Life In Christ Unit 4

3 ways to promote a culture of life in your community

1) set an example for people around me to respect one's human freedom by not teasing someone, including someone who is an outsider, or helping someone even when you feel you don't have time
2) start a pro-life club to raise awareness and teach about why a

differences between a culture of life and a culture of death

culture of life- holds all life sacred from conception to natural death and builds social structures that protect and defend the human life in all of its stages. It would not allow abortions, euthanasia, or the death penalty to be legal and wouldn't have

according to pope saint john paul II what are two contemporary causes of the culture of death

1) many people embrace a distorted understanding of human freedom that holds that all people should have the right to pursue their personal freedom and desires without hindrance, which is false because human freedom is a gift not a right. it comes with re


a direct action, or deliberate lack of action, that causes the death of a person who is handicapped, sick, or dying. it violates the fifth commandment (you shall not murder) and the church says that even if the intention is good the act is still bad

prenatal testing

testing the embryo or fetus for diseases or birth defects while the child is still in the womb. it is morally permissible if it does not cause any harm to the embryo or fetus and is done for the purpose of safeguarding and healing the developing baby. doi


deliberately taking one's own life. it is in serious violation of the fifth commandment, because it's god's will that we preserve our own lives. the church says that it is the ultimate rejection of god's gifts of hope and love. however, even though it is


the gift of being female or male. the church teaches that we are called to acknowledge the dignity of our sexual identity with integrity. when it is used immorally, it has power to harm people and relationships


the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child. it is a grave sin and a crime against human life. the church teaches that it interferes with god's plan for creation and destroys human life.


a written description or visual portrayal of a person or action that is created or viewed with the intention of stimulation sexual feelings. it is a sin against the sixth and 9th commandment. it promotes a distorted view of sexuality and leads to multiple


the movement, migration, or scattering of people away from an established or ancestral homeland. many israelites became refugees and migrants following the jewish diaspora following the destruction of the kingdoms of israel and judah.


marital infidelity or sexual activity between two persons at least one of whom is married to another person. its a sin against the 6th commandment and violates the dignity of marriage and it affects the common good of society


treating people of a different race without the full respect their equal dignity requires. it is a sin that divides the human family, blots out the image of god among specific members of that family, and violates the fundamental human dignity of those cal

human cloning

the ability to create a biological reproduction of a human being who is genetically identical to the original person. the church does not approve of this because it separates conception from human procreation and reduces human life to a commodity that can


a severe penalty that results from grave sin against church law. penalty is imposed by a church official or happens automatically as a result of the offense. an excommunicated person is not permitted to celebrate or receive the sacraments

in vitro fertilization (IVF)

creating a fertilized ovum in the lab and implanting it in the woman's womb. it is wrong because the dignity of sexuality requires that children be created naturally.


the movement of a person or a group of people from one place to another. a migrant moves from one place to another without establishing a permanent residence. the church teaches that it is a basic human right


the virtue by which people are able to successfully and healthfully integrate their sexuality into their total person; recognized as one of the fruits of the holy spirit and vows of religious life. all people, married and unmarried, must practice chastity

stem cells

unique cels that have the potential to reproduce themselves as human tissues and organs. they are used already for bone marrow transplants and to treat leukemia. however many use aborted babies for stem cell research. the church condemns stem cell researc


the "interior voice" guided by human reason and divine law that leads us to understand ourselves as responsible for our actions and prompts us to do good and avoid evil, to make good judgements one needs to have a well formed conscience

artificial insemination

artificially implanting sperm in a woman's womb. the dignity of sexuality requires that children be created naturally

gene therapy

a form of genetic engineering used to prevent diseases or physical handicaps. it is morally permissable and encouraged as long as there is no significant possibility of harm to the fetus.


the creator is go, and the church teaches that whatever is opposed to life itself, violates the integrity of the human person, or insults the human dignity will poison society and is a huge dishonor to the creator


having more than one spouse, an act contrary to the dignity of marriage and a sin against the 6th commandment and the virtue of chastity. it also violates the dignity of marriage


what the child is called in the first 8-10 weeks of development. the church teaches that every life from the moment of conception until natural death must be respected and protected and is sacred to God

scripture and tradition

scripture is any sacred writing (old and new testament generally) and tradition refers to the process of passing on the gospel message. it is handed down and lived out in the life of the church and interpreted by the bishops in union with the pope under t

sex trafficking

forcing women, men, and children to work as prostitutes, perform in strip clubs, or make pornography. the church teaches that this is wrong because it treats humans as property and violates their human dignity.


often displayed as ignorance, fear, or hostility directed toward a specific race or ethnicity, gender, economic class, or ability. it is based on preconceived judgement without knowing all the facts and it harms human dignity


achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense


self manipulation of one's sexual organs for the purpose of erotic pleasure or to achieve orgasm. sin against the 6th commandment because act cannot result in the creation of new life and because god created sexuality not for self gratification but to uni


the movement of a person or group of people to a new country usually to take up permanent residence. the church teaches that it is a basic human right


any person who seeks protection in another country because of war or natural disaster or because of a well-founded fear of persecution in his or her native land. these people should be provided a safe place to reside until the threat to their safety no lo


a commonly held belief about what a race of people believes or how they act. they are often untrue. if it is true, it is not true for all. it disrespects the uniqueness of people

sexual intercourse

the act carried out for procreation that unifies a wife and husband in marriage. the church teaches that it is okay between a husband and a wife.

these are the first victims of a shift toward a culture of death

the lives of the weak and defenseless people

when acquiring material things and pursuing personal pleasure are the highest values in a person's life, people tend to avoid these 2 things

suffering and sacrifice

if a critically ill mother required a medical procedure that is not an abortion but that indirectly results in the death of the unborn child, it would be called

an indirect abortion

those who support abortion by saying that a woman has a right to make decisions about her own body, are disregarding scientific proof that the baby is

a distinct human being
has its own human dna
has a heart beat, can move, feel pain, and has fingerprints

placing a fertilized ovum from one woman in another woman's womb and letting the baby brow inside her is known as

surrogate motherhood

prenatal testing is morally permissible as long as it does not cause harm to the embryo and fetus and is done for the purpose of

safeguarding and healing the developing baby in the womb or after birth

euthanasia, with its occupation in efficiency, sees the growing number ____ and ____ as intolerable and too burdensome

elderly and disabled people

rejecting euthanasia as a moral choice does not mean that we must use ___ measures to prolong the life of a person near death


although suicide is always wrong, the church recognizes that ___ or suffering can contribute to the decision a person makes to take his or her own life

mental illness

theoretically what is the only reason the death penalty would be morally permissible according to church teaching

in cases of absolute necessity: when it is not possible otherwise to defend society. It should be rare if not practically non-existent.

certain negative behaviors and attitudes are considered ____ because they have a negative impact on others and are encouraged by sinful structures

social sins

these two commandments involve sins against sexuality

sixth: you shall not commit adultery
ninth: you shall not covet your neighbor's wife

race can be viewed as a ____ which means a group of people who share a similar cultural background

sociological construct

the opposite of immigration is


jesus' commandment to "___" and the missionary activity of the early church, together make it clear that god's plan for salvation will unite people of all races into the one family of god

make disciples of all nations