1984 Chapter 2

1. What does W realize he has done with his diary?

Left it open with words, "Down with Big Brother" visible

2.Who is at the door?

Mrs. Parsons

3. Are the Victory Apartments well built?

Built in 1930's, now falling apart

4. How is the Parson's flat (apartment) different from W's?

Bigger and dingier in a different way/ Sports stuff/ smells

5. Why are the children disappointed?

Haven't been out today

6. Who is Parsons?

works at M of Truth "a mass of imbecile enthusiasm

7. How are Parson's children similar to all kids today?

Energy, playing solider, imitating adults w/o thought. P. 23

8. For what are the children of 1984 being trained?

War/Spying/ finding Traitors/ Being loyal to Party

9. Who does W think says, "We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness?

O'Brien: An Inner party Member

10. What is the news on the telescreen?

p. 25 After mentioning glorious victory, chocolate ration being cut from 30 to 20 grams.

11. What is the only thing people can call their own?

p. 26 The few cubic centimeters inside your head

12. Before W leaves for work, what is the essence of what he writes in his diary?

He is already dead. He must stay alive as long as possible. He wants to stay sane and different.

13.What ordinary thing does he do before he goes back to work?

Washes his hands because an ink stain could give him away.

14. What does he put on the corner of the cover of his diary before he leaves?

A whitish grain of dust to see if the page is turned.