The Number System: Real Numbers

Rational Number

Any number that can be written as a fraction; includes natural, whole, and integer numbers; includes decimals that terminate or repeat

Repeating Decimal

The decimal form of a rational number that has a continues with the same number

Terminating Decimal

A decimal number that ends or terminates

Natural Number

Set of counting numbers starting with 1 and going to infinity

Whole Number

Set of natural (counting numbers) numbers and zero


Set of whole numbers and their opposites and zero

Irrational Number

Any number that CANNOT be written as a fraction.
*non perfect squares.
*decimals with no pattern.

Real Number

The set of rational numbers together with the set of irrational numbers

Square Root

one of the two equal factors of a number. "What number multiplied by itself gives me this number?

Perfect Square

Product of two factors that are each the same number

Radical Sign

The symbol used to indicate a positive square root