Abeka American Literature Unit 15, Literature Exam, 10th grade literature "The Pedestrian" Questions

first American woman to receive the Nobel Prize for literature

Pearl S. Buck

one of America's best-known humorists

James Thurber

wrote about the pleasure-seeking generation of the Roaring Twenties

F. Scott Fitzgerald

known for writing science fiction and tales of fantasy

Ray Bradbury

received Pulitzer Prize for her novel,
So Big

Edna Ferber

character who went to night school to learn English

Mr. Kaplan

character who had his teddy bear taken by Ede in "The Baby Party

Billy Markey

story that takes place in Japan

The Enemy

Author of "The Enemy

Pearl S. Buck

What story was the character Sadao in?

The Enemy

What story is Hana in?

The Enemy

Author of "Mama and the Hospital

Kathryn Forbes

What story was the character Mama in?

Mama and the Hospital

What story was Dagmar in?

Mama and the Hospital

Author of "Cabbages is Beautiful

Edna Ferber

What story was the character Selina in?

Cabbages is Beautiful

What story was the character Pervus De Jong in?

Cabbages is Beautiful

Author of "The Baby Party

F. Scott Fitzgerald

What story was the character Little Ede in?

The Baby Party

What story was the character John Andros in?

The Baby Party

What story was the character Edith Andros in?

The Baby Party

Author of "Old Man at the Bridge

Ernest Hemingway

What story was the character the soldier in?

Old Man at the Bridge

What story was the character the civilian in?

Old Man at the Bridge

Author of "Mr. K*A*P*L
hor of "Mr. K*A*P*L*A*N Cuts a Gordian Knot

Leonard Q. Ross

What story was the character Kaplan in?

Mr. K*A*P*L
N Cuts
K*A*P*L*A*N Cuts a Gordian Knot

What story was the character Mr. Parkhill in?

Mr. K*A*P*L
N Cuts
K*A*P*L*A*N Cuts a Gordian Knot

Author of "Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket

Jack Finney

What story was the character Tom Benecke in?

Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket

What story was the character Clare in?

Contents of the Dead Man's Pocket

Author of "The Pedestrian

Ray Bradbury

What story was the character Mr. Mead in?

The Pedestrian

What story was the Police in?

The Pedestrian

What did Mr. Leonard Mead most love to do?

To enter into that silence that was the city at eight o'clock of a misty evening in November, to put your feet upon that buckling concrete wall, to step over grassy seams and make your way, hands in pockets, through the silences

What year is the story set?

2052 A.D.

Why did Mr. Leonard Mead change to sneakers?

because the dogs in intermittent squads would parallel his journey with barking if he wore hard heels

How do people react when they see Mr. Leonard Mead walking?


Who does Leonard ask,"What's up on channel 4, channel 7, channel 9?

people on t.v.

What is Mr. Leonard Mead's attitude toward the shows on television? Provide support for your answer.

Curious because it seems like he asks it everyday.

How many years has Leonard Mead been walking has he does?

10 years

How many people live in the city?

3 million

How many police cars are there?


Where was Mead on his way to when he was stopped by the police car?

he was just walking

What is Mead's profession?

no profession

Why does the voice from the police car respond "no profession"?

because he has no job

What does Mead's profession reveal about his character and his place in society?

he is poor

What is significant about the following simile? How does it add to the mood and/or theme?
The light held him fixed, like a museum specimen, needle thrust through chest.

it tells where the light was compared to where he was standing

What does Mead realize about the car?

it smelled of harsh antiseptic

Where is Mr. Mead going to be brought?

his house

What crime did Mr. Mead commit?

walking streets for no apparent reason.

What commentary does Bradbury make about television's role in society through his story?

have a purpose for walking down the street.