int'l business ch 1-4 powerpoint

3 views on globalization

new force in recent times
long running historical evolution
pendulum swinging between extremes

base of the pyramid

vast majority of humanity, about 4 billion people, make less than 2000 a year

bottom billion

concentrated in africa and central asia, small countries, stuck at the bottom in terms of growth, income, and human development

top tier

over $20,000
about 1 billion

second tier

about one billion

nongovernment organizations

advocacy and operational

formal rules

established regulations and procedures that must be followed

informal rules

cultures, ethics, and norms play an important part in shaping the success and failure of firms around the globe

institution based view

leading perspective in global business that suggests that the success and failure of firms are enabled and constrained by institutions

bounded rationality

necessity of making rational decisions in the absence of complete information

property right

legal right to use an economic property/resource and to derive income and benefits from it


for new inventions


for work


for brands, names, designs

drivers of economic development

culture geography institutions


collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one group or category of people from another


christianity, islam, hinduism, buddhism

context approach

low v high


countries that share similar cultures


highest cultural grouping of people and the broadest level of cultural identity people have

power distance

extent to which less powerful members within a country expect and accept that power is distributed equally

high power distance

autocracy, supervising, expectation of power differences

low power distance

consultative mgmt, consciousness of rights

dimension approach

individualism v collectivism
uncertainty avoidance

long term orientation

how much emphasis is placed on perseverance and savings for future betterment

long term characteristics

relationship order by status, positive ass. w economic growth, sensitivity w social contracts

short term characteristics

focus on tradition, old school, negative ass. w economic growth

weak uncertainty avoidance

cultures that view conflict as natural and potentially positive

strong uncertainty avoidance

cultures that view conflict as a threat and to be avoided

criticism of hofstede

cultural and national boundaries are diff
western bias
national v organizational culture
culture is dynamic

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)

enacted in 1977 that bans bribery of foreign officials

cultural intelligence

ability to understand and adjust to new cultures

institution based SWOT

O, T, constrained by formal v informal

resource based SWOT

S, W, identify and leverage sustainable competitive adv.


tangible and intangible assets a firm uses to choose and implement its strategies

tangible resource and capability

assets that are observable and easily quantified

intangible resource and capability

assets that are hard to observe and difficult to quantify

value chain

stream of activities from upstream to downstream that add value