Acts

Why did Paul Revere falsely portray the Boston Massacre?

Paul Revere and others wanted to anger the colonists and create resentment toward the British.

What did the colonists mean by, "No taxation without representation!"?

The colonists were angered that there was not anyone from the colonies in Parliament to represent their views. They felt, that if they had representation, the taxes would be more fair.

What tax was placed on paper items such as playing cards, wills, licenses, and newspapers?

The Stamp Act

This political cartoon represents the death of which tax?
A. The Sugar Act
B. The Stamp Act
C. The Intolerable Acts
D. The Declaratory Act

B. The Stamp Act

This was a common method of protesting British taxes by not buying British goods.


Why was the Quartering Act passed?

To keep peace in the American colonies; soldiers would be provided for by the colonists and the laws of Great Britain would be enforced.

What event is represented by this image?

Boston Massacre

How were the colonies kept up to date with events in Boston?

Committees of Correspondence

This is known as the first political cartoon of the colonies. Who is the artist and what was he encouraging people to do?

Ben Franklin created this cartoon to encourage colonists to support the Albany Plan of Union and unite against the French and Indian threat.

Which of these events first resulted in a change in British Policy toward the American colonists and the establishment of taxes on the Colonial subjects?
a. the War of Jenkins Ear
b. The French and Indian War
c. the Battle of Lexington and Concord
d the b

b. The French and Indian War

What caused the French and Indian War of 1754?

Conflicting claims by the French and British over the Ohio Valley

Britain responded to the Boston Tea Party by
A) passing a series of laws to punish the colonies
known as the Intolerable Acts.
B) "tarring and feathering" the colonial leaders of
C) rounding up suspected Sons of Liberty and sending
them to Austral

A) passing a series of laws to punish the colonies
known as the Intolerable Acts.

How did the Stamp Act, the Tea Act, and the Intolerable Acts encourage American colonists to consider revolution against British rule?
A) by representing an effort in Britain to end the slave
trade in the colonies
B) by increasing conflict between the col

D) by raising taxes in the American colonies without
granting the colonies any representation in

This African American was killed in the Boston Massacre in 1770 and is known for being the first casualty of the American Revolution. Who was he?

Crispus Attucks

The maps above indicate that the Treaty of Paris, 1763, gave
A. French territory to the Spanish
B. British territory to the French
C. French territory to the British
D. Russian territory to the Spanish

C. French territory to the British