Business Ethics Ch 4 Laws and Regulations

Sherman Anti Trust Act 1890

prohibits monopolies

Clayton Act 1914

Prohibits price discrimination and other efforts to restrict competition

Robinson Patman Act 1936

Bans price discrimination between retailers and wholesalers

Lanham Act 1946

Protects brand names, trade names and trademarks

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Illegal for US companies to bribe foreign foreign officials to receive preferential treatment

Truth in Lending Act

Requires full disclosure of credit terms to consumers

Dodd Frank Wall Street Reform Act

promotes accountability and transparency in the financial industry

Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

Requires rules for collecting online information for children under 13

Fair Debt Collection Act

defines permissible means to collect debts

Equal Pay Act

prohibits discrimination in pay based on sex

Occupational Safety and Health Act

ensures safe working conditions for employees

Civil Rights Act 1991

provides for monetary damages in cases of intentional employment discrimination

Immigration Reform Act of 1986

prohibits employers from knowingly hiring unauthorized aliens

Americans with Disabilities Act

requires that people with disabilities be given the same opportunity as those without disabilities

Sarbanes Oxley Act

established federal oversight of corporate accounting practices.