Huck Finn: Chapters 1-11

Why does Twain purposely misspell the word "civilize" in the second paragraph?

Twain purposefully misspells civilize in order to show that Huck isn't a "civilized" person, and does not have a proper education, indicating where he lives. (the slums)

In Huck's mind, what does being civilized involve?

Being civilized involves being dismal, ordinary, and decent (boring).

A frequently used technique of Twain's is irony. What is ironic about Huck's joining Tom Sawyer's band of robbers?

Sawyer tells Huck that he can join the band of robbers if he is respectable, which is ironic because robbers are not respectable at all.

Based on Miss Watson's description of it, what is Huck's opinion of heaven?

Huck has no interest in going to the "good place"; therefore, he does not find it necessary to try and get there, but he doesn't tell anyone in order to not cause any more trouble.

Who is the narrator in the story, and what do we know about him so far?

The narrator of the story is Huckleberry Finn, and he is a troublesome (and "lost") boy who is led under Tom Sawyer.

What literary term is used in the following short quote?
"the house was as still as death...

Simile: using "like" or "as

Who nearly discovers the two boys? What does Twain reveal about the slave?

The slave, Jim, nearly discovers the boys. Twain reveals that Jim is a superstitious person. He feels superior over others. Huck does not see Jim as an equal (not racist though)

What is the purpose of sneaking out at night?

They want to start the Band of Robbers ("Tom Sawyer's Band of Robbers")

What is overblown about the robbers and the oath of secrecy they swear to?

Tom Sawyer makes them swear an oath that if anybody in the band revealed the secrets, he must have his throat cut and his carcass burnt up as the ashes are scattered. He must also have his name blotted off of the list with blood and never be mentioned aga

What do the robbers say about Huck's father?

Huck's father is never around (implying that he doesn't really have a family) and that he is an alcoholic

Where did Tom get his knowledge of robber bands? How would you describe Tom?

Tom gets his knowledge from books, while he can be described as intelligent, a bit of a dreamer

What two views of religions does Huck get?

One where God is good and the other where God is terrible

How are Tom and Huck quite different?

� Tom lies with his stories
� Tom likes romance and Huck is very skeptical
� They still share some traits in there friendship

What comparison is made in the last line of the chapter?

The fantasy that Tom Sawyer invents is as similar as stories of religion

Huck becomes upset when he sees the footprint with the cross mark in the heel. Why?

Huck believes that the person who made those tracks is his pap who he hasn't seen in a while.
-He recognizes that it's his pap's shoe-print: Pap is also very superstitious

What is the first thing he does? Why do you suppose he does this?

Huck gives all of his money to the judge because he does not want his dad to take all of his money.

Who seems to be more superstitious, Jim or Huck?

I think Huck, because he believes in the Genie and throwing salt over the shoulder superstition.
Jim: believes the hairball is magic (smarter than the narrator gives him credit for) Acts like this to become more superior than the other slaves

What is your opinion of Huck's father?

Huck's father is rude, and he does not care about his son at all (tearing Huck down and threatening him, instead of praising him for getting an education). Also, Huck's father only cares about himself and money in order to buy drinks and live a good life.

What did Pap tear up and why?

Pap tore up one of Huck's picture to show that he does not advocate for him going to school.

How is the new judge in town at first taken in by pap?

The new judge feels as if it is his duty to change pap for the better, so he takes him in, dresses and feeds him well, and by the end pap claims that he is a "new and changed man

Pap, angry at Judge Thatcher and Widow Douglas, takes Huck away to an island and hold him there. What aspect of life does Huck start liking?

Huck starts liking where he is and how he could just be lazy and jolly and lay comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study.

One of the funniest speeches in the book, when read aloud, is pap's speech on government. What makes this speech so funny?

It makes pap look even more foolish and drunk than how he initially was. He rants about an Ohio man that is as classy and educated as Pap is drunken and ignorant.

Despite the humor, on what dark note does this chapter end?

Pap wakes up believing that the devil is taunting him and that Huck is the Angel of Death, so he threatens to kill Huck and chases him with a knife. Once he dozes off, Huck grabs the gun and prepares to kill Pap.
-Distanced from his father

When Huck finds the canoe on the river, what plan forms in his head?

He's gonna make it seem like robbers invaded the cabin, killed him, and took all the valuables.
-Huck goes to the canoe and waits for the moon to rise, planning to paddle to Jackson's Island out in the river.
-He puts food, cookware, and everything else o

Why does Huck go to the trouble of pretending to have been killed?

Huck doesn't want his Pap to find him.

Huck wishes that Tom Sawyer were there to give the plan "fancy touches." Why is it a better plan without Tom's "fancy touches"?

With Tom Sawyer's fancy touches, the plan would be too elaborate and fantasized for others to believe.

Toward the end of the last chapter and in this one, there are a number of descriptions of the river and the river bank, especially at night. Find one and identify the mood created by these descriptions.

Huck feels free/tranquil/release when he goes to the water
-The river is not foreboding

What does Huck stumble upon on Jackson Island that upsets him? Why?

Stumbles upon a camp and is frightened because he is not alone and has a chance to be found and brought back to Pap.

What is Jim's first reaction when he sees Huck?

Frightened because he believes Huck is dead and believes that he is facing Huck's ghost.

If Huck keeps quiet about Jim being a runaway, what does he say people will call him?

An abolitionist

Why will Huck so easily accept the fact that abolitionists are bad people? What does his decision to keep silent about Jim show about Huck's character?

He grew up around people who urged that slavery was a large part of life, and abolitionists are trying to take away their lifestyle, which is why they are considered bad people. However, Huck's decision to keep silent about Jim shows that Huck values life

Where do Huck and Jim find the dead man?

Huck and Jim find a dead man in a two-story frame house down on the west side.

Why does Jim feel so strongly about not talking about the dead man?

He believes that talking about the dead man will bring bad luck; the dead man will haunt him and Huck.

What bad luck happens to them? Why is it Huck's fault?

Huck kills a snake and places it in Jim's bed just for fun, but he forgets that their mates always come looking for them. Soon, Jim is bitten by the snake and is in pain for some days and nights.

As the chapter ends, where does Huck go and why?

Jim decides that Huck should dress up as a girl and go to town to try and find some news. He finds a woman relaxing in her house and visits her in order to discover what has been going on.

What does the woman in town tell Huck about what has happened to Pap?

Pap ran away in fear of being lynched, but once the murder news has cooled down, he planned on returning to obtain the $6,000 that Huck owned.

Who does the woman say is suspected of murdering Huck?

The woman says that Jim is suspected of murdering Huck because he ran away the same night Huck was murdered.

What unsettling bit of information does Huck hear from her about the island?

Huck hears that the woman's husband and his friend are planning on going to the island to see if Jim is there (to receive the reward). She suspected he was because she once saw smoke coming from the island. (she knows that no one lives there, so she assum

What leads the woman to suspect that Huck is not the girl he claims to be? How does she confirm this suspicion?

The woman suspects that Huck is not the girl he claims to be because he is too curious on what is going on, especially when they started discussing her husband's plans to go to the island and hunt for Jim (He gets nervous and fidgety). Also, Huck initiall