English 155 Final

My Papas Waltz

Theodore Roethke

The Enormous Radio

John Cheever

A Good Man is Hard to Find

Flannery O'Connor

A View from the Bridge

Arthur Miller



The Vanishing American Hobo


Sonny's Blues


A Party Down at the Square

Ralph Ellison

Letter From Birmingham Jail


In the Field

Tim O'Brien

Where are you going...

Joyce Carol Oats

Diving into the Wreck

Adrienne Rich

The Master's Tools

Audre Lorde


Gloria Anzaldua

And the Earth Did Not Devour Him

Tomas Rivera

Los Vendidos

Luis Valdez


Toni Morrison


Linda Hogan

Touching the Earth

Bell Hooks

The Comforting Whirlwind

Bill Mckibben

Post Modernism

Postmodern literature is a form of literature which is marked, both stylistically and ideologically, by a reliance on such literary conventions as fragmentation, paradox, unreliable narrators, often unrealistic and downright impossible plots, games, parod


Themes and characters from countries around the world
A book that represents this is:
-The Master's Tools

Cold War

In the 1920s, science fiction and pulp fiction became popular
Book that represents this:

Hipster (1950)

Jazz music, different races

Culture of Domesticity

The role within the home and the dynamics of work and family for women
-Where are you going...
-Diving into the Wreck
-The Master's Tools

Southern Gothic

Groteque themes- damages, or delusional characters
-A Party Down at the Square

American Civil Rights Movement

Ending segregation, mLK JR
-Letter from Birmingham Jail
-A Party Down at the Square

American Anti War Movement

Vietnam- americans did not want to participate in the war
-A View from the bridge

Nuclear Age (red scare)

Extracinitals crisis at any moment (Fear of being nuked at any second by the russians)
-A View from the Bridge

Beat movement

Started by a group of authors who explored and influence American culture and politics in the WW2 area. It explored spiritual quest, exploration of aMERICAN and Eastern religions, rejection of materials, drugs, sexual liberation, exploration, etc.


A system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line

Negative peace/positive peace

Negative is the absence of violence (ceasefire). Positive peace is when people are acting non-violently and are able to manage their conflict

Teatro Campesino

United Farm Workers with support from Chavez
Goes along with Luis Valdez
Vietnam war
chicano art


The belief or presumption that people, cultures or literature each possess an 'essence', that is, a core, defining and unchanging quality or set of qualities. For instance, women of all cultures and classes are frequently held to be essentially nurturing.

Crisis in Masculinity

Males question their masculinity
The Vainishing American Hobo

Literary Motif

Any recurring element that has symbolic significance in the story

Feminist Criticism

Criticism by a feminist theory, or the politics of feminism. It critiques the language of literature


Girl power

Theodore Roethke

Victory culture and economic class in Waltz
Papa's Waltz is about economic class, He has beat knuckles because he is hard at work but he also takes care of his family by spending time with his son. Victory culture because ??

Arthur Miller

Legal justice vs social/communal justice in A View From the Bridge
-Eddie calls immigration of Rodolpho because he is jealous he is liked by his niece.

John Cheever

Instability of Modern Marriage (modern suburbia) in the Enormous Radio
Their marriage seems perfect to the outside, but the wife is so bored that she has to eavesdrop on other neighbors to be happy. She starts to dislike her marriage and change as a perso

James Baldwin

In Sonny's Blues, familial love and responsibility is present. The older brother has lost his daughter, and realizes he needs to be present in his drug addict brother's life before he loses him too. He is responsible for rekindling their relationship, and

Jack Kerouac

Personal freedom and social responsibility in The Vanishing American Hobo
-he doesnt have to be like a regular person, he can be a hobo and do whatever he wants?
-social responsibility no longer exists because he has no repurcusions?

Allen Ginsberg

What does the title Howl refer to? Refers to crying, or wailing loudly. Each sentence begins with "who" which sounds like an owl, who howls
Inclusivity- It revolves around a homosexual and drug addict who were scene as crazy back then.

Flannery O' Connor

Southern lady and the good in A good man is hard to find
-she is dressed in her best at all times because if she dies and someone finds her corpse she wants to be seen as a lady
-big on family
-the grandmother would have been a good woman if someone had s

Adrienne Rich

Genderer social expectations and adventure and personal history

Martin L. King

Reasons for civil disobedience

Bill McKibben

Living with simple elegance and witnessing in the comforting whirlwind
-not flashing a lot of money because of jesus i dont know

bELL hooks

Healing the psyche
-connecting earth to african american people. they must reclaim a spiritual legacy where we connect our well-being to the well-being of the earth. they should use ecology to end racism. living close to nature creates a spirit of wonder

Toni Morrison

Race and racism, and maggie in recitatif
-twyla had to share a room with a girl from a different race and felt sick. her mother told her that people of roberta's race never washed their hair and smelled weird. while the black girl's mom is considered sick

Tim O'Brien

Story-telling and memory in "In the field"
Kiowa has died, and they are looking for his body. The story is told in third person by the author. Memory is because they go back in time and think about what they could have done differently to prevent the deat

Linda Hogan

All my relatiations in "restoring the relationship to earth in dwellings

Tomas Rivera

Focus on the following stories: and the earth did not devour him" "with his hands in his pocket" "silvery night" and first and las vignettes

Joyce Carol Oats

Patriarchy and security in Where are you going...
-a beautiful 15 year old girl is at odds with her other, who was once beautiful herself, and her homely older sister. she spends much of her time with boys at a restaurant, unbeknownst to her family. she c

Luis Valdez

stereotypes in the ending- sancho is the robot, eric garcia is just a regular dude who won the money and splits it after ordering a vocal protest

Ralph Ellison

witnessing, the use of the word "americans in the text

Audre Lorde

Turning difference into strength in my masters tools
-was supposed to be about feminist theory as a black lesbian feminist, but the people and turns their hate into strength

Gloria Anzaldua

Dual consciousness in chicane and lesbian activism. wants the majority of western culture to have an interest in those that are oppressed and change their attitudes