PSY 205 Exam 3 Kahoot

The scientific study of how people think about and are influenced by other people

Social Psychology

When people estimate they have seen more confirmations of a stereotype than they actually have

Illusory Bias

Defense mechanism: keeping distressing thoughts and feelings buried in the unconscious


Emotionally charged images that have universal meaning in a wide variety of cultures


Enduring psychological disturbance attributed to the experience of a major traumatic event


The fundamental attribution error states that we tend to attribute others behavior to _________ factors


Stereotypes are usually based on objective data


What was the primary explanation for the results of Zimbardo's Stanford Prison Study

the power of situational factors

Results in people giving high accuracy ratings to traits that are thought to be unique to them

Barnum Effect

the id operates under the ________ principle and the superego operated under the ___________ principle

pleasure principle, morality principle

T/F: Freud's psychoanalytic theory focuses on the potential for growth


Model that claims abnormal behavior is a disease

Medical Model

_______ view says personality is a collection of responses acquired through experience and learning

Behavioral View

T/F: women seek therapy more than men


T/F: many people who seek therapy don't have diagnosable disorders


type of therapy assumes that some unconscious conflict from childhood is causing the problem

psychoanalytic therapy

Correcting maladaptive thinking patterns while simultaneously using behavioral interventions

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

According to Asch, what two factors increase the prevalence of conformity


Someone has a seizure in the store. Many shoppers watch the incident but do nothing to help

bystander effect

When people follow direct commands usually from an authority figure


increases obedience

proximity of authority
proximity of victim
legitimacy of authority

treatment emphasizes that clients should play a role in determining pace and direction of therapy

client centered therapy

Sandra didn't tip her waitress because she thought she was already topped. The waitress perceived Sandra was rude, uncaring, and cheap. What type of attribution did the waitress make about Sandra?

Internal Attribution

True or False: people with psychological disorders are often violent and dangerous


This controversial treatment can be effective for depression, potions often relapse in 6-8 moths

electroconvulsive therapy ECT

Most commonly prescribed medicine in the United States


Task associated with the anal stage is

Toilet Training

Task associated with the oral stage

Weaning off breast/bottle

Raymond's personality can be described as anxious, hostile, insecure, and self conscious. He is also not at all cooperative, trusting, or sympathetic

high on neuroticism, low on agreeableness

using multiple forms of treatment

eclectic approach

flat affect, social withdrawal, poverty of speech

negative symptoms of schizophrenia