The souls of Black Folk

What is the color line?


What does the image of the "veil" represent?

the seperation b/w black and whites

What does Du Bois mean by African-Americans feeling "twoness"?

being american and african-america at the same time

What was the Revolution os 1876?

the agreement b/w north and south that the south can deal with freedmen on their own if they agree to Hayes being President

Which amendment gave african americans the right to vote?


What was booker t washingtons "programme" for african americans

education, conciliation of the south and submition and silence as to civil and political rights

What was the return from Washingtons programme

legal creation of civic inferiority
wihtdrawl of aid from institutions for Negro higher education

what was the triple paradox

making negros businessmen and property owners
self respect

For what does Du Bois give Washington credit

speaking out against lynching

what was the jim crowe car

the segregated train car

what are the three schools of thought that Du Bois outlines regarding the training of black men

human unity
the racist old south
thought of the negro worst b/c of self doubt

what types of schools were avaliable to african americans after the civil war

army and mission schoold and freedmens bureau, complete school system
industrial schooling

what was the gift from new england to the freed men

a way to move out of slavery

what is the function of the nergo college

to educate teachers for other uneducated negros

what does Du Bois put himself in the company of great intellectuals like Shakespeare, Balzac, Aristotle, ect.?

Also considers himself a great thinks b/c he sees what the negros have to do to be self activated and that people of intelligence know better then to believe in the color line

What is necessary to cure the "great evil" of poverty

raising their standards of living

how does Du Bois characterize the country black population

poor and ignorant

what is really the only industry avaliable to (85%) of the african american population during the time Du Bois was writing


what was the currency of the black belt


what is the greates weapon of the modern world

the ballot

to what does Du Bois closely align the political status of the Negro in the south

negro crime

according to Du Bois the courts were a means of ___________ the blacks


what three things characterize the southern negro revival

"the frenzy

during Du Bois' day what is the social center of negro life

faith life/the church

what do the Sorrow songs mean to Du Bois

after the idea that there will eventually be justice