The Art of Seduction, The Seducer's Victims- The 18 Types

What are victim's categorized by?

By what they feel they are missing in life

What are six of the things your victims may be missing in their lives?

adventure, attention, romance, a naughty experience, mental or physical stimulation.

What must you never do?

seduce your own type.

What happens when we fall in love?

The gap in our life, our desires, the things we can't get on our own are filled by the seducer.

What is the process of seduction usually and what does it depend on?

It is unconscious and depends on luck.

Does the seducer depend on luck?

No, his moves are calculated and measured.

What should you NOT focus on when you look at the people around you?

Their social exterior and their obvious character traits

What SHOULD you focus on when you look at the people around you?

Focus on the gaps, the missing pieces in their psyche.

What is the raw material of any seduction?

The material is what's missing and the gap that the seducer must fill in the victim.

What should you do to find what's lacking in a victim?

Pay close attention to detail. Their clothes, their gestures, their offhand comments, the things in their house, certain looks in their eyes.

What should you get your victims to do to find the gaps?

Get them to talk about their past, particularly past romances.

What do your victims long for? What position does it put you in if you fill the gap?

Completeness. A position of tremendous power.

Describe the Reformed Rake or Siren

Used to be happy seducers themselves but had to stop do to being trapped in a relationship, societal pressures or age.

What can you be sure the reformed rake/siren feels?

Some resentment and a sense of loss, like a missing limb.

What must you do to seduce the reformed rake/siren?

Allow them the opportunity to resume their rakish or siren ways. Give them the illusion that they are doing the seducing.

What impression should you give the reformed siren?

Give her the impression that she still has the irresistible power to draw a man in and make him give up everything for her.