American History The New Deal

Of the New Deal programs discussed int he section 1 , which do you consider the most important why?

The FDIC: boosted confidence in banks; the CCC:provided aid for unemployment and helped the environment.

Do you think Roosevelt was wrong to try to "pack" the Supreme Court with those in favor of the New Dear? Explain your answer.

Students may suggest that, given the crisis of the Depression, it was necessary for FDR to restructure the Court. Others might say the FDR's proposed "Court-packing bill" was unfair.

The New Deal has often been referred to as a turning point in American history. Cite examples to explain why?

The New Deal helped the failing banking system, restored people's hope in the future, provided assistance to farmers and those in need of housing, and provided people with jobs.

Why might the Social Security Act be considered the most important achievement of the New Deal?

The Roosevelt administration aimed to eradicate the problems of the 1930s; provided immediate aid to the unemployed, the elderly, the disabled, and families with dependent children; New Deal program with the largest scope, affecting thousands of people, o

What steps did women make toward equality during the 1930s?

Women appointed to government positions; more women employed outside the home; expanding opportunities in the workplace; women activists and organizers.

In your opinion, did organized labor become too powerful int he 1930s? Explain your answer.

Strikes interfered with business, or that labor disputes sometimes resulted in violence.

Why did urban voters support President Roosevelt?

New Deal labor and relief programs helped the urban poor. Roosevelt made direct appeals to urban voters during his campaign.

What type of movies do you think might have been produced if the government had supported movie making as part of the New Deal? Use evidence from the chapter to support your response?

Movies that focused on social and political accomplishments, such as Mr. Smith Goes to Washington; documentaries about the Dust Bowl, the Depression.

In your opinion, what were the main benefits of government support for art and literature int he 1930s? Support your response.

Writers produced literature about the hardships and daily struggle of the American people during the 1930s; a written and pictorial legacy of the Depression years; provided writers and artists the opportunity to create; the arts became more accessible to

Some critics have charged that the New Deal was anti business and anti-free enterprise. Explain why you agree or disagree with this charge.

Agree: the New Deal weakened free enterprise business by increasing regulations, taxes, union membership, and wages. Disagree: increased government spending, improved economy, provided hope, aided free enterprise.

How successful do you think Franklin Roosevelt was as a president? Support your answer with details.

Success: Roosevelt's New Deal programs addressed the crisis of the Depression. Failure: supporting civil rights for African Americans.

How did Roosevelt change the role of the federal government during his first Hundred Days?

FDR expanded the role of the government through programs designed to restore public confidence and provide jobs.

Summarize the reasons why some people opposed the New Deal.

Some said the New Deal gave government too much power. Others argued it didn't provide enough aid.

In what ways did the New Deal programs extend federal aid?

The New Deal offered aid through programs, such as the WPA, NYA, FSA, and Social Security. These programs offered jobs, loans, and ad to those in need.

How did the Wagner Act help working people?

The Wagner Act supported the right of workers to unionize.

Summarize the impact the new Deal had on various ethnic groups?

FDR failed to support civil rights for African Americans. Mexican Americans worked for low wages. Native Americans benefited from the worked for low wages. Native Americans benefited from the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934.

What purpose did movies and radio serve during the Great Depression?

The Democrats supported labor legislation and programs that helped the urban poor.

Explain how the New Deal programs supported artists and writers int he 1930s?

Movie and radio gave Americans a pleasant escape from the reality of the Depression.

List five New Deal agencies that are still in place today.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Securities and Exchange Commission, National Labor Relations Board, Social Security system, Tennessee Valley Authority.

What benefits did the Tennessee Valley Authority provided? What negative impact did it have?

Provided flood control, hydroelectric power, conservation, recreational facilities; coal burning caused environmental pollution.