eng 240 unit 3

Who is Nellie?

Narrator's sister-in-law (Wallpaper)

So we took the nursery at the top of the house

The Yellow Wall-Paper

We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown.

Richard Cory" by Edward Arlington Robinson

That made so many a name so fragrant,
He mourned Romance, now on the town,

Miniver Cheevy by Edward Robinson

Grew lean while he assailed the seasons;
He wept that he was ever born,
And he had reasons.

Miniver Cheevy by Edward Arlington Robinson

Name the two poems by Paul Lawrence Dunbar

We Wear the Mask" and "Sympathy" (BIRD/nature imagery)


Implies a rejection of romantic, heroic, exaggerated, idealistic views of life in favor of detail

Twice have I stood a beggar

I never lost as much but twice" Emily Dickinson

To comprehend a nectar
Requires sorest need

Success is counted sweetest" Emily Dickinson

How dreary-to be- somebody!
How public-like a frog-

I'm Nobody! Who are you?" Emily Dickinson

Furtile-the winds-
To a Hart in port-
Done with the Compass

Wild Nights-Wild Nights!" Emily Dickinson

Heavenly Hurt, it gives us-
We can find no scar,
But internal difference-
Where the Meanings, are-

There's a Certain slant of light-Emily Dickinson

He questioned softly "why I failed"
For beauty-i replied

I died for Beauty-but was scarce. Emily Dickinson

And now we roam in Sovreign Woods-
And now We hunt the Doe-
And every time I speak Him
The mountains straight reply

My life had stood-a loaded gun. Emily Dickinson

Too bright for our infirm Delight
The truth's superb surprise
As lightening to the Children eased

Tell all the truth but tell it slant-emily dickinson

She wore a faded cotton gown and a slouching bonnet...almost a hunchback" Who's she?

Deborah, Life in the Iron Mills

Operating image for "Success is counted sweetest

A battle! (Success in playing capture the flag!)

Operating image for "Tell all the truth but tell it slanted

Lightening bolt, circuitry

Op. image for "There's a certain slant of light


Op. image for " I Died For Beauty-But Was Scarce

2 dead people talking

op. image for "Wild Night-Wild Nights!


Which Emily Dickinson poem is an example of Arts Poetica

My Life Had Stood-A Loaded Gun

Naturalists believed that realists focused on what class only

middle class

Describe Original sin

The Calvinist belief that all humans are born inherently sinful. Only God's free grace can save us from hell


A comforting idea of afterlife offered by Calvinism; a belief that the human soul exists after death and can be contacted through a medium

Name the 4 background readings

The Spirit is Willing, Unnatural Reason/Weird Science/The Human Framed/The Radical in the Kitchen

Life in the Iron Mills was published in the beginning of what war?

Civil War

Domestic Fiction:

Novels that use American ideals of domesticity to move readers to sympathy, and convince them the importance of social reform...was written by, for, and about WOMEN

What does "my" signify in "My Life Had Stood-A Loaded Gun

A pen or pencil

I want to make it a real thing to you. You, Egoist or Pantheist...

Life In The Iron Mills

Be just. When I tell you about this night, see him as he is. Be just.

Life In The Iron Mills

Who's talking? "If I were t/witch dwarf, if I had t' money, would hur thank me?


A Consciousness of power stirred with him. He stood up. A man-he thought, stretching out his hands..." What is happening here

Hugh accepting the money from Deborah

Is it naturalism or realism that have darker perspectives on life


T or F..Realism is a subset of Naturalism

False, naturalism is a subset of realism

I began as soon as I had mastered m surprise. I couldn't bring out the dingy word models'

The Real Thing-the narrator talking (illustrator )

she only a freckled cockney, but she could represent everything." Who is she?

Miss Churm

Who is Mary in "The Yellow Wallpaper

Takes car of narrator/john's baby when she's ill