HUSH: Ch. 3 - The Growth of American Colonies

the British neglected the colonies because they were embroiled in the Civil War

What was the effect of the English Civil War on the development of the colonies?

colonists were not allowed to trade with other countries because England was trying to increase its supply of bullion to compete with other nations

What the mercantilism influence on England's laws and foreign policy?

they provided england with raw materials and markets for british goods

What was the colonial importance under mercantilism policies?

for the most part

Did Britain allow the colonist the self govern?

king; colonists

In colonial America, governors were appointed by __ and legislature by ___

1. England has a long history of strong local governments and weak central government
2. britain lacked the resources to enforce laws over ocean
3.the existing economy and politics served the British interests

Why did Britain allow the colonies to govern themselves?

Navigation Act

British regulation which forced colonists to trade with GBritain only or pay a tax to Britain to trade with other countries


Who held the power of the purse, colonial legislature or governors?


The legislature made laws from the colonists or crown?

humid subtropical; good farmland for tobacco and rice
(North Carolina produces most tobacco)

Describe the southern colonies?

both farming and commerce; good for wheat, barley, and rye; very ethnically diverse; had many merchants, traders, and craftspeople

Describe the middle colonies?

economy relied on trade; served as the hub of the triangular trade

Describe the New England Colonies

1. wealthy were superior to poor
2. men were superior to women
3. whites were superior to blacks

What were the 3 principles of colonial America?

rich white men

Who controlled most land?

rich white men

Who dominated politics?

1. could not own property
2. could not vote or practice politics
3. must work in home

What lack of rights did women have during colonial America?


Was schooling required in the colonies?

men; religious ministry (at first)

Who went to college and why?

mutiny and slave revolts

What was the major fear that slave traders had while transporting slaves across the Atlantic?

1. could not vote
2. could not testify in court against whites
3. could not marry whites

Although they were "free", what restrictions did free blacks face?

overcrowding, more farm land, distance from British governors

Why did the colonists move inland from the Atlantic Coast by the mid 1700s?

tensions rose

As colonists moved westward, what happened between the Natives and French, and British?

they built forts to keep the British settlers from their land

What was the response from the French to tensions rising for the French-Indian War?

played the French and British against each other in trade

What was the response from the Natives to the rising tensions between French and British?

continued to take their lands

What was the response from the British to the rising tensions between them, France, and Natives?

Great Awakening

religious revival in the colonies in which ministers traveled to do their preaching and new churches were created

rice,indigo, tobacco, cattle, herding, fishing

In South Carolina and Georgia, what work did african americans perform?

the majority

In South Carolina and Georgia, how much of the population was african americans?

made crafts, played music, told oral traditions

In South Carolina and Georgia, what was african american culture like?

they were usually separated and often surrogates stood in for missing family members

In South Carolina and Georgia, what were family relations like amount african americans?

tobacco and rice plantations

In Virginia and Maryland, what type of work did african american perform?


In Virginia and Maryland, how much of the population was african american?

because of freer interactions, they were able to blend culture with others of African and European decent

In Virginia and Maryland, what was african american culture like?

lived in close family but feared separation

In Virginia and Maryland, what were family relations like for african americans?

cooks, housekeepers, servants, manufacturing, lumberjacks, artisans

In the New England and Middle Colonies, what work did african americans perform?

very small portion (~50,000)

In the New England and Middle Colonies, how many people were of african decent?

very highly because they wanted them to publish good news and were considered intelligent)

How did society view Printers and why?

Peter Zenger Trial

a trail in which someone was sued for slander of printing lies

leads to freedom of the press in USA

What is the importance of the Peter Zenger trial?

they can become competitions

Why did they stop using indentured servants?

help parents

If a child was not educated what would they do?


when a nation's strength is measured by the amount of gold and silver in its treasury (money before poeple)

buy colonial goods but sell them back for higher price

What does England do to make a profit off of the colonists?


In theory were royal governors or colonial legislatures supposed to have more power?

salutary neglect

a time period when England neglected the colonists during the English Civil War


What happens when the colonies are no longer neglected?


the colonial population nearly ___ every 25 years


religion of most British


religion of most French and Spanish

Jonathan Edwards

Massachusetts minister who stated the Great Awakening

George Whitefield

a traveling preacher who toured the colonies and preached the ideas of forming a relation with Jesus

faith and sincerity were more important than wealth and education when it came to understanding the Gospel

What did followers of the Great Awakening believe?

it was the first mass movement of ideas throughout the colonies which proved the colonies can get a message out to people (leads to revolutionary ideas)

What is the importance of the Great Awakening?