John 8:32

Truth will set you free.

John 4:24

Worship in Spirit and in truth

John 14:6

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life

John 14:16-17

Jesus will send the Helper, the Spirit of Truth

John 1:17

Law came from Moses, grace and truth from Jesus Christ

John 17:17

Sanctify them in the truth, your word is truth.

John 18:37

Jesus came to testify to the truth.

According to John 18:37, why did Jesus come into the world

to testify to the truth

T/F truth and salvation go hand in hand


T/F Popular culture often mirrors Satan's truth claims


T/F People who do not know God are children of the Devil


T/F People who do not know God are the enemy


T/F People who do not know God are captives


Where God brings_______, the world brings ______

unity, division

Where God brings_______, the world brings ______

diversity, unification

Where God brings_______, the world brings ______

roles, jealousy

Where God brings_______, the world brings ______

responsibility, blame

Where God brings_______, the world brings ______

authority, rebellion

Truth and morality are determined by society or individually


In relativistic worldview...

All roads lead to God, Jesus is one of many great spiritual leaders, there is no absolute truth

What is an example of something that is really relative

Manners, clothing, Certain family dynamics

T/F Relativism is self

contradictory -True

T/F The laws of logic don't apply to all of reality


T/F You can't doubt forever


T/F Words are sufficient to convey truth


T/F Postmodern values expression, relationship, beauty, freedom, diversity, but God does not


T/F We don't know God by logic, we know him by revelation


T/F God values our expression and diversity


T/F Apologetics in the postmodern age should get the audience attention with beauty, relationship, and expression



Reason is King


Faith is King


Misrepresenting opponents view

Tu quoque

Answering reason with reason

What has been the source of truth through history

Premodern: authority, Modern: logic, postmodern: beliefs held personally

What happened during the Renaissance

Birth of Humanism, exalting the physical


impulsive, unpredictable

Carl Sagan

scientific naturalist, star of "Cosmos" TV show


study of knowledge


nature of reality


value is measured in terms of usefulness

William Provine

Professor of evolutionary biology at Cornell, atheist, opponent of intelligent design

Summarize 2 Timothy 2:24-26

Gently correct the opposition

Summarize Colossians 2:8

All scripture is God Breathed

____________ language: statements we accept without conscious dialogue


If we buy the statement, we buy the underlying __________ without even realizing it


What are the box analogies for each idea

Christian = God outside intervening inside the box, naturalism = God inside the box, Deism = God created the box but is not in it or intervening, Pantheism = God inside the box, Polytheism = many gods inside the box


true knowledge from scientific study


there really is no knowledge, we react to stimuli


No absolutes


Pleasure is good, pain is bad


Matter is the only reality


Knowledge comes from experience


Mind is reality. Objects exist as aspect of awareness

ethics from a Christian worldview are founded on

God's character

ethics from a godless perspective are founded upon

Might makes right, popular vote, self interest, etc

implications of evolutionary biology

- No God or purposeful forces
- No life after death
- No ultimate foundation for ethics

Set of truth claims that paints a picture of reality

formal worldview

set of truth claims that you embrace

personal worldview

If _________ does not exist, objective moral values don't exist


objective moral values ________ exist


therefore _________ exists


T/F you can posit any god and still end up with our understanding of the moral law


T/F the existence of moral values not only gives us a compelling reason to believe in God, but also points out some of our most profound needs and leads us to the cross


Facets of consequentialism

- Mills Utilitarianism
- Ends justify the means

Facets of deontology

- Duty to a principle
- only do what should be a universal law

Facets of virtue theory

- Aristotle
- act as a virtuous person would

explain the ship or orchestra illustration from C.S. Lewis

- Ship must float - personal integrity
- Ships must not crash into each other - interpersonal ethics
- Fleet must arrive at the right port - absolute truth, God's character as the foundation for ethics

what is A fortiori

- From the stronger
- finds common ground and then provides a related example

what is Reductio ad absurdum

- Reduce to absurdity
- exposes areas where the opponents argument fails

Abraham Maslow

developed hierarchy of needs

Carl Rogers

popularized idea that people are basically good


man is natural and supernatural


man is only natural or physical


developing to full potential

States of man

innocent, fallen, redeemed, dead