Chapter 21 English and American Revolutions Short Answer


Who was the leader of parliament during the civil war?

England and Scotland

In the act of union, it united which 2 countries during the English civil war?

When Charles II became king

The period known as the restoration began when?

He supported the arts, science, and entertainment

During the reign of Charles II he was nicknamed the merry monarch because?

Charles I

England was declared a common wealth after the defeat of


James I belief in divine right brought him into conflict with?

The oppressive rule of James I and Charles I

The Puritans left England mainly because

William and Mary

James II was succeeded by


The group in England who tried to prevent the king from coming back


Supporters of Parliament that fought during the English civil war were

Thomas Jefferson

Primary author of Declaration of Independence

Articles of Confederation

The first form of gov't America had from 1781-1787 was called


England will first recognize the colonies as an independent nation in what year?

The Bill of Rights

What in order to make the Constitution remain alive for 223 years was added to it to protect the colonists' rights?


Name the colony where the Puritans settled and the first shot was fired that was "heard around the world" and the first shot of the American Revolution

Parliament and the colonies were both in revolt against the current ruling powers. On one side, the colonists actually overcame the people in power over them while Parliament was dissolved multiple times and only overthrew authority once. Furthermore, eve

Compare and contrast Parliament's struggle for power with the King and the American colonist's struggle for control over their own affairs. Who was more successful and why?

The two political parties in England were separated into two groups, the Whigs and the Tories. The Whigs were the people in Parliament who were opposed to the king and the Tories were the people who defended the hereditary monarchy. If I were alive during

Briefly describe how the political parties were established in England. If you were alive then, which party would you have sided with and why? Explain how England then evolved into a constitutional monarchy.

Yes, these governments ensured representation and individual rights. I say this because in the new American government, they created a democracy so that people could have a say in important matters that directly affected them and they created the Constitu

Compare the American's attempts to organize a new form of government with those of the English after executing Charles I. Did both governments ensure representation and individual rights? Explain.

When Mary and William took over the English thrown without bloodshed.

What was the Glorious Revolution?

Samuel Prescott

It was not Paul Revere who rode to warn the townsmen, but it was

The exodus of the Puritans from England

The Great Migration was..