Algebraic Expressions, algebraic expressions

x + 2

A number increased by two.


The product of nine and a number


The quotient of nine and a number

2x - 5

The difference of twice a number and five

x� + 10

The sum of a number squared and ten

x + 6

Six more than a number

3x + 12

Triple a number increased by twelve

y - 16

A number decreased by sixteen

2x + 5

Twice a number increased by five

x/2 + 4

The sum of half a number and four


The quotient of 11 and 9

11 - 9

The difference of 11 and 9

11 x 9

The product of 11 and 9

11 + 9

The sum of 11 and 9

x�. (Example: 3x3)

A number squared

x�. (Example: 4x4x4)

A number cubed

Like Terms

Terms whose variables are the same


the number next to the variable


Combine like terms

Constant term

A number on its own without a variable


A letter which stands in place of a number


group terms that are "like" (Example: x + x combines to equal 2x OR 9 - 7 combines to equal 2)

x - 14

14 less than a number

x - 3

the difference of x and 3

9 � (x - p)

The quotient of 9 and the difference of x and p

4r - 10

ten less than the product of 4 and r

4(x + y)

four times the sum of x and y

5y + 4

four more than the product of 5 and y

3(x - 9)

the product of 3 and the difference of x and 9
ALSO could say
3 times the quantity of x minus 9

Like terms

terms that have the same variable and their exponents are the same. 4h and 7h are examples of this.