Coordinate Pairs

Number line

A line that shows numbers in order.

Positive numbers

Numbers greater than zero.

Negative numbers

Numbers less than zero.

Coordinate plane

Two number lines (including both positive and negative numbers) perpendicular to one another and intersecting at the zero point of both lines.

Coordinate Grid

A coordinate plane placed on graph paper.


The names given to the number lines that run horizontally (x) and vertically (y) on the coordinate


The horizontal line on a coordinate plane. The positive numbers are located to the right of the
origin, and the negative numbers are to the left of the origin.


The vertical line on a coordinate plane. The positive numbers are located above the origin, and the
negative numbers are below the origin.


The point where the x-axis and the y-axis intersect on the coordinate plane. The coordinates of the origin are (0,0).

Ordered Pair

A pair of numbers used to locate a point on a coordinate grid, such as (5,-2). The x-axis coordinate is always first because "x" comes before "y" alphabetically.


One of the numbers in an ordered pair. The x value is the first coordinate of the pair and the y value is the second coordinate.


Identifies the position of the point along the horizontal (x) axis.


Identifies the position of the point along the vertical (y) axis.


The four regions of the coordinate plane that the axes divide it into. There are 4 quadrants, labeled in counter-clockwise order with quadrant I in the upper right corner. I (+, +), II (-, +), III (-,-), IV (+,-). The sign of the x-value and y-value are n